Topic: Ever feel lost to help...
wickedlluccy's photo
Sat 05/17/08 12:07 PM
.....the one person whom brought you to a better place in your head and heart:heart: , and then the universe slammed them with a HUGE dose of loss/ most intense feelings grief changes who we are sometimes for now...sometimes forever....I'm trying to stay positive and supportive, but my own fragileness gets in the do we help them hang on when (barely hangin on) its all we can do for/to ourselves.....


MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 05/17/08 12:09 PM
:heart: This is how I feel about Peccy:heart:

:heart: :heart: I just dont know how to get thru to him:heart: :heart:

wickedlluccy's photo
Sat 05/17/08 12:12 PM

:heart: This is how I feel about Peccy:heart:

:heart: :heart: I just dont know how to get thru to him:heart: :heart:

....OK OK OK me smile...TYflowerforyou

LightVoice's photo
Sat 05/17/08 12:14 PM

:heart: This is how I feel about Peccy:heart:

:heart: :heart: I just dont know how to get thru to him:heart: :heart:

OMG {{{{{:heart: Mirror!:heart: }}}} laugh laugh laugh
ROFLMAO! laugh laugh laugh You totally caught me off guard with this..almost wet myself! laugh laugh

LightVoice's photo
Sat 05/17/08 12:18 PM

.....the one person whom brought you to a better place in your head and heart:heart: , and then the universe slammed them with a HUGE dose of loss/ most intense feelings grief changes who we are sometimes for now...sometimes forever....I'm trying to stay positive and supportive, but my own fragileness gets in the do we help them hang on when (barely hangin on) its all we can do for/to ourselves.....


I wish I had magic words for you... unfortuantely, there are no magic words :cry:

Something like this is very much akin to hanging on the side of a mountain... all you can do is hold on as long as you possibly can and pray with your entire essence that help comes along.. or that you find the stregnth to climb back up.

Have asked the Universe to assist you BOTH :heart:

wickedlluccy's photo
Sat 05/17/08 12:26 PM

I wish I had magic words for you... unfortuantely, there are no magic words :cry:

Something like this is very much akin to hanging on the side of a mountain... all you can do is hold on as long as you possibly can and pray with your entire essence that help comes along.. or that you find the stregnth to climb back up.

Have asked the Universe to assist you BOTH :heart:

....thankyou bunches...our relationship is in its infancy not sure it can with stand so much pressure...gonna try like hell though !!!!

lilangel2's photo
Sat 05/17/08 12:33 PM

:heart: This is how I feel about Peccy:heart:

:heart: :heart: I just dont know how to get thru to him:heart: :heart:

I do...LOL :wink: bigsmile

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sat 05/17/08 12:37 PM

.....the one person whom brought you to a better place in your head and heart:heart: , and then the universe slammed them with a HUGE dose of loss/ most intense feelings grief changes who we are sometimes for now...sometimes forever....I'm trying to stay positive and supportive, but my own fragileness gets in the do we help them hang on when (barely hangin on) its all we can do for/to ourselves.....


I think you need to take care of yourself first. Only do what you feel you are able to do to help. Just a phone call to let them know you care or a card. I had a similar situation last year with a friend. I wish I had handled it diffently looking back at it now. Hope this helps.flowerforyou

DQ66's photo
Sat 05/17/08 06:01 PM

.....the one person whom brought you to a better place in your head and heart:heart: , and then the universe slammed them with a HUGE dose of loss/ most intense feelings grief changes who we are sometimes for now...sometimes forever....I'm trying to stay positive and supportive, but my own fragileness gets in the do we help them hang on when (barely hangin on) its all we can do for/to ourselves.....


I think you need to take care of yourself first. Only do what you feel you are able to do to help. Just a phone call to let them know you care or a card. I had a similar situation last year with a friend. I wish I had handled it diffently looking back at it now. Hope this helps.flowerforyou

I agree. Only if you take care of yourself can you help someone else. And grief is a strange animal. We all have to deal with it on our on terms, in our own time. You can let the other person know that you are there to support, but you can't take the grief away. If you yourself are fragile, be careful. It's easy to get dragged down. Just remember that this too shall pass. flowerforyou

auburngirl's photo
Sat 05/17/08 06:08 PM
That's a tough thing. You have to just hang in. Be supportive, be an ear, let Them talk. Kudos to you for doing this! flowerforyou

itsmetina's photo
Sat 05/17/08 06:11 PM

:heart: This is how I feel about Peccy:heart:

:heart: :heart: I just dont know how to get thru to him:heart: :heart:
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

wickedlluccy's photo
Sun 05/18/08 05:48 PM

That's a tough thing. You have to just hang in. Be supportive, be an ear, let Them talk. Kudos to you for doing this! flowerforyou choice he owns my heart now.....frown

Kleisto's photo
Sun 05/18/08 05:58 PM
Been there no doubt. You feel like you have to walk on eggshells sometimes, for fear of hurting the person.

wickedlluccy's photo
Sun 05/18/08 06:01 PM

Been there no doubt. You feel like you have to walk on eggshells sometimes, for fear of hurting the person.

....nope just wait/in till he resurfaces from the depths of despair he is tryin to hide from the world.....not the eggshell type...tough guy (rockcandycoveredmarshmellow type)