Topic: do u hate...?
missesmpt's photo
Sat 05/10/08 06:12 AM


like a lot!

DTHRomeo's photo
Sat 05/10/08 06:13 AM
Not the ones here

Just the BIG ass ones noway

Oh and the ones that fly laugh laugh laugh

missesmpt's photo
Sat 05/10/08 06:15 AM
woa, didnt expect ud say that HAndsome!

Bornnaked's photo
Sat 05/10/08 06:15 AM
They are not bad covered in Chocolate.

no photo
Sat 05/10/08 06:19 AM
Yes.... They taste funny & have an odd crunch that chocolate can't even mask!!
Seriously, this is Texas. You get them whether you are a clean-living person or not. You get to the point where you start naming the little guys as they are coming out no matter.
I haven't had much of a problem at all where I live now, but, boy.... after moving to Texas, it took a while to get used to them. You know it's bad when you sign a lease and notice the clause that says, "These apartments are built on roach colonies. You will have roaches." Geeeeeez.... noway grumble noway grumble

bad_girl's photo
Sat 05/10/08 06:21 AM
laugh laugh

Yes.... They taste funny & have an odd crunch that chocolate can't even mask!!
Seriously, this is Texas. You get them whether you are a clean-living person or not. You get to the point where you start naming the little guys as they are coming out no matter.
I haven't had much of a problem at all where I live now, but, boy.... after moving to Texas, it took a while to get used to them. You know it's bad when you sign a lease and notice the clause that says, "These apartments are built on roach colonies. You will have roaches." Geeeeeez.... noway grumble noway grumble

tanyaann's photo
Sat 05/10/08 06:22 AM
omg yes!

tanyaann's photo
Sat 05/10/08 06:23 AM

Not the ones here

Just the BIG ass ones noway

Oh and the ones that fly laugh laugh laugh

noway they fly.... oh my... where do you live, I am not coming there!

no photo
Sat 05/10/08 06:38 AM
I used to live in an apartment where the roaches would steal my shoes every night. That was annoying. And they could shoot heat rays out of their eyes. Sometimes it's just better to move.

RoamingOrator's photo
Sat 05/10/08 06:46 AM



like a lot!

You're in the phillipines, don't you guys have cockroaches the size of small children there?

A64WOODY's photo
Sat 05/10/08 06:48 AM
So this is gross but true. I saw on Ripley's Believe It Or Not the other night. This guy actually EATS them!! I wanna puke at thge thought of it!!embarassed sick sick sick huh

Snoman1951's photo
Sat 05/10/08 07:00 AM
yes..they rearranged my apt. in Philly one nite..I moved bigsmile

hikerchick's photo
Sat 05/10/08 07:04 AM
Luckily I don't have them here. Either that, or the wolf spiders keep them in check.

lilangel2's photo
Sat 05/10/08 07:37 AM
OMG YES!!!!sick

no photo
Sat 05/10/08 07:42 AM



like a lot!

2 legged? Yes. The insects however do tend to help keep the place clean. laugh Thankfully, there has been no need for nature's janitors in my home.

no photo
Sat 05/10/08 08:08 AM

Luckily I don't have them here. Either that, or the wolf spiders keep them in check.

I don't have them here either...but I am petrified of wolf spiders (really any spiders scare the cr*p out of me.) I thought cockroaches ate spiders? We do have centipedes here .... and carpenter ants tend to be a problem.

no photo
Sat 05/10/08 08:09 AM
I certainly will not be having any for pets...

MsCarmen's photo
Sat 05/10/08 08:33 AM
I grew up in Baltimore City and lived in a row house. I was a kid then and didn't know any better, but my Mom hated them and was constantly having the house fumigated. Problem was, they would go to the next house over and then they would fumigate and they would just come right back.

After moving out of Maryland I never did see one for a long time. I did see a documentary on them and OMG I was horrified. They are one of the most disgusting creatures on this planet and can pretty much survive anything. They can even walk on water.noway

Anyway, any time I go to a place and see a roach, I check everything after I leave to make sure I don't have any hitchhikers.:wink: