Topic: If your dog was called.. | |
Did you ever stop to wonder what would happen if your dog's name was Mypenis:
* Mypenis ate my homework. * Oh, no! Mypenis is frothing at the mouth! * Sorry I'm late. I was playing with Mypenis. * I'm sorry officer. I didn't realize I had to keep Mypenis on a leash. * Mypenis doesn't come when I call it. * Mypenis likes to crawl between the legs of guests. * I love giving Mypenis a bath. * Mypenis likes it when people pet him. * Mypenis needs to get more exercise. He weighs over fifty pounds. * Playing with Mypenis really wears me out. * Would you like to see a picture of Mypenis? * Sometimes I wake up, and Mypenis is already active. * I think Mypenis has a mind of its own. * I keep a picture of Mypenis in my wallet. * Whenever I get lost, Mypenis points me in the right direction. * I think Mypenis is getting old because he won't get excited anymore. He just plays dead. * Mypenis got out last night. I think he's sleeping with the lady next door. * If Mypenis was a weinerdog, he would be long and hairy and hard to carry. * Mypenis loves to chase pussies in dark alleys. * Help! I can't find Mypenis! * Sorry to be driving so slow officer, but I was looking for Mypenis. * Mypenis gets excited whenever the mailman comes. * Sorry to be driving so fast officer. I have to take Mypenis to the hospital. * Oh. no! Something bit Mypenis! * Watch it or you'll step on Mypenis. * When Mypenis behaves well, he gets a bone. * Stop kicking Mypenis. * When riding in the car, Mypenis enjoys sticking his head out to be blown. * Mypenis is truly man's best friend. * Beware of Mypenis. He's carrying a disease. * People say Mypenis looks cute lying down, but even better when standing at attention. * Mypenis: the crotch-sniffer. * There's nothing like a well-trained ***** for Mypenis. * I've trained Mypenis to jump through hoops. * Mypenis always searches for an open hand under the dinner table. * Excuse me, I need a muzzle for Mypenis. * Sorry I'm late, but Mypenis kept me up howling all night... * I'm sorry I'm distraught, but I accidentally ran over Mypenis with the lawn mower. * I'm sorry, Mypenis don't come |
My main dog is name Elvis , so when ever something goes wrong or gets broke , i always say : i think ELVIS did it
I'm choking, spit out my drink, you gonna come clean that off for me now??
My dog's name is Diego, cuz his foster owner said he looks like a Mexican. My roomie's mom says the same. Lol