Topic: Why do people front?
MynDLash's photo
Sun 09/10/06 10:06 AM
I was wondering, why do people front. They want to put up a false pic of
them or they sweet talk you trying to make a good impression. If they
come on here wanting to meet new people then why lie about who they
really are? I mean, after all, people, lets be honest! You can't get to
know a person if they're always fronting! Right?

no photo
Sun 09/10/06 11:38 AM
Probably because they're ashamed of who they really are. You just have
to know how to weed them out.

no photo
Sun 09/10/06 11:42 AM
Most people are just simply scared and alone...They think no one would
really understand them as they are and they are probably right.. most
people are quick to judge and under educated socially..By the way
kamasutra I wouldn't compare them to weeds...WILL

MynDLash's photo
Sun 09/10/06 12:14 PM
I aggree 100% with both of you. It just makes it so hard to trust anyone
these days exspeacially when you've been hurt so many times in the past.
I try to give people the benifeit of the doubt but, that's just one
thing I can't stand...A fake!

Sun 09/10/06 12:24 PM
plenty of fakes these days.... :)

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Sun 09/10/06 12:59 PM
well, altho there ARE some really good actors out there, I think the
real problem consists in 2 things..1st, ppl are too willing to settle
for less then what they could have. 2nd(and this is the reason #1
happens), ppl are in too big of a hurry to get into a relationship
without taking the time to get to know who the other person really
is..far too many of us hate or fear being alone so we figure something
is better than nothing, until we grow and mature anyway lol

scotty652's photo
Sun 09/10/06 01:06 PM
My last wife called herself a christian. But she never was a practicing
christian. She was two faced, she stole from me, and broke her vows.
When she was with others in her church, oh what and angel she was, and
they would believe the things she said about me. She used me, used the
church, and her friends to get what she wanted. To say she fronted when
I met her is an understatement. She was the best worst example I have
ever met. An for me, these types of people are easy to spot. they are
everywhere. No BS, just give a shit. And have some GD respect for each

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sun 09/10/06 01:13 PM
I agree with all of you. The best way I can think of to tell the
fronters apart for the rest ask as many questions as possible then ask
some of the same questions in a different manner see if they change
their story.

MynDLash's photo
Sun 09/10/06 01:22 PM
I know right, whats with these people! And sorry to hear bout ur ex
wife. That's really sad to hear. It really does make me sick to know
that people are so stuck on themselves to not give a shit about anothers
feelings. I've got a few here now that exagerates everything! They want
someone to feel sorry for them and what for... they're always the cause
of the problems.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Sun 09/10/06 01:30 PM
oh boy lucky you...a bunch of ppl who think that everything is everyone
or everything else's fault and/or problem..ever thot of relocating? lol

MynDLash's photo
Sun 09/10/06 01:41 PM
haha, I'm not saying that everyone or thing is my problem I'm sayin'
that... that's the way most people look at it. As though it is... never
their wrong.

no photo
Sun 09/10/06 03:03 PM
some people can't admit that it was their fault for some reason. i
wonder sometimes about the people that have to front inorder to get
someones attention, how long are they expecting to keep up with the
charrade. if you ever start getting closer to that person you're gonna
see that it is bullshit anyway.

no photo
Sun 09/10/06 03:18 PM
scotty gottya, my ex was the same story
I think the solution to the problem is in your own hands folks, we
aren't going to get away by relocating, checkout where everybody is
located, where are you going to go? to the moon?
lonely life, there is an answer also, stay alone
we have to be aware of what we are doing there are dishonest people
everywhere, and basically they are dishonest, if they will lie to you

MynDLash's photo
Sun 09/10/06 08:22 PM
ur right u just cant really trust anyone these days. But, I try to give
people the benefiet of the doubt. I try to see the good in people rather
than what they're frontin' to begin with; I try to look past the shell
if ya know what I mean. Just want something good thats all. It doesn't
matter what u look like either. True enough, we all have our
differences, thats what makes us unigue.

Ghostrecon's photo
Sun 09/10/06 08:37 PM
I like to post pics other then my real pic cause it's fun to use weird
and wacky pics. I think words speak louder then pics anyways. If you
prefer a pic then that could be a little vein I think. Besides having
fun with strange pics could be a good ice breaker.

Have fun.

no photo
Sun 09/10/06 08:41 PM

I try to always speak the truth. Some of which is not pretty. But if a
person lays the good and the bad on the table ahead of time there is not
any surprises. We are not perfect beings and we tend to see things from
one point of veiw and that is our own. Just like I said I would post a
pic and then the film developer was training a new employee and exposed
my roll of film. Wed. is now my pick up date for the new roll of film.
So maybe by Thursday of Friday I will have a pic up. I openly state I am
poor and disabled. Being disabled does not mean helpless. It just means
I can not work most jobs and I have not got any that I applied for. I do
work. It is self employeed collecting of seeds and plants for local
nurseries. Since I am disabled I am slow at this. So I have worked 12
hours for $30 on a bad(pain) day. The work is not steady either. This
subject is not pretty but it is my life. It is a major issue with most
women. Read the profiles of women and many say the man they are looking
for must have a J O B and a car(which I have and it is paid for). So
there yah have it even a bit deeper into my life. No need for a front as
those glass store fronts get broke easy when you meet in person and to
me that ends the relationship.

MynDLash's photo
Sun 09/10/06 08:59 PM
Yeah, well the reason I come about this topic was for cause of me
meeting this really nice guy. We talked on the phone quite a bit and I
really fell for him. It's not otften that you meet a good man that you
conect well with. We would and still do talk more than two hours at a
time. I haven't ever talk to anyone in my entire life that long on the
phone and deffentally not in person. We click very well! But, I had no
picture of what he looked like to put in my head at night when I'd laid
down to go to sleep. But, until recently. God help me if he reads this,
but, be honest with you, he's not the type I usally go for. but, as I
told him...It's been about time for a change anyway. He has everything I
look for in a man and I'm falling fast for him. We've already made plans
to meet up on New Year's weekend and really bring in the new year
together. The point of this topic I guess is to know others point of
view on the matter. It's not that I'm judgemental, I just don't like
being lied to and I thought it was unfair that he knew what I looked
like you know... much love to you all and may you find the one that has

no photo
Sun 05/20/07 12:14 PM
Well some people aren't comfortable with a real pic of themselves for
understandable personal reasons.

THE ONES that have a fake model and flaunt it like it's them really
****y is what bugs me!