Topic: Why has life taken US here?
TerryMB1966's photo
Wed 05/07/08 03:24 PM
What happened to meeting a person in a place and ask them out,Now your have to been screened to say hello..

TerryMB1966's photo
Wed 05/07/08 03:27 PM

What happened to meeting a person in a place and ask them out,Now your have to been screened to say hello..

DrX's photo
Wed 05/07/08 03:27 PM
Because, everybody has been fondled, molested or raped. I think I'm one of the only kids of my time that wasnt touched in my naughty place.

Plus, everybody is a creepo anyways

PATSFAN's photo
Wed 05/07/08 03:27 PM
I hear ya man, I think I'm going to be single forever

asonginyourheart's photo
Wed 05/07/08 03:28 PM
Last night my son in law said to me, "why don't you try to meet men the good old fashioned way? Go volunteer somewhere. There are alot of nice men you could meet, who also volunteer." I just walked away. I have been there. Done that. Met Losers. End of story.