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Topic: How would you feel..
Sexysari004's photo
Sun 06/08/08 05:05 PM
ooo Thats a bunch of crap... your ex should not have done that.. im from florida.. wheres he at ill go beat him up for you... grumble whata jerk.. no wonder hes your ex...

UnclePorky's photo
Sun 06/08/08 05:05 PM

WELL dad should sure hear what you have to say that happened with my son only it was his bro that took him at 16 for his first tatt boy did they ever get it now they r grown and the tatts look kinda cool
I think the idea here is the boy is only 14. Maybe the tattoo does look cool. But 14

No1sLove's photo
Sun 06/08/08 05:05 PM

I would be upset as well, especially if you are the custodial parent. You should have not only been consulted, but should have had the final say as well. Don't be too hard on your son when he returns home though. He's been manipulated by his father and is just as much a victim as you in a way. He is too young to understand how though. flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
Could be the son manipulated the father into it? I know that he's supposed to be the adult...but being seen as cool by your son who's love you fear losing is a powerful bargaining tool for some kids.

grneyedldy1967's photo
Sun 06/08/08 05:06 PM

ooo Thats a bunch of crap... your ex should not have done that.. im from florida.. wheres he at ill go beat him up for you... grumble whata jerk.. no wonder hes your ex...

Their in PC... and I think there should be a law that you can't even do it with a parents permission till your 18 at least..

Redshirt's photo
Sun 06/08/08 05:06 PM

have him get a tattoo of...need my mom's opinion first...so he'll remember that before he gets another onelaugh

Think I'll get that tattooed on his forehead grumble

Might be a good idea. Watch out for pierced ears. Have heard this situation repeated more times then I care to remember.

DestinysDream's photo
Sun 06/08/08 05:07 PM
K, it's there and it's permanent now. So try to think beyond it. There is no point getting more and more upset.

If he regrets getting it he'll never forgive his dad. If he still likes it later in life well it is his body. Either way it's a win for you. At least it wasn't Barney the Dinosaur.

Tanler's photo
Sun 06/08/08 05:07 PM
It is what you make it out to be. My daughter mom did something close to that. But my daughter is the one who has to live with it.

therooster's photo
Sun 06/08/08 05:08 PM

That' strait out F'd up!!!!!!!!noway

grneyedldy1967's photo
Sun 06/08/08 05:08 PM

I dunno, as long as it was done safely, and the boy is happy...I dont really see the harm. I would be glad he called me about it too. What are your actual concerns other than the no permission, which agreed was disrespectful but on the dads part not the sons. He was with his dad who gave permission so Id leave the boy out of any problems.

Well I don't know how sanitary the place was that he had it done which is a huge concern and at 14 a kid is not old enough to make a decision about something that he's going to be stuck with forever...

Sexysari004's photo
Sun 06/08/08 05:09 PM

ooo Thats a bunch of crap... your ex should not have done that.. im from florida.. wheres he at ill go beat him up for you... grumble whata jerk.. no wonder hes your ex...

Their in PC... and I think there should be a law that you can't even do it with a parents permission till your 18 at least..

i mean 14 is way way way too young.. my mom signed for me to get my first tattoo when i was 17... but 14... oooo thats just crazy.. he still has alot of growing to do. he will regret it when he grows up and its all deformed

Sexysari004's photo
Sun 06/08/08 05:10 PM
and as for the chinese symbol.. you have to be REALLY careful with those.. my cousin got his sons name Adien with the symbols for pride and joy under it.. and it turns out the symbols mean kitchen and shoe....

i laughed about that one

Queene123's photo
Sun 06/08/08 05:10 PM
i was with my daughter when she got her tong perieced and she was 16.. she 25 now

grneyedldy1967's photo
Sun 06/08/08 05:11 PM

and as for the chinese symbol.. you have to be REALLY careful with those.. my cousin got his sons name Adien with the symbols for pride and joy under it.. and it turns out the symbols mean kitchen and shoe....

i laughed about that one

laugh laugh laugh and guess over the years the symbol could change. . into gosh knows what laugh laugh

no photo
Sun 06/08/08 05:12 PM
Even though we are divorced, the ex and I are in agreement on so many things. So far(knock on wood) no major issues with the kids since I moved out.

Redshirt's photo
Sun 06/08/08 05:13 PM
Are you more upset about the tatoo or not being asked about it before hand?

grneyedldy1967's photo
Sun 06/08/08 05:14 PM

Are you more upset about the tatoo or not being asked about it before hand?

the tattoo.. I think he is too young at 14... and I feel as if I was not respected in being asked beforehand rather than being told after the fact

TheShadow's photo
Sun 06/08/08 05:18 PM

14 is a bit young........should at least wait till 18 in my opinion

14 is a bit younglaugh there having sex at that age....
Kind of what I was thinking when I went with "choosing your battles". It's not the worse thing that could happen and not something that leads to leads to worse. (((Shadow)))

grneyedldy1967 I know your upset and all these women on here can get you going on how wrong it is and such, but it really isen't that bad. The whole issue here is about you being the custodial parent and nothing more. Control...

It happen and there is nothing you can do about it and thats whats making you upset, your anger tords the dad. This is not about the tatt, this is about you. What do you think is going to happen either way wether your around or not. At 14 for all you know, he could be having sex or doing drugs etc etc. And you wouldn't have a clue.

Think about this for a min, it's not me sticking up for anyone or saying this was ok. Just think whats could happen and thank god it hasen't happen yetflowerforyou

Redshirt's photo
Sun 06/08/08 05:24 PM

Are you more upset about the tatoo or not being asked about it before hand?

the tattoo.. I think he is too young at 14... and I feel as if I was not respected in being asked beforehand rather than being told after the fact

I agree with you on both counts. I see 13 and 14 year olds everyday with tattoos and and piercings. In my humble opinion your ex needs a good chewing out. Don't condone violence, but it sounds like a 2X4 might be needed to get his attention.

wyatt1844's photo
Sun 06/08/08 05:26 PM
Your ex was wrong. And if it were me, I'd let him know very quickly if he could not respect your position as the custodial parent, than it maybe time to review visitation. JMHO

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