Topic: IS A "FIB" A "LIE" ????
tribo's photo
Wed 06/04/08 02:23 PM
Edited by tribo on Wed 06/04/08 02:25 PM
Are there such thing's as degree's of "lies"?? Are there "white lies"? white is not really a color but the presence of all color - does this mean white lies - are the most colorfull?? and if so - then are "black lies" the least colorful seeing they absorb all color bands? are there lies that are acceptable? or are all lies bad? Example - a freind ask you if her dress looks alright - do you reply - yes it's fine when in reality you don't think so - or do you just say - " no you look terrible in it" or whatever? is this a fib or white lie- do you say things like that? if your religious - does god see all lies the same? do you have to ask for forgiveness if you tell a white lie or fib??

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 06/04/08 02:24 PM

Are there such thing's as degree's of "lies"?? Are there "white lies"? white is not really a color but the presence of all color - does this mean white lies - are the most colorfull?? and if so - then are "blach lies" the least colorfull seeing they absorb all color bands? are there lies that are acceptable? or are all lies bad? Example - a freind ask you if her dress looks alright - do you reply - yes it's fine when in reality you don't think so - or do you just say - " no you look terrible in it or whatever? is this a fib or white lie- do you things like that? if your religious - does god see all lies the same? do you have to ask for forgiveness if you tell a white lie or fib??

tribo's photo
Wed 06/04/08 02:25 PM

Are there such thing's as degree's of "lies"?? Are there "white lies"? white is not really a color but the presence of all color - does this mean white lies - are the most colorfull?? and if so - then are "blach lies" the least colorfull seeing they absorb all color bands? are there lies that are acceptable? or are all lies bad? Example - a freind ask you if her dress looks alright - do you reply - yes it's fine when in reality you don't think so - or do you just say - " no you look terrible in it or whatever? is this a fib or white lie- do you things like that? if your religious - does god see all lies the same? do you have to ask for forgiveness if you tell a white lie or fib??

good answerlaugh devil

no photo
Wed 06/04/08 02:29 PM
awwwww mirror, cute pic :heart: :heart:

darkowl1's photo
Wed 06/04/08 02:42 PM
Edited by darkowl1 on Wed 06/04/08 02:44 PM
if you think your heart feels the least pang at all of guilt, you've answered your own question immediately for moral purposes. did you check the last post on the last thread for.....damn it had all caps and i can't remember...started with INSIGNIFICANCE

tribo's photo
Wed 06/04/08 02:50 PM
Edited by tribo on Wed 06/04/08 02:55 PM

if you think your heart feels the least pang at all of guilt, you've answered your own question immediately for moral purposes. did you check the last post on the last thread for.....damn it had all caps and i can't remember...started with INSIGNIFICANCE

just checked it DO - my heart is not feeling the least bit of pang over my post - i'm just looking to see what other's feel.

as to the post - i agree whole heartedly as to us being an infinitesimal sub microscopic piece of this universe or beyond - i even write about it.:smile:

darkowl1's photo
Wed 06/04/08 02:57 PM
Edited by darkowl1 on Wed 06/04/08 02:58 PM
no not over your post laugh i hope you wouldn't have it there. these are really good questions, and i think that people get good mind exercise while answering them, as well as learning about new avenues to thinking. not enough is done in this pre-packaged world for opening the mind. the landscape painters of the news do that for us, so we have to find the real answers in ourselves and others, to be alert and aware of what's really going on, as well as just testing the waters for other friends.

knightless's photo
Wed 06/04/08 02:59 PM
I have told little white lies..but not to hurt anyone or to be a bad person. I had a husband that couldn't keep a quarter on him- it burned holes in his I would have to save money up so we would be prepared when it was moving time while he was in the I would adjust my checkbook to show there was no money left after each payday..but he was sure amazed when I would hand him the money to pay for things during the move. He always wondered how I managed to do it but I never told him my secret..because I knew it wouldn't last. But the little white lie to me was to help him not hurt I didn't feel I was doing anything bad.

yamaharuss's photo
Wed 06/04/08 03:01 PM
Actually, white is the absence of all color. Black is the presence of all color.
indifferent glasses

tribo's photo
Wed 06/04/08 03:05 PM

I have told little white lies..but not to hurt anyone or to be a bad person. I had a husband that couldn't keep a quarter on him- it burned holes in his I would have to save money up so we would be prepared when it was moving time while he was in the I would adjust my checkbook to show there was no money left after each payday..but he was sure amazed when I would hand him the money to pay for things during the move. He always wondered how I managed to do it but I never told him my secret..because I knew it wouldn't last. But the little white lie to me was to help him not hurt I didn't feel I was doing anything bad.

hmmmm??? so for you then lies are ok according to the circumstances you need to address and as you see or deem necessary? interesting

tribo's photo
Wed 06/04/08 03:08 PM

Actually, white is the absence of all color. Black is the presence of all color.
indifferent glasses

your correct - i had it "ssa backword's" smiles

knightless's photo
Wed 06/04/08 03:13 PM
It's still a lie--yes. But it was also necessary if we were to have the means to move when the military gave him orders, and when we got to where we were going that we had the money for a place to live, and getting set up again. I hate lieing- but that was a choice I made on that part...I would much rather be prepared and not wondering what we were going to do when there was none.

tribo's photo
Wed 06/04/08 03:30 PM

It's still a lie--yes. But it was also necessary if we were to have the means to move when the military gave him orders, and when we got to where we were going that we had the money for a place to live, and getting set up again. I hate lieing- but that was a choice I made on that part...I would much rather be prepared and not wondering what we were going to do when there was none.

not judging - just noting the response - if its ok with you it's ok with me:smile:

davo3's photo
Wed 06/04/08 03:37 PM
heres the hard truth.

lying is lying. you can try to catagorize and minimize certain lies and attempt to soften their impact, but theyre still lies no matter how you **** with them.

and everyone lies. especially the people who say they never lie.

just like everybody poops and breathes and sneezes, everybody lies.

you just have to take it for what it is because it will never change and you cant control it.

dicimus01's photo
Wed 06/04/08 03:43 PM

Actually, white is the absence of all color. Black is the presence of all color.
indifferent glasses
additive or subtractive

Marley's photo
Wed 06/04/08 03:44 PM

Are there such thing's as degree's of "lies"?? Are there "white lies"? white is not really a color but the presence of all color - does this mean white lies - are the most colorfull?? and if so - then are "blach lies" the least colorfull seeing they absorb all color bands? are there lies that are acceptable? or are all lies bad? Example - a freind ask you if her dress looks alright - do you reply - yes it's fine when in reality you don't think so - or do you just say - " no you look terrible in it or whatever? is this a fib or white lie- do you things like that? if your religious - does god see all lies the same? do you have to ask for forgiveness if you tell a white lie or fib??

good answerlaugh devil

Personally, I don't think that God is sitting judgement.
Secondly, it is always easier to beg for forgiveness than to ask for permission.glasses

tribo's photo
Wed 06/04/08 03:53 PM

Are there such thing's as degree's of "lies"?? Are there "white lies"? white is not really a color but the presence of all color - does this mean white lies - are the most colorfull?? and if so - then are "blach lies" the least colorfull seeing they absorb all color bands? are there lies that are acceptable? or are all lies bad? Example - a freind ask you if her dress looks alright - do you reply - yes it's fine when in reality you don't think so - or do you just say - " no you look terrible in it or whatever? is this a fib or white lie- do you things like that? if your religious - does god see all lies the same? do you have to ask for forgiveness if you tell a white lie or fib??

good answerlaugh devil

Personally, I don't think that God is sitting judgement.
Secondly, it is always easier to beg for forgiveness than to ask for permission.glasses

"EASIER"?????? - explain??

tribo's photo
Wed 06/04/08 03:55 PM

heres the hard truth.

lying is lying. you can try to catagorize and minimize certain lies and attempt to soften their impact, but theyre still lies no matter how you **** with them.

and everyone lies. especially the people who say they never lie.

just like everybody poops and breathes and sneezes, everybody lies.

you just have to take it for what it is because it will never change and you cant control it.

you are on the path to enlightenment "grasshopper" now when you learn to walk the rice paper with out tearing it - you will be ready for the next stage - :tongue:

tribo's photo
Wed 06/04/08 03:57 PM

Actually, white is the absence of all color. Black is the presence of all color.
indifferent glasses
additive or subtractive

he's right if were talking additive - subtractive? diff story. i was talking additive - smiles - i deal little with light waves but paint