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Topic: can you stop
MrWrongman's photo
Wed 05/21/08 12:49 AM
Dont fall in love now, control those emotionslaugh

No1sLove's photo
Wed 05/21/08 12:53 AM
I don't have much to worry bout in that dept. :tongue:

MrWrongman's photo
Wed 05/21/08 12:56 AM
Nice!!! A quick learner

No1sLove's photo
Wed 05/21/08 12:57 AM

Nice!!! A quick learner
I've always been a hard fall...see, I expect ppl to be human and no one seems to do that anymore.

MrWrongman's photo
Wed 05/21/08 01:02 AM

Nice!!! A quick learner
I've always been a hard fall...see, I expect ppl to be human and no one seems to do that anymore.

Well you gotta really listen to people and analyze what they're telling you. Trust me you'll find out all u need to know and how far u should go with the relationship

davidben1's photo
Wed 05/21/08 01:04 AM
Edited by davidben1 on Wed 05/21/08 01:04 AM

yourself from falling in love??
if you want to???

Controlling your emotions is a good thing and hell yes
You can always stop yourself from acting on it, but can you really keep yourself from feeling it?

feelings can be suppressed, but to get rid of them one has to speak them, and if one speak aloud they do not love someone, and they really do, then the heart IMMEDIATELY retort back the truth if it is a lie.....try it, it works, lol.....

guyguy1225's photo
Wed 05/21/08 01:07 AM
the love might still be there , but you get used to putting up wallsflowerforyou

No1sLove's photo
Wed 05/21/08 01:07 AM

Nice!!! A quick learner
I've always been a hard fall...see, I expect ppl to be human and no one seems to do that anymore.

Well you gotta really listen to people and analyze what they're telling you. Trust me you'll find out all u need to know and how far u should go with the relationship
Oh thanks hon, but I'm not here to date. I'm wore out on it right now. I spend most my time on the road and just found a way to make friends I don't have to leave every time I have to roll. happy Maybe one day. flowerforyou

davidben1's photo
Wed 05/21/08 01:08 AM
pink floyd, another brick in the wall......i wonder grumble

No1sLove's photo
Wed 05/21/08 01:09 AM

yourself from falling in love??
if you want to???

Controlling your emotions is a good thing and hell yes
You can always stop yourself from acting on it, but can you really keep yourself from feeling it?

feelings can be suppressed, but to get rid of them one has to speak them, and if one speak aloud they do not love someone, and they really do, then the heart IMMEDIATELY retort back the truth if it is a lie.....try it, it works, lol.....
Sometimes ignorance is bliss...no? laugh

No1sLove's photo
Wed 05/21/08 01:10 AM

pink floyd, another brick in the wall......i wonder grumble
we don't need no thought control :wink:

No1sLove's photo
Wed 05/21/08 01:11 AM
OMG...gotta go! I'm looking at 2 hours sleep tops now. noway

I already feel a nap coming on tomorrow. :wink:

davidben1's photo
Wed 05/21/08 01:12 AM

the love might still be there , but you get used to putting up wallsflowerforyou

u say that as though walls is a bad thing, so if it is, tear them the **** down, lol.....what the hell is more important, or not worth undoing, to see the ones we love ****ing HAPPY, as if they are not, how can we be if we reallt do STILL care.....nothin....jmo

davidben1's photo
Wed 05/21/08 01:16 AM

yourself from falling in love??
if you want to???

Controlling your emotions is a good thing and hell yes
You can always stop yourself from acting on it, but can you really keep yourself from feeling it?

feelings can be suppressed, but to get rid of them one has to speak them, and if one speak aloud they do not love someone, and they really do, then the heart IMMEDIATELY retort back the truth if it is a lie.....try it, it works, lol.....
Sometimes ignorance is bliss...no? laugh

ignorance to me is only innocence, not knowing YET, and pain accompany any birth or wisdom, lol.....so not to me....i would rather find out the TRUTH ASAP, lol.....then i can know HOW to accomplish all i WISH to accomplish....if one does not have ANYTHING it wish, then it is only becuase of not knowing HOW, lol.....jmo

davidben1's photo
Wed 05/21/08 03:38 AM

I spose you can gloss over any feelings you find inconvenient. That wont mean you do not have these feelings, however, youve just learned to control yourself while you have them.

I think you can 'rearrange' your feelings...like if you have a crush on a teacher, then rearrange them to allow mentorship of that teacher so its useful and functional.

no doubt.....the steps to making friends with ones own mind, lol......to suppress is to suppress ones own life.......problem is, many would not agree with this YET if they have not suppressed enough to find out, lol......all things are created slowing on earth, so we do not notice them as they are being built right in front of our eyes, the good and the bad, lol.....

no photo
Wed 05/21/08 11:28 AM

yourself from falling in love??
if you want to???

Yes. I keep my pants on and think of valid reasons that particular female is not my type. It works every time... hey she's cute. laugh laugh laugh

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