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Topic: Not for your eyes.
Wizardangel's photo
Tue 09/12/06 08:09 PM
Yeah, while waiting for my printer to finish I'm
reading a few post. And I find myself wondering
just where are the intelligent people.

Least they're having fun.

no photo
Tue 09/12/06 08:11 PM
they are here. you know the fastest way to find them is to post a topic

Wizardangel's photo
Tue 09/12/06 08:15 PM
That's what I did and I get bombarded.
Nothing like reverse psychology.

no photo
Tue 09/12/06 08:16 PM
you call posting a poster website a means for intelligent discussion?

Wizardangel's photo
Tue 09/12/06 08:19 PM
LOL. No.
But some of the other threads are really
out there.

no photo
Tue 09/12/06 08:22 PM
lol iknow, there some weird stuff out there. it's funny because we can't
figure out a serious problem but we can fugure out how to have sex with
a goat upside down on a train w/o injuring the little fella....it's a
sick world man lol

gterry05's photo
Tue 09/12/06 08:25 PM
Wtf??? A goat???Ohhhh man!!

Wizardangel's photo
Tue 09/12/06 08:28 PM
Many times my better half ask me questions and she says
that I tend to answer them like a professor would.
And I tend to give more info than what's needed.

If I can curb that I should do fine here.

And yeah, it's a sick world we live in.

no photo
Tue 09/12/06 09:04 PM
i often give more info than needed also but i have been in too many
conversations where it was taken for granted that we agreed on something
and it changed the whole understanding of the subject between us. we
thought we were on the same page but because we assumed that we agreed
on one small point, we were both under the wrong impression from the
start. unfortunately that was not found out til later when we had to
talk because of the miscommunication.

Wizardangel's photo
Tue 09/12/06 09:17 PM
I often wonder if this is why people don't communicate
or just talk about B.S.

Communication if a very useful skill.
Just like listening.

Often I've talked of something that I was told
that I didn't know what I was talking about.
Just to find out the other party didn't know
where I was coming from.
Or just not listening and they know it all.

Does anyone have the desire to learn any more?
Useful or useless doens't matter.
Just learning.

I learn from everything I can.
Especially from my own mistakes.
But I have to choose to listen.

no photo
Tue 09/12/06 09:26 PM
lmao i know what you mean by that first part. people don't want to
listen to people anymore, even if the person is full of shit there are
things that can be learned about life and applied somewhere else. i
agree, i don't think that we should ever close ourselves off to
listening and learning.

Wizardangel's photo
Tue 09/12/06 09:33 PM
Agreed. Then why do we?
I will teach anyone.
As long as they are willing to learn.

I'm prety much a self teacher.
And if I can't figure it out.
I ask someone who knows more than I about it.

But my absolute favorite is asking questions
about something that I already know the answer
to. To see what else I can learn.
And most often I learn how good of a teacher
the person isn't.

no photo
Tue 09/12/06 09:36 PM
that's the whole point to having a discussions, to pick up different
points of views and broaden your horizons

Wizardangel's photo
Tue 09/12/06 09:42 PM
So please excuse my ignorance.

Just what does "imao" mean?

unsure's photo
Tue 09/12/06 09:50 PM
laughing my arse off

Wizardangel's photo
Tue 09/12/06 09:56 PM
Thank you.

Wizardangel's photo
Tue 09/12/06 10:21 PM
I guess everyone has gone to bed now.
It funny how my viewings went up while
this thread stayed at the top of the
discussion list.

357 viewings in the store for today.

That's pretty good.

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