Topic: New member from the GLBT sub-culture
Redykeulous's photo
Wed 02/21/07 10:35 AM
Hey to everyone, GLBT and non. Love this forum. I'm interested in some
fun educational type topics. Education as in, some light hearted or
even some intense, honest conversation about the sub-cultures in our
society, why they exist. Only by sharing what others see as "different"
can we all have an understanding of each other. Hopefully this is a way
to make some great pen pals, new friends and enlighten those who fear or
are disgusted by the differences they "perceive". Only in finding and
understanding those differences can we find those things that we all
have in common. Anyone up for it?

BeatnikChik's photo
Wed 02/21/07 10:47 AM
Where I am from...the GLBT community is far from a subculture. In's the main culture really. I mean...there are still some
underground places, and some people have to gauge where they can be out
and where they can't...more to me...I feel like the straight community
is more of a subculture...the christian straight, non-insane community.
Which I am a part of. lol.
laugh guess it depends on where you are from.

no photo
Wed 02/21/07 11:06 AM
Hey, BC, I've spent a lot of time in Chicago, and I didn't even know
there was a Christian straight non-insane community there! Not the kind
of thing you're going to see around Clark & Belmont! (I had a friend
who lived above a restaurant on that corner....)

vanchau's photo
Wed 02/21/07 11:08 AM
I live in San Francisco.. I love it! One main reason is because of so
many different "cultures".

Obviously the GLBT community is HUGE here. I love the "gay" vibe they
bring to the city... gay = fun & carefree

It's a great place to live because tolerance is necessary to be here...
but when you have tolerance you also have a lot of expression and
creativity since people feel comfortable.

People are just people... we should celebrate our differences, not be
afraid of them.

BeatnikChik's photo
Wed 02/21/07 11:11 AM
On my exists...we exist! I swear it! lol...we are kind of
an underground thing I think...but I claim it proudly...though my faith
is still taking shape.

BeatnikChik's photo
Wed 02/21/07 11:11 AM
Amen Van!

purplecat's photo
Wed 02/21/07 11:14 AM
Hello and welcome ........

Yes would'nt we be a dull society if we where all alike ?
uniqueness and individuality make for a good variety in people and
cultures and we should all learn about other cultures and enrich our own
,,I feel that many North americans have let culture slide down the drain
,, and too many people try to mold society ..Hitler was an excellent
example of bad ideas in molding society
be open minded with other people or you are seemingly hitlerish.

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 02/21/07 12:27 PM
Wow, great hearing from all of you. I was born in Chicago, raised in
the great south burbs. I ventured back last summer for the Gay Olympics
and was very pleased to find a thrivings GLBT community. There was a
time that coming out or rather being found out was a call to arms by
those seeking to put us in our place, for women it was a good gang bang
to show us what we were missing, for the guys it was just a near death
beating to make them tough.
Still we are a sub-culture, it will always be a sub-culture, even if
the non-gay society accepts us, we will still be in some way affiliated,
or tied to the trends, vocabulary, styles/fashions of that culture -
why? Honey, if I looked, acted and talked like every other women you
know - quite simply, how would you know? Beleive me, I lived when there
was little else but that little gay-dar and in those times you didn't
trust even that, not even in Chicago. So I say, lets enlighten the
non-gay community, let them in on our ways. The only barrier that I see
today that still keeps blacks seperated from any other part of society
is their sub-culture. It's there for a reason, I grew up through all
that too and I hope I've learned enought to understand that knowing the
reasons, for accepting the reasons gives us NO reason to fear it and all
the reason in the world to revere the natural instinct that nature
provides us ALL to find a way to live. Anyone disagree?

Morena350's photo
Wed 02/21/07 04:02 PM