Topic: Touching Story Part 7
atwaterguy's photo
Wed 05/14/08 08:52 PM
Wednesday November 8
I wake up more relaxed. Once again I ponder whether to go to work and once again conclude that I’m not ready. Considering that today is hump day, I tell myself that I will reward my hard work with a week’s vacation and I make a conscious decision to return to work on Monday. I basically do nothing. I call J in the morning to get my update and have breakfast. I lounge at home watching “The Simpsons season 4” while indulging in junk food. I take a break from my “busy” day, and go to the store to purchase some groceries. While I am out, I notice that it is a beautiful day, and I decide, when I returned from the store to take a bike ride to the park. Although the ride is relaxing, I come home exhausted.
The evening is upon me, and I haven’t heard from J. I decide to call him to get the latest development.
“Everything is cool.” He says. “They are really taking good care of her.” Once again his words put me at ease. I thank him and tell him that I will call him tomorrow. I enjoy the rest of my evening by going to bed and reading my book.
“Tomorrow is another day,” I tell myself, “I will see you tomorrow Grandma, goodnight,” and I fall asleep.

Part 8a tomorrow morning

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 05/14/08 08:53 PM
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou