Topic: Endometriosis or polycistic ovary syndrome | |
I had a total hyterectomy/overectomy about 10 yrs ago. I was fine for several yrs and thought wow, I feel great (not so great with the hormones) but no more pain.
Now in the last couple of yrs, I have some of the same symptoms. I don't (think) the endo has come back but I do think I have adhesions which are causing some urinary problems I had when I had endo. Hell, they didn't even know it was endo until they got in there. A 20 min OP lasted two hrs...dummies didn't do well enough during the exploritory. Supposed to have a 4 in scar but it goes from hip to hip on me. Had some trouble with hormones which was the Dr's fault giving me some that was full of testosterone and made my hair fall out among other things. All I know is that even through all this, I would do it again, casue the pain I had before was too much after two yrs of it. Good luck and best wishes to you ladies. I sure hope you all can over come or at least get to where you can stand it and live better lives. I know I will have to go in eventualy about the adhesions (God help me if it has come back) |
Uggggggggggggg all this just to be a
Well my surgery helped but however the endo is back... not sure I want to do another surgery to have it come back...this late in life. ive had about 6 surgerys, and the more times they go in the more damage they are doing, ive got so much scar tissue and adhesions now, because they have operated so many times, and the worst of it, all the operations failed, so now im worse off because ive got endometriosis, a lot of scar tissue and adhesions. if i hadnt of had all that surgery i wouldnt have so much scar tissue, so my advice is, only have it done if its really necessary. some of the surgery i had no choice about because they found a huge mass, i had cancer tests etc, a week later they operated and i had a large choclate cyst. looking back i wish i hadnt have had all of those ops, because they have caused more problems and my pain is worse than ever now, due to the scar tissue nd adhesions and endo. plus mine has spread to my bowells and twisted then. for me theres no more they can do. this isnt the case with everyone. ![]() ![]() I am very sorry Debbie. I would say I feel your pain, but that is only to a certain extent. I think I may end up having a hysterectomy. Just too many problems. i will at some point have a hysterectomy, but ill still be in chronic pain because i have bladder problems and the endo is on my bladder and bowells to |
thank you everyone. for all the advice. it has really helped but the doctors say i don't have endometriosis and they don't know whats wrong with my ovaries
thank you everyone. for all the advice. it has really helped but the doctors say i don't have endometriosis and they don't know whats wrong with my ovaries a laparoscopy is the best way to find out |
thank you everyone. for all the advice. it has really helped but the doctors say i don't have endometriosis and they don't know whats wrong with my ovaries a laparoscopy is the best way to find out Yes it is..but some doctors just dont want to go that route thinking we are stupid or making up the pain. |
thank you everyone. for all the advice. it has really helped but the doctors say i don't have endometriosis and they don't know whats wrong with my ovaries a laparoscopy is the best way to find out Yes it is..but some doctors just dont want to go that route thinking we are stupid or making up the pain. yes your right, until they go in and see your plastered with endometriosis, or have a huge mass which is a choclate cyst from the endo, then they take notice. thats in my case anyway |
They didnt believe me until I had my c-section and there it was.
They didnt believe me until I had my c-section and there it was. i see. they found mine my doing a laparoscopy, ive had lots of those and its made my pain worse, as ive got a load of scar tissue, and along with adhesions and scar tiisue and endo the pain becomes unbearable. im sick to death with it, i really am. i dont know how much more i can take. |
I found out about 1month ago I have Polycystic ovary syndrome.... and its sucks
I found out about 1month ago I have Polycystic ovary syndrome.... and its sucks sorry to hear that. i was devasted when they told me i was plastered in endometriosis and it had spread everywhere. ill never forgot the day the doctor told me that, it took all my dreams away of having a child, then the depression kicked in, and its never gone. |
yea I understand.. when she told me, my heart sank. she told me I could still have a kid but its gonna be a lot harder to get pregnant. my b/f knows about it and was bummed out alil
yea I understand.. when she told me, my heart sank. she told me I could still have a kid but its gonna be a lot harder to get pregnant. my b/f knows about it and was bummed out alil thats what they said to me, it will take longer, one doctor actually said to me, i wouldnt put money on it, now that hurt. ill never forget the words when she told me i had endo, life dreams shattered. ![]() |