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Topic: Let us honor our Tina by offering....
CleanBathroom's photo
Thu 05/15/08 12:46 AM
our perceptions of her in five words or less....


itsmetina's photo
Thu 05/15/08 12:47 AM
i'm sure this will go farlaugh

CleanBathroom's photo
Thu 05/15/08 12:48 AM
dedicated, passionate and omnipresent

(with nice maxillo-facial/bone structure)

This counts as two posts to comply with rules...

Topsykretts's photo
Thu 05/15/08 12:48 AM
sure, though I don't know her that much hey, yayness :D


CleanBathroom's photo
Thu 05/15/08 12:49 AM
Soon to be Mrs. Scotty, she's "giving it all she's got Captain."

CleanBathroom's photo
Thu 05/15/08 12:49 AM
Even inverted, she brings us joy... drinker

itsmetina's photo
Thu 05/15/08 12:50 AM

Soon to be Mrs. Scotty, she's "giving it all she's got Captain."

Peccy's photo
Thu 05/15/08 12:50 AM
sweet, sexy, inane, crazy and slightly dingy

CleanBathroom's photo
Thu 05/15/08 12:51 AM

Soon to be Mrs. Scotty, she's "giving it all she's got Captain."

AHHH YES... devil love

"Love, exciting and new....."

"Come aboard...."

"We're expecting YOUUUUUUUUU..."


the_don6972's photo
Thu 05/15/08 12:52 AM

itsmetina's photo
Thu 05/15/08 12:53 AM

sweet, sexy, inane, crazy and slightly dingy
theres alot you don't know about me.i've helped run 4 bussiness.i act dingy just cause i wanna be silly:wink:

CleanBathroom's photo
Thu 05/15/08 12:55 AM

sweet, sexy, inane, crazy and slightly dingy
theres alot you don't know about me.i've helped run 4 bussiness.i act dingy just cause i wanna be silly:wink:

He's busting your chops. It's impossible not to love our Tina.

Will you go upside down for us in honor of your thread?


Peccy's photo
Thu 05/15/08 12:55 AM

sweet, sexy, inane, crazy and slightly dingy
theres alot you don't know about me.i've helped run 4 bussiness.i act dingy just cause i wanna be silly:wink:
he said roast style, besides I merely said slightly

Peccy's photo
Thu 05/15/08 12:57 AM
Oh Tina, I know laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

itsmetina's photo
Thu 05/15/08 12:58 AM
i know but i do have some smarts.i've studied ira roth,can spot a good investment.i have alot of ideas you wouldn't believe all that i think about:wink:

the_don6972's photo
Thu 05/15/08 12:59 AM
tina is mine

CleanBathroom's photo
Thu 05/15/08 01:00 AM
Edited by CleanBathroom on Thu 05/15/08 01:01 AM

i know but i do have some smarts.i've studied ira roth,can spot a good investment.i have alot of ideas you wouldn't believe all that i think about:wink:

Is Ira, errrr, David Lee's brother????

Thanks on the flip. We wouldn't want ya' any other way dear.

Tell us some of your ideas. Maybe we can sell some of them while you sleep tomorrow...:tongue:

itsmetina's photo
Thu 05/15/08 01:01 AM
and what does roast style mean?

itsmetina's photo
Thu 05/15/08 01:03 AM

i know but i do have some smarts.i've studied ira roth,can spot a good investment.i have alot of ideas you wouldn't believe all that i think about:wink:

Is Ira, errrr, David Lee's brother????

Thanks on the flip. We wouldn't want ya' any other way dear.

Tell us some of your ideas. Maybe we can sell some of them while you sleep tomorrow...:tongue:
i'm not about to share my ideas i want to keep them for myself.i'm going to start an ebay store back up again i'm a 5 star member:wink:

Peccy's photo
Thu 05/15/08 01:06 AM
Edited by Peccy on Thu 05/15/08 01:07 AM

i know but i do have some smarts.i've studied ira roth,can spot a good investment.i have alot of ideas you wouldn't believe all that i think about:wink:

Is Ira, errrr, David Lee's brother????

Thanks on the flip. We wouldn't want ya' any other way dear.

Tell us some of your ideas. Maybe we can sell some of them while you sleep tomorrow...:tongue:
i'm not about to share my ideas i want to keep them for myself.i'm going to start an ebay store back up again i'm a 5 star member:wink:
Tina ... Bathroom wasn't serious!

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