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Topic: Even Clay Aiken Dates Older Women .. WOOT WOOT
Fade2Black's photo
Thu 05/29/08 06:26 PM

wow you guys are real piss in the wheaties posters ..

laugh laugh laugh laugh
Sorry - Fade..I don't get the whole celebrity thing..I will leave your thread be..peace.flowerforyou

Hey Hiker, I think the point of the story is that a 50 year old woman was able to accomplish something very difficult... she became pregnant at 50!!The chances of her becoming pregnant with a 50 year old man I would imagine would be much less.

The point of the thread is to point out that younger men with older women just make a good combination.

It is not because they are celebrities... that was mentioned only so people can place some meaning to the story!!:smile:

Fade... great thread babe!!happy

Oh - I see. But why would someone want to get pregnant at 50? Isn't that a tad on the insane side?

not really. I had my last child at 43 (5 total) and I would have had another one if it weren't for a hysterectomy at 54. I LOVE kids .. love

no photo
Thu 05/29/08 06:27 PM
Up until now, I've built my entire life around imitating everything Clay Aiken has done, but this one is going to be a bit of a stretch....

hikerchick's photo
Thu 05/29/08 06:28 PM

wow you guys are real piss in the wheaties posters ..

laugh laugh laugh laugh
Sorry - Fade..I don't get the whole celebrity thing..I will leave your thread be..peace.flowerforyou

Hey Hiker, I think the point of the story is that a 50 year old woman was able to accomplish something very difficult... she became pregnant at 50!!The chances of her becoming pregnant with a 50 year old man I would imagine would be much less.

The point of the thread is to point out that younger men with older women just make a good combination.

It is not because they are celebrities... that was mentioned only so people can place some meaning to the story!!:smile:

Fade... great thread babe!!happy

Oh - I see. But why would someone want to get pregnant at 50? Isn't that a tad on the insane side?

not really. I had my last child at 43 (5 total) and I would have had another one if it weren't for a hysterectomy at 54. I LOVE kids .. love

OK. to each their own. I had my child at 33 and I can't wait to get my life back.

Fade2Black's photo
Thu 05/29/08 06:28 PM

Up until now, I've built my entire life around imitating everything Clay Aiken has done, but this one is going to be a bit of a stretch....

very funny :tongue:

Fade2Black's photo
Thu 05/29/08 06:29 PM
Wow this dude is really unpopular. Uhhhhh ... how does he sell any records? huh noway

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

michiganman3's photo
Thu 05/29/08 06:30 PM
Ok so hey chokes the chicken into a cup..........
And leaves.
Bad choice of storys Fade, now if this 50 yr old hottie banged him out of his apparent gayness, thats a story

Fade2Black's photo
Thu 05/29/08 06:32 PM

wow you guys are real piss in the wheaties posters ..

laugh laugh laugh laugh
Sorry - Fade..I don't get the whole celebrity thing..I will leave your thread be..peace.flowerforyou

Hey Hiker, I think the point of the story is that a 50 year old woman was able to accomplish something very difficult... she became pregnant at 50!!The chances of her becoming pregnant with a 50 year old man I would imagine would be much less.

The point of the thread is to point out that younger men with older women just make a good combination.

It is not because they are celebrities... that was mentioned only so people can place some meaning to the story!!:smile:

Fade... great thread babe!!happy

Oh - I see. But why would someone want to get pregnant at 50? Isn't that a tad on the insane side?

not really. I had my last child at 43 (5 total) and I would have had another one if it weren't for a hysterectomy at 54. I LOVE kids .. love

OK. to each their own. I had my child at 33 and I can't wait to get my life back.

My kids are a huge huge huge part of my life. I loved everything about carrying them, raising them, playing with them and enjoying them.


feralcatlady's photo
Thu 05/29/08 06:33 PM

Why would anyone care what Clay Aiken does?

Nora you don't care about clay aiken.....dang woman......

Fade2Black's photo
Thu 05/29/08 06:33 PM

Ok so hey chokes the chicken into a cup..........
And leaves.
Bad choice of storys Fade, now if this 50 yr old hottie banged him out of his apparent gayness, thats a story

actually I disagree .. it's gotten all kinds of coverage .. so my point is still accomplished laugh

feralcatlady's photo
Thu 05/29/08 06:33 PM
I like him.....so neener neener to all the clay haters.

laugh laugh laugh

Fade2Black's photo
Thu 05/29/08 06:35 PM

I like him.....so neener neener to all the clay haters.

laugh laugh laugh

Thanks Deb .. and it just dawned on me why the article makes a big deal about HIM becoming a father.......

I think this is hysterical.

Woke me up on a boring Thursday evening on the threads laugh

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 05/29/08 06:37 PM
Clay aiken is not a good example for your cause. He can't tie his shoes much less operate heavy machinery or a penis. Someones had to hold his hand his whole life. Thank god there was an older woman there to give him direction in his life or he'd be hawking blowjobs on hollywierd boulevard. Call em as I see em.

Fade2Black's photo
Thu 05/29/08 06:38 PM
I think what's even funnier is that I never know anything about most celebrities. I could give a rat's ass what people do for a living.

I just figured everyone else would know his name.

Oh this is just toooooo funny for words laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 05/29/08 06:51 PM
Hey! Didn't michael jackson conceive a child with an older woman?

hikerchick's photo
Thu 05/29/08 06:58 PM

Why would anyone care what Clay Aiken does?

Nora you don't care about clay aiken.....dang woman......

I don't care about any celebrities...I have enough trouble keeping track of people I actually know

hikerchick's photo
Thu 05/29/08 06:59 PM

wow you guys are real piss in the wheaties posters ..

laugh laugh laugh laugh
Sorry - Fade..I don't get the whole celebrity thing..I will leave your thread be..peace.flowerforyou

Hey Hiker, I think the point of the story is that a 50 year old woman was able to accomplish something very difficult... she became pregnant at 50!!The chances of her becoming pregnant with a 50 year old man I would imagine would be much less.

The point of the thread is to point out that younger men with older women just make a good combination.

It is not because they are celebrities... that was mentioned only so people can place some meaning to the story!!:smile:

Fade... great thread babe!!happy

Oh - I see. But why would someone want to get pregnant at 50? Isn't that a tad on the insane side?

not really. I had my last child at 43 (5 total) and I would have had another one if it weren't for a hysterectomy at 54. I LOVE kids .. love

OK. to each their own. I had my child at 33 and I can't wait to get my life back.

My kids are a huge huge huge part of my life. I loved everything about carrying them, raising them, playing with them and enjoying them.


My daughter is killing me and I have not had any freedom since she was born. I just would like a few years to spend on myself before I die.

Fade2Black's photo
Thu 05/29/08 07:10 PM

Clay aiken is not a good example for your cause. He can't tie his shoes much less operate heavy machinery or a penis. Someones had to hold his hand his whole life. Thank god there was an older woman there to give him direction in his life or he'd be hawking blowjobs on hollywierd boulevard. Call em as I see em.

whatever floats your boat darlin

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