Topic: Afternoon JSH
FaithfulOne78's photo
Tue 06/03/08 09:49 AM
I hope your all having a wonderful Tuesday!:heart: flowerforyou drinker

no photo
Tue 06/03/08 09:50 AM
It's not even 10:00 am yet! drinker

Dreamer01's photo
Tue 06/03/08 09:50 AM
Thanks:). I hope your Tuesday is going well.

FaithfulOne78's photo
Tue 06/03/08 09:51 AM
flowerforyou ((deluxe)) it's just about 1pm here! so to you I will say..I hope your having a great morning!:wink:

flowerforyou Dreamer..thanx so far so good..but I have to go to work in a bitohwell

mssilverfox's photo
Tue 06/03/08 09:51 AM
Going great, how about you ?flowerforyou :smile:

no photo
Tue 06/03/08 09:51 AM
perfect day here, thanky...................flowerforyou drinker drinker

62easygoing's photo
Tue 06/03/08 09:52 AM
bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile flowerforyou

MYheartACHES4u's photo
Tue 06/03/08 09:53 AM

FaithfulOne78's photo
Tue 06/03/08 09:53 AM
flowerforyou (((Fox))) so far so good...just have to go to work..blah lol

flowerforyou (((Pocket)))

flowerforyou (((62)))

chevylover1965's photo
Tue 06/03/08 09:53 AM

feistybaby's photo
Tue 06/03/08 09:54 AM
flowerforyou drinker

FaithfulOne78's photo
Tue 06/03/08 09:56 AM
flowerforyou (((alan))) why the grumble face?

flowerforyou ((chevy))

flowerforyou ((feisty))

62easygoing's photo
Tue 06/03/08 09:58 AM
are you enjoying the red hair?flowerforyou flowerforyou

FaithfulOne78's photo
Tue 06/03/08 09:59 AM
:wink: yes I am enjoying it! It's amazing how much more attention one gets with red hair compared to the brown lollaugh

62easygoing's photo
Tue 06/03/08 10:01 AM
flowerforyou my little sister had red hair** she always got attention everywhere.**flowerforyou

MYheartACHES4u's photo
Tue 06/03/08 10:07 AM

:wink: yes I am enjoying it! It's amazing how much more attention one gets with red hair compared to the brown lollaugh

change it back till you come over here to see me

FaithfulOne78's photo
Tue 06/03/08 10:09 AM

:wink: yes I am enjoying it! It's amazing how much more attention one gets with red hair compared to the brown lollaugh

change it back till you come over here to see me

laugh laugh :wink: :tongue:

PrettyinPink78's photo
Tue 06/03/08 10:10 AM
Good afternoon Faithful. Im new but thought I would say hi to everyone!
I just looked at your pics.. the red hair is adorable on you!

FaithfulOne78's photo
Tue 06/03/08 10:11 AM
flowerforyou ((PrettyinPink)) Welcome to JSH sweets...and thank you very muchflowerforyou drinker

PrettyinPink78's photo
Tue 06/03/08 10:13 AM

flowerforyou ((PrettyinPink)) Welcome to JSH sweets...and thank you very muchflowerforyou drinker

Your welcome flowerforyou