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Topic: When you draw a picture,
Peccy's photo
Mon 05/19/08 10:39 PM
write a poem, or something creative, are you shy about letting other people see it?

kayliz88's photo
Mon 05/19/08 10:40 PM
yes, usually.

elsathebloody's photo
Mon 05/19/08 10:40 PM
Depends on how good I think it is. Or if I need advice on how to make it better.

chevylover1965's photo
Mon 05/19/08 10:40 PM
huh nope, why ?

Peccy's photo
Mon 05/19/08 10:41 PM

huh nope, why ?
why ask why?

LIJOMA's photo
Mon 05/19/08 10:41 PM
Sometimes, depends on what it is and about.

CBBRYANT's photo
Mon 05/19/08 10:41 PM
No--but they can read my diary if they want :tongue:

hauveralan's photo
Mon 05/19/08 10:42 PM
always.......hate sharing anything i do

itsmetina's photo
Mon 05/19/08 10:42 PM
Edited by itsmetina on Mon 05/19/08 10:45 PM
yes i'm shy about it and its to express my feelings and i keep it private or on my blog

FaithfulOne78's photo
Mon 05/19/08 10:43 PM
Nope I just post away! getting feedback...bigsmile flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 05/19/08 10:45 PM
I typically don't let anyone see my work. I'm just funny like that.

lonelylovaboy's photo
Mon 05/19/08 10:50 PM
It depends on who it is I'm letting view my work, and how trustworthy they are.

jonny63's photo
Mon 05/19/08 10:57 PM
Yes and when I posted it, it gave me a rush getting feedback.

Topsykretts's photo
Mon 05/19/08 11:03 PM
Sometimes I share them with others, like all my other photo-art creations. I've posted them all in flickr for everyone to see.

EtherealEmbers's photo
Mon 05/19/08 11:09 PM
nah.. sharing is in my blood.. I think that's what makes it red

dungonmasterRJ's photo
Mon 05/19/08 11:10 PM

no photo
Tue 05/20/08 05:20 AM
No, I've posted a bunch of my poems here, some short stories, and a chapter from my first book. No problem.

lilangel2's photo
Tue 05/20/08 05:22 AM

write a poem, or something creative, are you shy about letting other people see it?

Not at all. Why not share your talent! drinker

lilangel2's photo
Tue 05/20/08 05:22 AM

huh nope, why ?
why ask why?

Why ask? "Why ask why?" ??? bigsmile

MyrtleBeachDude's photo
Tue 05/20/08 05:22 AM
When I sign a check because I know I am going to see it again and that's usually embarrassing

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