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Topic: Torn
leaf1726's photo
Tue 02/20/07 08:24 AM
I am not looking for a guy to take care of me. I have been doing that
just fine on my own for 6 years. I hid my feelings from the guy that
just got out of the marriage. He is the one that came to me and told me
how HE felt.The married guy and I have talked about the timing of things
and he say that if he could wish it had happened 6 months from now he
wouldn't want it to. He does not care about the timing he wants it now.

I have plans on meeting both just not too sure when.

leaf1726's photo
Tue 02/20/07 08:24 AM
I am not looking for a guy to take care of me. I have been doing that
just fine on my own for 6 years. I hid my feelings from the guy that
just got out of the marriage. He is the one that came to me and told me
how HE felt.The married guy and I have talked about the timing of things
and he say that if he could wish it had happened 6 months from now he
wouldn't want it to. He does not care about the timing he wants it now.

I have plans on meeting both just not too sure when.

leaf1726's photo
Tue 02/20/07 08:25 AM
Sorry for the multiple replies my computer was acting funny.

unsure's photo
Tue 02/20/07 08:30 AM
Leaf...I do not see any pity in your writings and I do not think you are
weak..I do think that you got into a situation that you can very easily
figure out! Obviously you are being honest with both of these guys, so I
do not see what the big deal is! The only bad thing is...you are now in
doubt of who you like! I do believe that the country boy is not ready
for any kind of a commitment~~he is just getting out of one. Maybe the
city boy just doesn't know how to communicate that well because he
hasn't really experience a relationship that has been that great!
Have you met these guys? You said something about the country boy shows
how he cares about your daughter? If you have met them, has he been
around your daughter? Its really hard when the children are
involved~~but its also hard not to involve the children when its been
going on a year.
I wish you luck on figuring this out, the heart makes you do crazy
things! I am sure that you will find and do whats best for you

leaf1726's photo
Tue 02/20/07 08:36 AM
You hit City boy right on the nose. That is excactly how he is. He knows
his feelings but is araid to express them cause he is afraid to hurt me
or not word them properly. My daughter has never met any of them.
Niether have I. And my daughter will not meet any of them untill I do so
first, and I know more. I refuse to drag my daughter into that.

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