Topic: The Forgetful Angel
BluesPreacher's photo
Mon 05/19/08 04:29 AM
Edited by BluesPreacher on Mon 05/19/08 04:38 AM
Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppppppppppp! Alright already I'm awake! Man I hate that thing. A shower, that's what I need a shower and some coffee! Jeez, I feel so tired; wish I could go back to bed. Gotta hurry, I'm running late. Where'd I put my keys now? Pocket, alright move it Will!

Good morning Mr. Jones, hope you have a great day! Who was that? Must be new in the office, just nod and smile. Oh man, there's Bob Couller, he probably knows I'm late and wants to personally reprimand me. Okay, I'll just try to look nonchalant and walk on by him.

Good morning Will, you okay, you look alittle tired? Well, sir you see... Let me get you a cup of java Will, it will help perk you up!

Huh! What did he say? A senior exec wants to get me coffee...I'm still asleep! Dang it I'm going to be so late. I bet I forgot to set that alarm again, jeez, I'm so stupid!

Here ya go Will, cream and sugar right? Uh, yeah, thank you sir. "Oh man he's getting ready to fire me, that's gotta be it." Will, no need for formalities, Bob is fine son. Uhhh, okay, uhh Bob. You have a great day Will. Gimme a call later and we'll get some lunch or something. You play golf? We can run over to the club for an extended lunch break, get in a few holes. Uhh yeah, okay sure, uh Bob, sir. Alright then, we'll see you later then Will. Have a great day!

Where am I? What just happened there?

Good morning sir! I've finished the report you were working on and placed it on your desk and sorted your mail and took the liberty of tossing out the junk mail for you. I have fresh coffee ready for you also. Do you need me to freshen that up for you sir? Uh what? No this is fine, thank you. You said you finished my report? Why, I mean thank you, but why? That must've taken your whole evening. You shouldn't have put yourself out like that. Oh, it was my pleasure sir, if there is anything else you need I'm right here, just let me know.Uhh, okay, I'll be in my office then, I guess.

What the devil is going on around here? Flowers, who put flowers in my office? And my desk, it's all neat. That girl needs a raise!

Good morning Will. Huh, who are you, I mean did we have an appointment? My secretary must've forgot to tell me. I'm so sorry, you kinda startled me there. No Will, we didn't have an appointment; I'm just here as a messenger. Oh, you're here for the Collins report. I haven't had time to look over the finished report as of yet, but my secretary finished it last night.

No, Will I'm not with any company. I'm here as a messenger . I've come to explain to you what's happening, out there in your office. Okay, messenger, just let me make one phone call and we will have some fellows take you to a nice place to get you some nice help.

Janet could you get me security please! Her name is Janis, Will and she can't here you. Hello Janet, Janis, hello? Just sit and relax Will and let me explain something to you. You do want to know why they are being so nice don't you? Well, yeah, did you have something to do with that? No, not me, but sit and I will tell you who.

You see Will, we needed you. We needed somebody that could get close to the right people. You remember the party that you attended last week don't you Will? The company party, where you were introduced to Bob Couller's family. His wife Maggie and their daughter Sarah. Do you remember Sarah, Will? Yeah, the frumpy little goth girl sure. Well then Will, then do you remember the chat you had with Sarah?

Me, talk to that kid! Sorry bud, but you gotta be mistaken. That little freak scared me to death. Thought she wanted to drink my blood or something.

Will, she's not a freak, she was just a lonely kid that needed to here the truth. And you did talk with her and you changed her life Will. Sarah, has began to read the Bible and she doesn't dress to scare people anymore. She talks to her parents about the things a young girl needs to know and is happy again Will; and Will, you helped her.

Oh see, you're confusing me with somebody else at the party. I would remember talking to that strange little kid.

No, Will it was you. And Janis, your secretary, she's still here because of you, Will.

Yeah, well I was just thinking, she needs a raise.

No, Will, She is here because you talked to her. You stopped her from committing suicide two days ago. She was in a deep depression, she had been in since her husband died. He was a soldier in Iraq, Will. He stepped on a mine while out on patrol. They'd been married 5 years Will and were very much in love. Will, you called her and talked to her. If you hadn't, she would have taken her own life that night. You saved her life, Will.

No I don't call employees at home. I'm not even sure if I have her number here. Who told you all this? I mean, its very nice of them, but it's not me, I can assure you.

Yes Will, it was you. That's why I'm here Will, to explain. You see Will, God needed you to get close to these people, so he used you. You were an angel of God, Will. You don't remember it, because God spoke to them through you. He used you, to touch their lives in a profound way and God wants you to know this. But Will, there is something else you should know. God gave you a gift. He left it there, in your heart and its waiting to be opened. He wants you to use this gift Will, to help others. When you find someone that needs you, to reach out to them Will. God gave you the gift of love Will. Now, he wants you to use it.

God gave us all a gift, open yours and share it with somebody.