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Topic: THE GREEN DRAGON'S INN - part 8
link97my's photo
Tue 06/10/08 04:49 PM
*Aerabdir wakes up and streaches*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 06/10/08 04:50 PM
Bah! Me names Tihalan but ye can call me whatever ye like. I am just here because I be gettin' paid for this.

*Looks back toward Rathil with a raised fist*

An well if ye know whats good fer ye. Dun think I am afraid of ye, ye blasted elf.

cuppy59's photo
Tue 06/10/08 04:50 PM

*watches the new comer* glad to see your ego is huge, lets hope you word is good.

Looks at Azareak,"Geez,,,no hello...darn, darn, darn"
sorry colliope *walks over to her an kneels down arms out for a hug* hello Colliope how are you?

Calliope returns a big hug to her..."I hope we kill all those monsters and stuff...I have some new supplies.." looks over her shoulder..Cups her hand and whispers to Azareak, "Im not scared..do I look scared" her knees start to shake

cuppy59's photo
Tue 06/10/08 04:53 PM

Bah! Me names Tihalan but ye can call me whatever ye like. I am just here because I be gettin' paid for this.

*Looks back toward Rathil with a raised fist*

An well if ye know whats good fer ye. Dun think I am afraid of ye, ye blasted elf.

"Rathil, I hope your hired killer here is worth his weight in gold!" she glances over to Tihalan and smirks..she thinks to herself..he is awefully mean looking

redhead44613's photo
Tue 06/10/08 04:53 PM

*watches the new comer* glad to see your ego is huge, lets hope you word is good.

Looks at Azareak,"Geez,,,no hello...darn, darn, darn"
sorry colliope *walks over to her an kneels down arms out for a hug* hello Colliope how are you?

Calliope returns a big hug to her..."I hope we kill all those monsters and stuff...I have some new supplies.." looks over her shoulder..Cups her hand and whispers to Azareak, "Im not scared..do I look scared" her knees start to shake
*laughs then holds Colliopes knees* not scared one bit *she smiles and winks at her*

cuppy59's photo
Tue 06/10/08 04:54 PM

*Aerabdir wakes up and streaches*

Calliope looks at Aerabdir, "I hope you napped well, you will need your energy, sir" she tosses a piece of dried fruit at him to get his attention...

EveningKiss's photo
Tue 06/10/08 04:56 PM
*Looks out the door* where is everyone?

Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 06/10/08 04:56 PM
*Rathil says*

We have four people here now. Who else are you looking for?

redhead44613's photo
Tue 06/10/08 04:57 PM

*Aerabdir wakes up and streaches*

Calliope looks at Aerabdir, "I hope you napped well, you will need your energy, sir" she tosses a piece of dried fruit at him to get his attention...
*laughs at Colliope* be nice little one

link97my's photo
Tue 06/10/08 04:58 PM

*Aerabdir wakes up and streaches*

Calliope looks at Aerabdir, "I hope you napped well, you will need your energy, sir" she tosses a piece of dried fruit at him to get his attention...

*Jumps shockly when the fruit is tossed to Aerabdir* Thank you and yes I did nap well. *Juggles the fruit and catches it. Aerabdir then takes a bite of the fruit* Mmmmmmm very good fruit you have Calliope.

EveningKiss's photo
Tue 06/10/08 04:59 PM
*Brings her hands together with one large clap* Alright Everyone who is coming please follow me..

EveningKiss's photo
Tue 06/10/08 05:00 PM
*Picks up the last chests and puts them back into her bag*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 06/10/08 05:00 PM
Edited by Rathil_Thads on Tue 06/10/08 05:00 PM
*The dwarf stands up and glares at Rathil one more time before following the human carrying his chest*

Better be gold in this durned thing

redhead44613's photo
Tue 06/10/08 05:01 PM

*Brings her hands together with one large clap* Alright Everyone who is coming please follow me..
*throws her hood back up covering her face, picks up the chest and follows*

link97my's photo
Tue 06/10/08 05:01 PM
Cosmina, will I need to get my armor on now?

cuppy59's photo
Tue 06/10/08 05:02 PM
Edited by cuppy59 on Tue 06/10/08 05:03 PM
Calliope giggles at Aerabdir..."I dry my own...Im glad you like it" she motions to follow as she picks up this heavy chest.."What the heck is in here." Struggles with it..

EveningKiss's photo
Tue 06/10/08 05:02 PM
((OOC: Alright everyone please had to http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/BlackRose/ - remember its CASE SENSITIVE))

Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 06/10/08 05:03 PM

Cosmina, will I need to get my armor on now?

Bah, if ye don't like bein run through, I'd suggest it

link97my's photo
Tue 06/10/08 05:05 PM
OOC This is my first time in here what do I need to do to login

Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 06/10/08 05:06 PM

OOC This is my first time in here what do I need to do to login

Just go to that website link and put your character name under Nickname and hit connect

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