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Topic: When your depressed what cheers you up?
dharma1986's photo
Thu 02/08/07 02:53 AM
Ive been having a bad year, or life which ever.
Any body have some advice for girl who needs cheering up?

LAMom's photo
Thu 02/08/07 02:57 AM
Awwwwwwwwww Sweetie your so young,, (((Hugs))) to you,,, Smile life is
as incredible as you make it.... D :heart: flowerforyou :heart:

no photo
Thu 02/08/07 03:03 AM
:heart: dharma, You have a very, very good chance here to meet a really
cool and great guy and I think that this will happen for you real
SOON.... Never give-up on your best DREAMS and always look hard at what
is right in front of your EYES!!!!:wink: Be happy and always stay just
like you are!!:heart: flowerforyou Have some fun girl and be proud of
who and what you are!!flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 02/08/07 04:32 AM
Hey dharma..Im in the same boat, well i was..u just have to be possitive
and pick yourself up and try to do the right thing and im not the most
religious person, but praying helps..really does!:smile: ..u can do it,
girl!!!:smile: flowerforyou

oldsage's photo
Thu 02/08/07 04:55 AM
Any situation can get worse. Everything is a lesson, learn from them &
grow. Lots of people here to listen & help you work thru things.

no photo
Thu 02/08/07 05:13 AM

It gets that way from time to time, but if you just keep going, you will
find your happy moments will come. Oldsage is right; experience teaches
you that vigilance pays off, if you just let yourself get through from
one moment to the next. In the interim, do whatever makes you feel
better, dream. Dreams are like prayers!

mistyblue2012's photo
Thu 02/08/07 06:49 AM
Nothing beats prayer but on a lighter note.....on tough days I like to
take candle lit bubble baths with my celtic music in the background!
It's very soothing and you will sleep better. Plus remember, hard times
build character. I've had my share but have learned from all of them. I
will say a prayer for you too!

no photo
Thu 02/08/07 07:08 AM
Dharma -- I understand the feeling. Last May, I lost the most important
person in my life. It was devastating. There was a point where I was
literally 5 minutes away from wrapping my car around a telephone pole.

But some friends stepped in, and I had someone to talk to, and that
helped a little. Time helped a little, being a writer helped a little,
because it gave me an outlet, a way to express some of the things I was
trying to cope with. My best friend owns a business, and I did some
work for him, and that helped a little.

Distractions helped a little. I met a girl from POF, and then one from
OKC, and that helped a little until I found out what kind of people they
really were! But I learned something, and that helped a little, too.

There's no quick fix, in my experience. Find something you like to do,
find some people you can trust, who you can talk to freely. Think about
what it is you want out of life, and then make little steps toward those
goals. Just small stuff; if you see you're making a little progress in
the right direction, that will make you feel better about yourself and
your life.

I wish I had some magic solution I could offer, but I don't. I don't
think there is one. We struggle, because we have to hold on to the
belief that things will get better. In the meantime, we need to find
something and some friends to occupy ourselves so we don't spend 24
hours a day dwelling on the things that are depressing us!

I wish you the best....

DANE1973's photo
Thu 02/08/07 08:03 AM
Getting so wasted I cant see straight seems to be a quik fix for me.
heck, sometimes i even wake up with somthin :)

LAMom's photo
Thu 02/08/07 08:04 AM
Dane its good to see you have your happy face on today! flowerforyou

slowtogetit's photo
Thu 02/08/07 08:21 AM
hi everyone...... dharma this may sound corny but it works for me. i get
lost in my music. 2 very good songs are it's my life-bon jovi and
believe -cher, listen to the words. i must have played bon jovi 10,000
times till i felt works for me.....good luck.

redmange420's photo
Fri 02/09/07 01:55 AM
Every town or city has one of those buildings that say "PULL" plain as
day on the door, but folks still hit the door head first and make the
door shake, ya know? Well, get one rolled up and burn it in the parkin
lot while watchin dumb*sses hit their helps me out!!

happy happy happy happy smokin smokin smokin

unsure's photo
Fri 02/09/07 06:42 AM
dharma--take a nice bubble me, you have to realize that
someone has it twice as bad as you do!! Life is way to short to sweat
the small stuff, so go out and enjoy life!! You really didn't say what
was going on and what was really making you upset...but I am sure it can
be fixed. So its a Friday night, maybe put some candles around the
bathroom and enjoy a relaxing bubble bath~~enjoy "me" time!! Or if you
are the "party" type~~~put on some tight jeans tonight and hit the hot
spots and find that special someone tonight!!
It depends on you--just know that there are people out there that has it
a lot worse then you do, if you have your health, sunshine---you are
sitting pretty right there!!! flowerforyou

DANE1973's photo
Fri 02/09/07 07:16 AM
Well anything to make the Ladies smile Denise.flowerforyou Glad to see
yours is on too.Seriosly Dharma,Get out,go see a movie,hang with an old
friend you haven't seen in a while,things will get better,you'll see.

sushi's photo
Fri 02/09/07 07:47 AM
If your depression is situational, try heart pounding exercise. It
works and the effect lasts for at least a day. If it's a constant never
ending depression that you can find no reason for--see the Doc. I mean

no photo
Fri 02/09/07 08:11 AM
:smile: :heart: You have alot of life's issue's and are feeling a little
lost and distant right now due to someone hurting you and just can't get
into a up-lifting spirit mood, because YOU keep falling back into deep
Take a look into anyone's life that YOU see is alot more dramatic of a
problem, focus on how YOUR problems are not "THAT"
bad and live for better thoughts and put your own aside to KNOW you can
get through ANYTHING!!!!!!flowerforyou :heart:

Morena350's photo
Fri 02/09/07 08:13 AM
cheers girly!!! wasssssssssss up?

no photo
Fri 02/09/07 10:00 PM
keep your dreams and fantasys alive. think positive. dont let any one or
anything get in the way of what you realy want. do things that make you
laugh, laughter realy is like good medicine.

no photo
Fri 02/09/07 10:03 PM

Marie55's photo
Fri 02/09/07 10:09 PM
Funny movies can help distract you. I saw Larry the Cable Guy do his
Git-R-Done stand up routine during a really bad time a couple of weeks
ago and he had me laughing, didn't think it was possible the way I felt.
Music does help, whatever type you like. Talking to friends does help.
And, like Sushi said, if it is serious, long term, and unrelenting you
likely need some medical help and see a doctor, there are excellent meds
out there that can help, counseling and support groups can work wonders

I know finding this site and making friends on here has helped me a lot.

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