Topic: Matchmaking Game - part 102 | |
still lying on the floor naked and barely concious sorry i'm off duty, no cpr for you! |
good evening all greetings from the sweltering mid atlantic hey |
hello tanyaann
kinda quiet in here tonight
still lying on the floor naked and barely concious sorry i'm off duty, no cpr for you! |
it was moving earlier.
Hey People.
dude, the curlers are taken! |
hello lady of my dreams
Hey People. hows it? |
I'm pain..and watching SVU.
awwwww sounds like you need one of my patented back rubs
awwwww sounds like you need one of my patented back rubs WOW Romeo..your flirt level is set on "high" tonight huh? |
well i am still recovering from my disastrous date earlier this week, and well i am still feeling the lonely bug
well i am still recovering from my disastrous date earlier this week, and well i am still feeling the lonely bug Oh honey I'm sorry your date went bad. |
well lets just say it was not one of my better moments in life
well lets just say it was not one of my better moments in life Well honey at least you HAD a date..I haven't been on a date in 6yrs. |
evening everyone
this was my first in over 3 yrs, perhaps i need to take a road trip