Topic: what would you do? | |
she has the "right" to speak to your kids however she long as it is not a threat......if it is call the popo.. No she does NOT have the "right" to speak to my kids in ANY manner if I dont want her to, let alone as if she were their mother. Where you got this idea I wil never know. And dont try to tell me "freeedom of speach", thats bull****. |
all i know is i grew up in military housing and everyone yelled at everyone elses kids and no one got all offended over it.It was called looking out for each other.i'm sure most grew up in neighborhoods like that.
i also can't believe you feel its okay to tell off this teenager when you don't like her behavior but you feel your kids should be immune.You should be talking to her parent about it and let him handle it,17 or not instead of getting in a pissing match with a kid. |
try and stop her from speaking and see who ends up in jail
she has the "right" to speak to your kids however she long as it is not a threat......if it is call the popo.. No she does NOT have the "right" to speak to my kids in ANY manner if I dont want her to, let alone as if she were their mother. Where you got this idea I wil never know. And dont try to tell me "freeedom of speach", thats bull****. |
all i know is i grew up in military housing and everyone yelled at everyone elses kids and no one got all offended over it.It was called looking out for each other.i'm sure most grew up in neighborhoods like that. i also can't believe you feel its okay to tell off this teenager when you don't like her behavior but you feel your kids should be immune.You should be talking to her parent about it and let him handle it,17 or not instead of getting in a pissing match with a kid. Go rearead my original post. I did not get in a pissin gmatch with his kid. She started screaming at my kids because they werew walking next to her dads car, minding their own business, and ordering them around. I told her simply not to give orders to my kids, and to come to me if she had a problem. Not once did I raise my voice or anything. And yes she may be 17, however if she does naything to end up in fromt of a judge? that judge is going to try her as an adult, garunteed, so there is no reason that she can not be told (like any other adult would be) to back off of my children and not order them around. Ther eis no on ein this world that has the right to simply go out and start ordering a child that is not theirs around, unless they have the express permission first. And there is also a differance between neighbors watching out for everyones kids and hollering, to protect them, and a mouthy seventeen year ***** trying to lord it over others, simply because she was never raised to respect anyone. |
try and stop her from speaking and see who ends up in jail she has the "right" to speak to your kids however she long as it is not a threat......if it is call the popo.. No she does NOT have the "right" to speak to my kids in ANY manner if I dont want her to, let alone as if she were their mother. Where you got this idea I wil never know. And dont try to tell me "freeedom of speach", thats bull****. already done it with another person. I got the restraining order against them for butting their nose in where it didnt belong, and harrassing me and my kids. The judge told her outright she had NO LEGAL AUTHORITY TO SAY OR DO ANYTHING OTHER THAN COME TO ME and talk to me about it. Keep in mind too, this was not in their yard, or anywhere even near their yard. This was at a mutual neighbors house. |
i did read it
you grounded your kids to the yard???? HMMMM...... Why? you have had run-ins with her in the past....harboring resentment?? you can't legislate or dictate behavior..... free will allows anyone to "do" anything they want.....granted there may be a price to pay...but the behavior still exists... |
Edited by
Mon 05/05/08 03:04 PM
i did read it you grounded your kids to the yard???? HMMMM...... Why? you have had run-ins with her in the past....harboring resentment?? you can't legislate or dictate behavior..... free will allows anyone to "do" anything they want.....granted there may be a price to pay...but the behavior still exists... I grounded my kids to the yard because yes they were too close to a parked car. They know they are not supposed to go near one. But this does nt excuse her coming in and trying to supercede my authority, or for harrassing my kids. And if I wanted to get nasty I COULD claim she was abusing my kids, as legal definition of verbal abuse is talking to someone in a detrimental manner or attitude. And no I am not harboring resentment. I simply will not allow her to talk to my kids in a manner I wont let someone talk to me. And yes as far as behavior I CAN LEGALLY dictate how you behave towards and around my kids. If you dont like it you can leave, or if we are at your place, you can ask us to leave. But I CAN legally tell you that you can not even look at my child and you have to follow those directives. Otherwise, yes you will pay the consequences. Free-will is not a right |
Edited by
Mon 05/05/08 03:04 PM
wrong button, sorry
Edited by
Mon 05/05/08 03:23 PM
Free speech is always legal. Free will is not - except to the extent that is it lawful under statute.
Free speech is always right. Free will is not - except to the extent that is it lawful under statute. exactly, and free speach does not entitle you to order others around, or to try and control another person. |
Edited by
Mon 05/05/08 07:10 PM
a kind of car may not matter to one as it does to the other.... i say talk to the dad..... cause im sure to you your car matters more and to her her car matters more..... all in all she was wrong to scream at the kids.... and im sure to her father he was doing what u were doing.... doesnt matter if the kid is 8 or 17 they are your child.... and adults should act adults and at least first try to talk to parent....
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too him it may be a kid screaming at a kid.... and to u an adult screaming at a kid but to both of you should be adult screaming at adult in front of all the "kids" and teaching them that is the way to deal with things...
i have only one bad neighbor,,,,an she got some serious mental problems,,she called th cops an said my dog bit her chils,,,,,,,,,when th cops came to my house thery were scared to get out of th car,,,,,,,,i laughed at them an ask why,,,,,,,,,,,they said ugot 2 mean pit buls that bit a child,,,,,,,,i told them rong house,,i got a hound,,,,,so they came to my door an after a fw minutes they figured out th woman across th street was lieing to them,,,,,they didn't even go check out my dog,,,,,,,so i made a few complantes about them,,,,so th cops went back over to there house,,,,,things are a little better now but i don't trust her or her kids,,,,,,,,an if u ever getth chance to read th dog laws,,,,,,,i sold my dog to some friends thats moving to a small farm,,,,,,th dog will bea lot happier there an i wont haft to worrried about being sued for something i had nuthing to do with,,,,now she got every one on th street not liing them,,,,,,,her problem,,not mine
too him it may be a kid screaming at a kid.... and to u an adult screaming at a kid but to both of you should be adult screaming at adult in front of all the "kids" and teaching them that is the way to deal with things... That's just it buttons, not once did I raise my voice, not once did I get rude or disrespectfult o anyone. I simply wlaked out and stated as fact that she was not to talk to my kids in that manner, and that she was to come to me if she had a problem. Yes the problem was two-fold, in that she was wrong for how she acted, and then her fatehr was wrong to fly off the handle like he did As I had said earlier, I would not have had a single problem if she had simply asked them not to be so close to the car, or even if she had said "hey guys, your too close to the cars, you need to move." But instead, she decides to go off screaming at them and yelling orders like she there's a fire or something. |
seems to me that the screaming that she did was a learned trait from her father..... and with what happened i think id tell my kids to stay away from her car and her and her father also... that way your kids arent seeing examples of this behavior....
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seems to me that the screaming that she did was a learned trait from her father..... and with what happened i think id tell my kids to stay away from her car and her and her father also... that way your kids arent seeing examples of this behavior.... ![]() ![]() ![]() Oh I told them right after it happened that they were to stay away from them until further notice. And as I said, I DID ground them to the yard for going too close to a parked vehicle other than mine (wehich I discourage also). As far as walking away, it was easier than most people would believe, once I was able to get around him. As much as I am for a standing army and such, I am more of a pacifist myself anymore, and do anything I possibly can to avoid anything more than a few seconds of hollering, and even then I try to avoid that. I am going to try and speak with him later in the week once he has had a chance to calm down, and get things settled out properly. Maybe take him a beer or two as a peace offering ![]() |
Do I think the guy had a right to get upset because you were trying to tell his daughter what to do, yes I do. That man was only doing the exact same thing that you were doing, just in a louder and more forceful way. You were standing up for your child and trying to protect them and so was he.
But no matter how old the girl was, you still did not have the right to correct her, no matter how calmly you did it. That is her father's job. You should have went to him and discussed it with him. But that's just my two-cents worth. |
Do I think the guy had a right to get upset because you were trying to tell his daughter what to do, yes I do. That man was only doing the exact same thing that you were doing, just in a louder and more forceful way. You were standing up for your child and trying to protect them and so was he. But no matter how old the girl was, you still did not have the right to correct her, no matter how calmly you did it. That is her father's job. You should have went to him and discussed it with him. But that's just my two-cents worth. I understand what your saying, but it doesnt hold water, here at least, because of the fact that she is considered an adult here (Bay County Michigan), even though her 18th birthday is not for another month or two. If she were to do ANYTHING that would put her in front of a judge, she would be held accountable as an adult, not as a child. Thankfully, here the courts (or the law) look at the facts and not the numbers; so for example if you are 15, adn y ou beat someone to death (this is a true case that just got tried and sentenced), you can no tclaim youth and ignorance as a plea. The 15 and 16(?) year old involved both got life sentences with no parole., So if you are old enough to know better than to murder someone at 15, then at 17 you are old enough to know that you do not have the right to tell someone elses children what to do, and thus are old enough for the parent of those children to telly ou to knock it off, just as the parent would for any other adult. Thats one of the biggest problems with teenage youth these days, they are not held aco****able for their actions, and their parents want to coddle and protect them, claiming they are not old enough to know better. Thankfully the courts are starting to do somethign about that in some places. |
But no matter how old the girl was, you still did not have the right to correct her, no matter how calmly you did it. That is her father's job
This is where you are wrong though also. If she had been younger, say 12 or 13, then yes I would have been wrong. However at 17, she is not a child and she knows what she did was wrong. And it is the moral responsibility of every single adult alive, to correct a wrong (depending on the wrong, of course) commited by an adult, not just that persons parents. |
The laws that you are referring to about a child being charged or convicted as an adult are referring to those that commit murder or some violent act related to that as you pointed out in your example.
As far as I can tell, she didn't do anything like that. So that law wouldn't apply in this situation. I don't care what state you are in she is a minor and that man was only protecting his daughter just like you were protecting your kids. And believe me, if I saw your child or anyone else's child getting too close to my vehicle (I'm talking to where I thought they could damage it, not just walking by it) I would speak up and say something as well. I think you are just upset because you think you are right in this situation and those of us that are pointing out that you could be wrong, you just don't like it and are trying everything possible to justify your actions to get people to agree with you to prove you were right. Otherwise you would have never started this thread. |