Topic: Did you know?
MsCarmen's photo
Wed 05/28/08 10:38 AM
Did you know that it takes 15 minutes for your body to recognize that it is full? I guess that is why they say it's a good idea to eat slower. Something to think about.:wink:

no photo
Wed 05/28/08 10:40 AM
did you know?

in a ten minute shower your body will absorb the same amount of chlorine as drinking a gallon of tap water.

SimplyElla's photo
Wed 05/28/08 10:40 AM
That is why they say to eat small portions then wait up to 20 mins if you have the feeling you want moreflowerforyou

no photo
Wed 05/28/08 10:41 AM
does that include oral sex?noway noway laugh

MsCarmen's photo
Wed 05/28/08 10:43 AM

did you know?

in a ten minute shower your body will absorb the same amount of chlorine as drinking a gallon of tap water.

Is that really true?

And what if you have water from a well?

no photo
Wed 05/28/08 10:49 AM
ummm i guess not ...but if it's "city" water aka. chlorinated ...yes it's true.....

did you know?

in a ten minute shower your body will absorb the same amount of chlorine as drinking a gallon of tap water.

Is that really true?

And what if you have water from a well?

no photo
Wed 05/28/08 10:50 AM

Did you know that it takes 15 minutes for your body to recognize that it is full? I guess that is why they say it's a good idea to eat slower. Something to think about.:wink:
:wink: i do that pretty one has complained yet!laugh laugh laugh

DestinysDream's photo
Wed 05/28/08 10:51 AM
What food inflates in your tummy? That's would help that feeling of being full.

no photo
Wed 05/28/08 10:54 AM
they say no to drink with a meal especially fizzy as that will fill you up. a glass of fizzy pops totally fills me up.

johncarl's photo
Wed 05/28/08 10:59 AM
well water has other things that are not good.i dont drink water from the city tap it is very bad .well water should be filtered to .call 1-800-622-9206 and ask them to send info to you or go on the web multi pure.they have shower heads that take out chlorine.the water system cost about 400 and the filter will only cost 50 dollars a year and the water taste the best you will ever was a very good investment.but i do drink beer ware they get the water i dont know but i dont care it is all goodlaugh laugh

awolf1010's photo
Wed 05/28/08 11:08 AM
a person is supposed to drink 8 glasses of water per day....drink one full glass before your meal...this will make you feel fuller faster.
soup works too.....