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Topic: THE GREEN DRAGON'S INN - part 2
no photo
Sat 05/10/08 05:41 PM

"Hello Morgan...where have you been...Good thing you were not here earlier...Idara was here and she was trying to scare Phara...did a good job I may add"

I have been busy. Join us at the table if you wish.

"Boromir..you have special places for the pixies to sleep and for regular size people...but yet there is no special chair for me...she looks down to the floor and crawls up on the chair next to Morgan"
"Morgan, tell me about your vortex?"

*Stares at Barbus and wonders why he looks at Morgan that way...a look she is not familiar with*

Vortex? I am not sure what to say about it. It seems to be how I got here, but I know nothing more.

silverwaya's photo
Sat 05/10/08 05:45 PM

*Rathil turns around*

Ah Re'anna my dear how good it is to see you again. and you are in luck. I brought my friend with me today. I know how sore you were with him.

*Jericho turns around and looks at Re'anna and sighs and lowers his head.*

Re'anna, this isn't easy for me but I apologize for the other day.. I didn't know what was in the box otherwise I would not have thrown such a treasure.

*Jericho turns back to his drink with a look that can only be described as defeated.*

she looks at amazement at Jericho for his apology. Still wearing the necklace, she walks over to them both.
Look, I didn't mean to be so rude either. This has been in my family for centuries and was stolen before I was even born. My mother used to tell me stories about it and what it represents. To have found to like this...It was a shock.
I forgive you both. Thank You for returning it. she kisses them each on the cheek and returns to her seat.

Barbus's photo
Sat 05/10/08 05:46 PM

well, like I said, it was a vision, I do not kill without reason, that goes against my nature. Just like the other day, I was merely standing up for poor Borimor, since this Lady Drow thought it be a good idea to mess with him, and try to spill a drink on me, just so she may have her jollies. I turned her to stone, however, a change of heard caused me to release her, only after having her swear that she would never bully anyone while being within these walls.

Seems fair to me, no one need be a B%&&^* to anyone while here at the Inn. And no one need pick on Boromir for he bothers no one at all and serves our needs with a smile. If Criani had been here, I hate to have seen what had happened.

So how has your day been my winged friend?
I feel like death warmed over, may the gods help whomever is responsible for my condition. For there will be worse than a burning at the stake.

silverwaya's photo
Sat 05/10/08 05:50 PM

well, like I said, it was a vision, I do not kill without reason, that goes against my nature. Just like the other day, I was merely standing up for poor Borimor, since this Lady Drow thought it be a good idea to mess with him, and try to spill a drink on me, just so she may have her jollies. I turned her to stone, however, a change of heard caused me to release her, only after having her swear that she would never bully anyone while being within these walls.

Seems fair to me, no one need be a B%&&^* to anyone while here at the Inn. And no one need pick on Boromir for he bothers no one at all and serves our needs with a smile. If Criani had been here, I hate to have seen what had happened.

So how has your day been my winged friend?
I feel like death warmed over, may the gods help whomever is responsible for my condition. For there will be worse than a burning at the stake.

I sort of pity them when you find them. lol They were fools to have messed with you in that way. Cowards if you ask me. Not willing to face you like a man so to speak. Not Honorable at all. Let me know if you need any help, I would love to take some frustrations out on them. she laughs wickedly

Rathil_Thads's photo
Sat 05/10/08 05:50 PM

*Rathil turns around*

Ah Re'anna my dear how good it is to see you again. and you are in luck. I brought my friend with me today. I know how sore you were with him.

*Jericho turns around and looks at Re'anna and sighs and lowers his head.*

Re'anna, this isn't easy for me but I apologize for the other day.. I didn't know what was in the box otherwise I would not have thrown such a treasure.

*Jericho turns back to his drink with a look that can only be described as defeated.*

she looks at amazement at Jericho for his apology. Still wearing the necklace, she walks over to them both.
Look, I didn't mean to be so rude either. This has been in my family for centuries and was stolen before I was even born. My mother used to tell me stories about it and what it represents. To have found to like this...It was a shock.
I forgive you both. Thank You for returning it. she kisses them each on the cheek and returns to her seat.

*Rathil puts his arm around Jericho*

Could it be that your cold heart is thawing? How interesting..

*Jericho pushes Rathil away as hard as he can. Rathil actually falls into a chair but he uses the momentum to rock backwards and come back up sitting in the chair laughing a bit.*

Ah, perhaps not then. I just felt the temperature drop again.

silverwaya's photo
Sat 05/10/08 05:51 PM
Looks over at Rathil and Jericho.
and she laughs while trying to take a drink.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Sat 05/10/08 05:58 PM
*Jericho takes another sip of his drink and starts coughing a bit.*

*Rathil looks at him and sighs*

Ah, I suppose your new friends magic wasn't quite strong enough to last that couple days. Seems I will have to keep paying for the clerics. A pity.

Barbus's photo
Sat 05/10/08 06:01 PM
Jericho? You still have that cough?
What have I told you about the weeds behind here, you cannot smoke them all. laugh

Rathil_Thads's photo
Sat 05/10/08 06:03 PM

Jericho? You still have that cough?
What have I told you about the weeds behind here, you cannot smoke them all. laugh

*Rathil begins to laugh as well as Barbus' comment*

*Jericho shoots Barbus a glare.*

Barbus's photo
Sat 05/10/08 06:06 PM

Jericho? You still have that cough?
What have I told you about the weeds behind here, you cannot smoke them all. laugh

*Rathil begins to laugh as well as Barbus' comment*

*Jericho shoots Barbus a glare.*
Jericho, my friend, you need to lighten up just a little, I was just giving you a hard time.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Sat 05/10/08 06:11 PM

Jericho? You still have that cough?
What have I told you about the weeds behind here, you cannot smoke them all. laugh

*Rathil begins to laugh as well as Barbus' comment*

*Jericho shoots Barbus a glare.*
Jericho, my friend, you need to lighten up just a little, I was just giving you a hard time.

*Jericho nods towards Barbus*

Rathil says, "Oh don't worry about him Barbus. He has never been one to have a sense of humor. He always takes things so seriously."

Barbus's photo
Sat 05/10/08 06:12 PM

Jericho? You still have that cough?
What have I told you about the weeds behind here, you cannot smoke them all. laugh

*Rathil begins to laugh as well as Barbus' comment*

*Jericho shoots Barbus a glare.*
Jericho, my friend, you need to lighten up just a little, I was just giving you a hard time.

*Jericho nods towards Barbus*

Rathil says, "Oh don't worry about him Barbus. He has never been one to have a sense of humor. He always takes things so seriously."
Hey if I took things so seriously I would have been dead a long time ago, you need to know when to laugh now and then, or you will naturally become a statue.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Sat 05/10/08 06:15 PM

Jericho? You still have that cough?
What have I told you about the weeds behind here, you cannot smoke them all. laugh

*Rathil begins to laugh as well as Barbus' comment*

*Jericho shoots Barbus a glare.*
Jericho, my friend, you need to lighten up just a little, I was just giving you a hard time.

*Jericho nods towards Barbus*

Rathil says, "Oh don't worry about him Barbus. He has never been one to have a sense of humor. He always takes things so seriously."
Hey if I took things so seriously I would have been dead a long time ago, you need to know when to laugh now and then, or you will naturally become a statue.

*Jericho looks at Barbus* I'll keep that in mind, he says *Raises his glass*

txmomof2's photo
Sat 05/10/08 06:16 PM
*Alatariel returns to the Inn opens the door and scans the room*

*walks to her usual table in the corner*

*pulls out the parchment and again gets that far away look in her eyes*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Sat 05/10/08 06:19 PM

*Alatariel returns to the Inn opens the door and scans the room*

*walks to her usual table in the corner*

*pulls out the parchment and again gets that far away look in her eyes*

*Rathil laughs as Alatariel walks into the inn*

Look Jericho, your shining saint has returned.

*Rathil turns back towards the half elf*

And how are you today madam. Quite a thing you did for my ill friend here. What is it I owe you for that healing touch of yours?

txmomof2's photo
Sat 05/10/08 06:24 PM

*Alatariel returns to the Inn opens the door and scans the room*

*walks to her usual table in the corner*

*pulls out the parchment and again gets that far away look in her eyes*

*Rathil laughs as Alatariel walks into the inn*

Look Jericho, your shining saint has returned.

*Rathil turns back towards the half elf*

And how are you today madam. Quite a thing you did for my ill friend here. What is it I owe you for that healing touch of yours?

YOu do not owe me a thing. I actually did not mean to heal him at the time I was just helping up from the floor. But it seems I did not do much.

*notices Jericho is still in great pain*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Sat 05/10/08 06:28 PM

*Alatariel returns to the Inn opens the door and scans the room*

*walks to her usual table in the corner*

*pulls out the parchment and again gets that far away look in her eyes*

*Rathil laughs as Alatariel walks into the inn*

Look Jericho, your shining saint has returned.

*Rathil turns back towards the half elf*

And how are you today madam. Quite a thing you did for my ill friend here. What is it I owe you for that healing touch of yours?

YOu do not owe me a thing. I actually did not mean to heal him at the time I was just helping up from the floor. But it seems I did not do much.

*notices Jericho is still in great pain*

You did enough my dear, you gave him a few hours of relief. I do fear he is still dying though. Some days are better than others but I fear this is one of his bad days. You must excuse him. He will hopefully feel better tomorrow. I will take him back to the clerics in the morning.

*Winks towards Alatariel*

He is becoming very expensive to keep around

*Jericho flips Rathil off and Rathil only laughs*

txmomof2's photo
Sat 05/10/08 06:32 PM

*Alatariel returns to the Inn opens the door and scans the room*

*walks to her usual table in the corner*

*pulls out the parchment and again gets that far away look in her eyes*

*Rathil laughs as Alatariel walks into the inn*

Look Jericho, your shining saint has returned.

*Rathil turns back towards the half elf*

And how are you today madam. Quite a thing you did for my ill friend here. What is it I owe you for that healing touch of yours?

YOu do not owe me a thing. I actually did not mean to heal him at the time I was just helping up from the floor. But it seems I did not do much.

*notices Jericho is still in great pain*

You did enough my dear, you gave him a few hours of relief. I do fear he is still dying though. Some days are better than others but I fear this is one of his bad days. You must excuse him. He will hopefully feel better tomorrow. I will take him back to the clerics in the morning.

*Winks towards Alatariel*

He is becoming very expensive to keep around

*Jericho flips Rathil off and Rathil only laughs*

I knew there was something more then just a wound. My hands started heating the moment I touched him. Usually it takes a moment or two for me to feel the heat.

*turns to Jericho*

I am glad I could give you a few moments relief.

But may I just try one more time? I will Leave you alone after that.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Sat 05/10/08 06:37 PM

*Alatariel returns to the Inn opens the door and scans the room*

*walks to her usual table in the corner*

*pulls out the parchment and again gets that far away look in her eyes*

*Rathil laughs as Alatariel walks into the inn*

Look Jericho, your shining saint has returned.

*Rathil turns back towards the half elf*

And how are you today madam. Quite a thing you did for my ill friend here. What is it I owe you for that healing touch of yours?

YOu do not owe me a thing. I actually did not mean to heal him at the time I was just helping up from the floor. But it seems I did not do much.

*notices Jericho is still in great pain*

You did enough my dear, you gave him a few hours of relief. I do fear he is still dying though. Some days are better than others but I fear this is one of his bad days. You must excuse him. He will hopefully feel better tomorrow. I will take him back to the clerics in the morning.

*Winks towards Alatariel*

He is becoming very expensive to keep around

*Jericho flips Rathil off and Rathil only laughs*

I knew there was something more then just a wound. My hands started heating the moment I touched him. Usually it takes a moment or two for me to feel the heat.

*turns to Jericho*

I am glad I could give you a few moments relief.

But may I just try one more time? I will Leave you alone after that.

*Jericho finishes his drink and nods slowly towards the half elf.*

If you wish.. *he manages to say*

*Rathil merely smiles and says,"Interesting. He must have taken a liking to you. He fights with the clerics every time I take him. You he barely puts up a struggle.

*Jericho glares at Rathil and adjusts his hood on his cloak a little more and turns back to the bar.*

txmomof2's photo
Sat 05/10/08 06:42 PM
*walks over to Jericho*

*takes a deep breath and braces herself for the reaction her body goes through*

*timidly touches Jericho's chest*

*immediately her hands start to heat*

*this time the heat is so strong it burns her*

*she begins to feel faint*

*after a few minutes she collapses on the floor*

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