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Topic: Catchme_ifucan Needs Support
karmafury's photo
Thu 02/15/07 10:24 PM
Catchme _ifucan's sister is in hospital. She has a medical condition
which causes tumors throughout the body. She started bleeding out
internally yesterday and was rushed to hospital. They cannot operate
because scans have shown problems.
They are looking for surgeons who can and will perform surgery. Please
help her with your prayers. She's been there for a lot of people at one
time or another. Now she needs the JSH community.

LAMom's photo
Thu 02/15/07 10:27 PM
Karma, I am not far from Catch if thier is anything I can do Please Let
me know I will leave you my personal info in an email
((Lisa)) My prayers are with you,,, and your family at this time.. I
Love You ((L))

FariesDoFly's photo
Thu 02/15/07 10:29 PM
You'll be in my thoughts when i meditate... all the best for you and
your family just be strong.. if you ever need someone to listen i lend
my ears :smile:

no photo
Thu 02/15/07 10:32 PM
Sissy you know I'm here, prayin and lit a candle, love you sissy!!

LAMom's photo
Thu 02/15/07 10:36 PM

joe1973's photo
Thu 02/15/07 10:42 PM
catch this is for you and your family:
god has a purpose for us all. wether it is good or bad when we leave. we
have no control over god,but we can pray and ask for guidance to help
prolong our time here. your sister has to be willing to stay for god to
grant full rights to be here.i know that is cold and cruel to say but if
she has been suffering with this all her life then maybe just maybe god
will grant her more time here if she asks for forgivness.i myself know
what it is like to loose someone very close.i lost my grandma at the age
of 17,then my mom 23 months exactly later due to a massive cardiac
arrest. and just recently my dad.i am going to say a prayer on here
right now for her.
"god please allow this young woman a chance to truly fullfill her life,
god grant her the miracle of miracles,the miracle that is fit to give
someone as special as this young lady.the life saving blessing of an
angel,please lord do not take so soon,let her truly fullfill her life
with no further problems,grant her the miracle of the angels,amen."

josehon's photo
Thu 02/15/07 10:47 PM
i will include catchme and her sister in my prayers

karmafury's photo
Thu 02/15/07 10:57 PM
You know you're in mine Catch.

Gryphyn's photo
Thu 02/15/07 11:01 PM
May the gifts Catch has given to those here be returned 10 fold. As
always Catch you and yours are in my prayers.

:heart: :heart: :heart:


karmafury's photo
Thu 02/15/07 11:04 PM

karmafury's photo
Thu 02/15/07 11:08 PM

Sluggo's photo
Thu 02/15/07 11:12 PM
Catch my prayers are with you and your family.....

us_copperpenny's photo
Thu 02/15/07 11:16 PM
I hope that a dr. is found to do the proceedures ness. I will hold the
both of you in my prayers.

DANE1973's photo
Thu 02/15/07 11:31 PM
Lisa, I'll always be here for you if you need me dear.You know how dear
you are to us all.

Benzy940's photo
Thu 02/15/07 11:53 PM


Take all of your fears and emotions and send them out to God.
God is watching over you and yours and he is holding your entire family
in his arms.

Stay strongflowerforyou flowerforyou :flowerforyou


Marie55's photo
Fri 02/16/07 12:06 AM
Lisa you and your sister are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope that
your sister is able to have her surgery and things are okay. Take care.

mtironroses's photo
Fri 02/16/07 12:30 AM
you and yours are in my prayers, and I have a very strong faith, in a
higher power
A power I know is with you now.

DANE1973's photo
Fri 02/16/07 12:36 AM
I have just spoken to Catch, She says to thank you all for your
prayers.She doesn't want anyone else feeling sorry for her.She really
does not want a big deal made out of this and to please just let this
thread die out.She wants to move on to happier things. This is her way
to get away from the real world so please don't ruin it for her.Let
Catch decide what is best for her.

no photo
Fri 02/16/07 07:54 AM
Catch ... on behlaf of Z, and myself we just want to pass along the
thoughts that we are thinking of you at this time, and understand your
request.. :) .. take care my friend ...

TTO and Z

kojack's photo
Fri 02/16/07 07:55 AM
Prayers for catch and family:heart:

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