Topic: something i found that i would like to share
adamjason's photo
Fri 06/06/08 01:21 AM
This was a poem i found to be really sad. I do not know who the author is. No kid should ever have to go through this.

My name is Chris
> >
> >I am three,
> >
> >My eyes are swollen
> >
> >I cannot see,
> >
> >I must be stupid
> >
> >I must be bad,
> >
> >What else could have made
> >
> >My daddy so mad?
> >
> >I wish I were better
> >
> >I wish I weren't ugly,
> >
> >Then maybe my mommy
> >
> >Would still want to hug me.
> >
> >I cant do a wrong
> >
> >I cant speak at all
> >
> >Or else im locked up
> >
> >All day long.
> >
> >When im awake im all alone
> >
> >The house is dark
> >
> >My folks arent home
> >
> >When my mommy does come home
> >
> >I'll try and be nice,
> >
> >So maybe ill just get
> >
> >One whipping tonight.
> >
> >I just heard a car
> >
> >My daddy is back
> >
> >From Chariles bar.
> >
> >I hear him curse
> >
> >My name is called
> >
> >I press myself
> >
> >Against the wall
> >
> >I try to hide
> >
> >From his evil eyes
> >
> >Im so afraid now
> >
> >I'm starting to cry
> >
> >He finds me weeping
> >
> >Calls me ugly words,
> >
> >He says its my fault
> >
> >He suffers at work.
> >
> >He slaps and hits me
> >
> >And yells at me more,
> >
> >I finally get free
> >
> >And run to the door
> >
> >Hes already locked it
> >
> >And i start to bawl,
> >
> >He takes me and throws me
> >
> >Against the hard wall
> >
> >I fall to the floor
> >
> >With my bones nearly broken,
> >
> >And my daddy continues
> >
> >With more bad words spoken,
> >
> >"Im sorry!", I scream
> >
> >But its now much to late
> >
> >His face has been twisted
> >
> >Into a unimaginable shape
> >
> >The hurt and the pain
> >
> >Again and again
> >
> >O please God, have mercy!
> >
> >O please let it end!
> >
> >And he finally stops
> >
> >And heads for the door
> >
> >While i lay there motionless
> >
> >Sprawled on the floor
> >
> >My name is Chris
> >
> >I am three,
> >
> >Tonight my daddy
> >
> >Murdered me


please let me know what you thank

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 06/06/08 01:22 AM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Fri 06/06/08 01:26 AM
happy :

adamjason's photo
Fri 06/06/08 01:24 AM

laugh funnylaugh

i was not looking for jokes

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 06/06/08 01:27 AM

laugh funnylaugh

i was not looking for jokes

no photo
Fri 06/06/08 01:28 AM
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh I dont wanna hear this........noway

Queene123's photo
Fri 06/06/08 01:30 AM
i saw this before.. and this is not a joke. its a good poem... its enough for anyone to see through the reality of the truth

cdanny47's photo
Fri 06/06/08 01:33 AM
That is just so sad!!!! I do know the feeling and I pray that I do not see it cause I will be in jail!!!!!

darkowl1's photo
Fri 06/06/08 01:38 AM
Edited by darkowl1 on Fri 06/06/08 01:39 AM
it's rather easy to see happening.... people have been losing it for too long.

Italy0219's photo
Fri 06/06/08 01:45 AM
Well it's a very sad poem indeed, and anyone who would make fun is sick themselves, how can you make fun of some kid in such pain is beyond my comprehension, makes me think you have no heart, anyway, the dad will be spending some time in hell, hope he likes it hot...devil

Cinderella75's photo
Fri 06/06/08 02:14 AM
<<<<<<<<<<<<<this woman hardly cries..but....omg...i am almost crying..that is soo sad..:cry:

Tawnya72's photo
Fri 06/06/08 02:14 AM
:cry: :cry: :cry:

adamjason's photo
Fri 06/06/08 02:34 AM
this is really sad and i wish no one everhas to go throu this

no photo
Fri 06/06/08 06:12 AM
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Tammy_love's photo
Fri 06/06/08 06:16 AM
sad sad sad sad sad sad

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad

Topsykretts's photo
Fri 06/06/08 06:16 AM
oh dear :cry:

boneyard57's photo
Fri 06/06/08 06:17 AM
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

livelife68's photo
Fri 06/06/08 06:21 AM
sad, unfortunatly it happens :cry:

no photo
Fri 06/06/08 06:23 AM
awww that is so sad.... I hate hearing about things like that. Everyone can wish for things like that not to happen but the truth is that there will always be a sick person out there that takes out their problems and frustrations out on their kids. But like you said I wish no one had to go through something like that.

Tammy_love's photo
Fri 06/06/08 06:28 AM
my boy friend got this from his e-mail
i seen this a bit back but it get's sader everytime i read this