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Topic: Every girl wanted a Ken doll....
kk35695's photo
Sun 05/04/08 09:10 PM

Kens gay and anatomically correct. Penisless.

bigsmile laugh laugh laugh laugh bigsmile
That's funny....bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

kk35695's photo
Sun 05/04/08 09:14 PM
In person trust me .... they are ALL intimidated..

kk35695's photo
Sun 05/04/08 09:22 PM
Come on .......

EtherealEmbers's photo
Tue 05/06/08 12:11 AM
I still don't comprehend how it's a pick up line... it's not even a complete thought. noway

Engraven_Image's photo
Tue 05/06/08 12:17 AM

Was my cheesy pick up line.....what's yours??
You look like a WWE Hardcore Legends Undertaker Hell In A Cell Action Figure!laugh

tearsofblood666's photo
Tue 05/06/08 12:19 AM
um i dont have one :cry:

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Tue 05/06/08 12:19 AM
I don't use pick up lines,
nor do I fall for them either.

Engraven_Image's photo
Tue 05/06/08 12:23 AM
In a club or bar, find a hottie that has a drink that has ice in it or improvise and order one yourself. Walk over to her and pull an ice cube from the glass and smash it hard as hell onto her table with the palm of your hand while staring her straight in the eyes with a serious pissed off look in your face. Then smile with a gleam in your eye as she sits astonished, and say "Now that I broke the ice, wanta dance or better yet, go back to my place?"smokin Girls like a sweet tough bad @ss with a since of humor and confidence.drinker

Engraven_Image's photo
Tue 05/06/08 12:24 AM

I don't use pick up lines,
nor do I fall for them either.
huh what bout trip line?

seahawks's photo
Tue 05/06/08 12:25 AM

<---comes with no pick up lines!!noway laugh noway
can i see the heels that go with that lovely bra.!!!:tongue: devil laugh laugh

EtherealEmbers's photo
Tue 05/06/08 12:27 AM

In a club or bar, find a hottie that has a drink that has ice in it or improvise and order one yourself. Walk over to her and pull an ice cube from the glass and smash it hard as hell onto her table with the palm of your hand while staring her straight in the eyes with a serious pissed off look in your face. Then smile with a gleam in your eye as she sits astonished, and say "Now that I broke the ice, wanta dance or better yet, go back to my place?"smokin Girls like a sweet tough bad @ss with a since of humor and confidence.drinker

I'd be pretty pissed at someone putting their hand in my drink.

DestinysDream's photo
Tue 05/06/08 12:31 AM
Said in an english accent:
You want to get randy?

If she turns me down:
No need to get cheeky.

On a bad night I averaged a hundred in 30 minutes, then off to another bar. laugh

Engraven_Image's photo
Tue 05/06/08 12:32 AM

In a club or bar, find a hottie that has a drink that has ice in it or improvise and order one yourself. Walk over to her and pull an ice cube from the glass and smash it hard as hell onto her table with the palm of your hand while staring her straight in the eyes with a serious pissed off look in your face. Then smile with a gleam in your eye as she sits astonished, and say "Now that I broke the ice, wanta dance or better yet, go back to my place?"smokin Girls like a sweet tough bad @ss with a since of humor and confidence.drinker

I'd be pretty pissed at someone putting their hand in my drink.
Hell I'd buy you plenty more!laugh

soundedmind's photo
Tue 05/06/08 12:34 AM
... I did always have a thing for Alladin.

And I wouldn't to ride Darkwings Ducks bill.


Engraven_Image's photo
Tue 05/06/08 12:42 AM

... I did always have a thing for Alladin.

And I wouldn't to ride Darkwings Ducks bill.

<---Is this you???laugh

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