Topic: Puppie Problems | |
My new puppy is throwing up and may have distemper. I know that there is nothing they can do for him, that it is up to his immune system to fight it off, but he just started throwing up today. Hi stools are fine, but he coughs. They thought at first it was kennel cough, but it never got better.
Does anyone know of a home remedy to make his tummy settle down. I know he is going to puke anyway, but I want to make him feel better in some way...... |
hug him and show you care your pet will notice and it'l soothe it
Thanks Kirk, they already sleep with me and holding and soothing them is a daily thing. They sooth me as much as I sooth them.
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my vet says they can have mylanta to settle their stomachs. liquid if you can but if not the pills you can crush with a spoon into a powder and put in some food. if you call an animal hospital they will probably confirm this.good luck.....hope the little guys alright.
Try some yogurt! It soothes their tummies and they like the treat! Just don't give them any with sugar alternatives because that can make them sicker. Hope your puppy gets better!
or oatmeal |
Edited by
Sun 05/25/08 10:54 AM
Thankd guys, I like the mylanta idea. I have pulled up all the food in the house, and will feed him on a sched, and see when things happen. I will try to mylanta. He likes sweet things. Hope they make it without artificial sweeteners. The vets office wont tell me anything over the phone. The only one open today is the emergency and they want $70 just to walk in the door. I cant afford that for them just to tell mether is nothing they can do. Thanks for the help!
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also keep the diet blan....boiled chicken or boiled hamburg with whit rice. thats what my boy had to have when he was a puppy and some stomach problems.
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Pepto? ![]() ![]() |
My new puppy is throwing up and may have distemper. I know that there is nothing they can do for him, that it is up to his immune system to fight it off, but he just started throwing up today. Hi stools are fine, but he coughs. They thought at first it was kennel cough, but it never got better. Does anyone know of a home remedy to make his tummy settle down. I know he is going to puke anyway, but I want to make him feel better in some way...... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
My new puppy is throwing up and may have distemper. I know that there is nothing they can do for him, that it is up to his immune system to fight it off, but he just started throwing up today. Hi stools are fine, but he coughs. They thought at first it was kennel cough, but it never got better. Does anyone know of a home remedy to make his tummy settle down. I know he is going to puke anyway, but I want to make him feel better in some way...... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
My new puppy is throwing up and may have distemper. I know that there is nothing they can do for him, that it is up to his immune system to fight it off, but he just started throwing up today. Hi stools are fine, but he coughs. They thought at first it was kennel cough, but it never got better. Does anyone know of a home remedy to make his tummy settle down. I know he is going to puke anyway, but I want to make him feel better in some way...... If stools are fine then probably not distemper. |
sometimes dogs will eat grass to settle their stomach. also my dog had kennel cough years ago and the vet told me to give him a small dose of robitussin but i would suggest getting the ok for that. also, boils some chicken and cook some rice in the broth and add a bit of the chicken to it. its like chicken soup for us when we are sick but dont add any seasonings. ((((creation))) hope your baby starts feeling better
Thank you all for caring and for your suggestions. So far since I pulled up the food, he has been ok. Thanks for the link. It helped and I will give him some rice in broth tonight as long as he isnt throwing up.
Kennel cough causes a variety of symptoms that can vary in severity.
Signs of upper respiratory problems such as conjunctivitis (irritated eyes), rhinitis (runny nose) or sneezing may be observed. Cough. The classic symptoms are bouts of a loud, honking cough that worsen with activity or excitement and can persist for minutes. The dog will often act as if something is stuck in the throat and retch or vomit up fluid after coughing. If secondary bacterial pneumonia develops, the dog often shows signs of illness such as loss of appetite, depression, or fever. These are exactly his symptoms......thank you Karma for the link. I feel much better now. At least he has something curable. I think my other dog has pnumonia, cuz when I gave her antibiotics the cough went away. Apparently this can develope into that, so that would explain a lot of her sysmptoms as well. The vet was wrong about him being able to fight this off by now. They say it can take up to weeks to get this taken care of, so I will keep an eye on him and her and gie them some baby food mixed in with a bit of rice twice a day. Thank you everyone for you help and advice! ![]() |
If your puppy was a stray, he probably didn't get his first distemper shot. Ask your vet if he can stay overnight and get IV fluids. Yeah, I know, $$$$. I've spent a few myself with my 3 rescued dogs. I love them dearly.
Hi sushi, well I got him from the SPCA and paid dearly for him,(nueter, microchip, shots) but the vet costs are killing me, so I have to keep up with the antibiotics and watch over them. Thye refuse to give him his 2nd set of shots till he is well.
They are rough housing and playing, then nap time and then they are at it again, so I don't think this is bothering him that much right now. He was just hacking so hard that he upchucked. He only did it twice and so far he has done great. Just would like to get rid of thier coughs. Thank you for the advise. Im still playing it safe and giving them chicken and rice though. |
awwww big hugs for the little babies and i can't top the great advice from these wise peeps.
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