Topic: I Did Not Sign
laxviking57's photo
Mon 06/09/08 04:37 PM
So, the title is correct I did not sign the contract with WEC... All was good until the part about moving away from Memphis...and well I go to school here and I'm not wanting to transfer yet...But, it was a productive meeting non the less... I basically got told that from my previous fights it is provin that i've alot left to learn (wich i know) but that i fight with so much heart that anybody in MMA that is my weight is gonna have problems beating me... So, yeah... But i know how these things work.. I turned it down, and either tonight or tomorrow he is gonna call me back and try to set up another meeting with a better offer(but still won't be what i want)

PATSFAN's photo
Mon 06/09/08 04:41 PM
Things happen for a reason

laxviking57's photo
Mon 06/09/08 04:42 PM

Things happen for a reason

Yeah, I mean I basically told the guy that yeah i would love to be a pro fighter but the growing rate of the industry it would be "suicide" to not finish college and at least have a back up plan...

no photo
Tue 06/10/08 09:03 PM
college is way more important, WEC dont pay enuf for u to make a living off of, u would need to have multiple sponsorships to have any kind of a decnet lifestyle.

laxviking57's photo
Wed 06/11/08 01:12 PM

college is way more important, WEC dont pay enuf for u to make a living off of, u would need to have multiple sponsorships to have any kind of a decnet lifestyle.

That was one of the biggest reasons i said no.... I mean but I've known pretty much that if it aint UFC or Pride It will take alot(not just money) for me to sign.... Plus I love to fight but I'm not sure if i want to do it forever...

no photo
Wed 06/11/08 05:00 PM
The UFC has a decent pay out but still not something u can do for the rest of ur life. u pretty much have to carry the career over into teaching or coaching. check out this site, great resource on the MMA economy.

laxviking57's photo
Wed 06/11/08 06:15 PM
Yeah, I've checked out that stuff... Hell I teach volintarily well i teach so i don't have to pay to use the facilities...... but like most things sposorships is what it is all about...

livelife68's photo
Wed 06/11/08 06:24 PM

Things happen for a reason

Yeah, I mean I basically told the guy that yeah i would love to be a pro fighter but the growing rate of the industry it would be "suicide" to not finish college and at least have a back up plan...

good choice. You won't be able to fight forever. sooner or later you'll have to use that back up plan. Hope all works out well for you.