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Topic: I'm a bad neighbor
DestinysDream's photo
Sun 05/11/08 09:03 PM
My neighbors just moved into this condo complex. They complained that my music was too loud particularly the bass. Now this was at 12:30 AM so I apologized. The music wasn't loud at all but it was late.

She then stated she wanted me to stop playing all music at 8 PM. She thought I was unreasonable and explained how one of the people renting had turned a back room into his bedroom. Uh...that's why they put the bedrooms on the other side of the condo, duh!

I explained that I pay rent to and have a right to enjoy myself as long as it was done legally. She responded saying how her landlord was going to the homeowners association to ban any music playing in residences.

I told her to call the police if she has a problem. "You shouldn't have to worry about this. Just call the cops." I checked online and the noise abatement code says it must be heard 50 ft from my residence. I walked outside closed the door and I had to struggle to hear anything (this was at 12:30AM before I turned it down any). So now I'm suddenly a bad neighbor a phobia of being loud. No one has ever complained to me before about this. Never.

itsmetina's photo
Sun 05/11/08 09:05 PM
i wear headphones at night.

lgo's photo
Sun 05/11/08 09:05 PM
no, I would say you've got a bad neighbor.

myssfytz's photo
Sun 05/11/08 09:06 PM
check your condo docs as well.make sure they dont have a rules n regs notice on this issue.

then, put a bag of dog poop by her front door when nobody's looking .....hee hee heelaugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

sexxyandsingle's photo
Sun 05/11/08 09:07 PM
Noise ordiance here is 10pm so i'd be bumping till 10

ffdickie's photo
Sun 05/11/08 09:08 PM
Yea, there are noise ordinances set up almost everywhere. Check to see what your local ordinance is.

adj4u's photo
Sun 05/11/08 09:09 PM
hey if yer gonna get b*tched at anyway might as well make it worth it

crank it up

and what are the rules of making that room a bedroom

just a thought

myssfytz's photo
Sun 05/11/08 09:09 PM

Yea, there are noise ordinances set up almost everywhere. Check to see what your local ordinance is.


michiganman3's photo
Sun 05/11/08 09:10 PM
She thinks your are hot.laugh

EtherealEmbers's photo
Sun 05/11/08 09:11 PM
Apartment living sucks, I'm sure condos are the same... almost everywhere I've lived, someone's always bumping their bass... yes, it's REALLY annoying. Especially if there's no break in it. She should've thought about that before she moved in, though. As long as you're not breaking regulations with the condos or being completely obnoxious, you have every right to listen and play your music. Whining about tvs and stereos is just about as lame as whining about someone walking upstairs. Suggest she buy herself some earplugs. laugh

DestinysDream's photo
Sun 05/11/08 09:13 PM

i wear headphones at night.

I would have to buy some. They would be a hassle, I'd be chained to a 4 ft radius.

The condos were all sound proofed. I honestly think their landord tore up his side of the wall and destroyed the sound barrier. I had to listen to about 8 months of pounding and tearing away as he went from one end of his condo to the other. I have no idea what he did but it was a major project he could not finish himself.

Thanks too myssfytz, I don't really care what the condo regs say. I rent at 1350 a month and if I can't play my music, I will move.

Peccy's photo
Sun 05/11/08 09:13 PM
Edited by Peccy on Sun 05/11/08 09:13 PM

In the words of Etrain, "Gut her like a fish!"

itsmetina's photo
Sun 05/11/08 09:14 PM

i wear headphones at night.

I would have to buy some. They would be a hassle, I'd be chained to a 4 ft radius.

The condos were all sound proofed. I honestly think their landord tore up his side of the wall and destroyed the sound barrier. I had to listen to about 8 months of pounding and tearing away as he went from one end of his condo to the other. I have no idea what he did but it was a major project he could not finish himself.

Thanks too myssfytz, I don't really care what the condo regs say. I rent at 1350 a month and if I can't play my music, I will move.
dam i'd rent a house for that much the hell with apartment living

Winx's photo
Sun 05/11/08 09:15 PM
Edited by Winx on Sun 05/11/08 09:16 PM
Double post.drinker

Winx's photo
Sun 05/11/08 09:15 PM
That's why I like living in my house.happy

Winx's photo
Sun 05/11/08 09:17 PM
Edited by Winx on Sun 05/11/08 09:18 PM

i wear headphones at night.

I would have to buy some. They would be a hassle, I'd be chained to a 4 ft radius.

The condos were all sound proofed. I honestly think their landord tore up his side of the wall and destroyed the sound barrier. I had to listen to about 8 months of pounding and tearing away as he went from one end of his condo to the other. I have no idea what he did but it was a major project he could not finish himself.

Thanks too myssfytz, I don't really care what the condo regs say. I rent at 1350 a month and if I can't play my music, I will move.

Dang. That's alot for rent. Ouch. That's more than my house payment.

TheShadow's photo
Sun 05/11/08 09:17 PM
My neighbor in Cali called the cops on me one time and 5 of them showed up. My friends had my dvd player going and the surround sound was all the way up. Usually the sliding glass door was closed so wouldn't bother anyone. Well anyone seen Bad Santa? and the part where the kid cuts his finger? Well in the movie the kid screems for a long time and louad! They thought that my nephew that was there was being hurtlaugh It was just a movielaugh Well the cops show up and they check things out and said that someone called saying a kid was being hurt. We all stood there and was likehuh noway . Took me like 5 min to figure out what was going on. about time i got to the part where the kid was screeming on the movie. the cops laughed and said ok keep it downlaugh I lived in that house for 5 years and never had anything like this happenohwell

DestinysDream's photo
Sun 05/11/08 09:17 PM

Apartment living sucks, I'm sure condos are the same... almost everywhere I've lived, someone's always bumping their bass... yes, it's REALLY annoying. Especially if there's no break in it. She should've thought about that before she moved in, though. As long as you're not breaking regulations with the condos or being completely obnoxious, you have every right to listen and play your music. Whining about tvs and stereos is just about as lame as whining about someone walking upstairs. Suggest she buy herself some earplugs. laugh

I know. I have lived in similar situations and I am very conscious of my neighbors. The music isn't loud at all. That's what gets me. They want absolute silence. I am closing my cupboards at a normal noise level now instead of gently closing them as I normally do. I'm so bad! devil

Oh she also asked about the other neighbors. They NEVER complained and I have lived here for 4 years now. The only thing is no laundry after 9pm which is completely reasonable. That thing makes a lot of noise.

itsmetina's photo
Sun 05/11/08 09:20 PM
better hope u don't get a loud gf

adj4u's photo
Sun 05/11/08 09:21 PM
you do know wireless headphones are available right

and crank it up if they want to complian give them something to complain about

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