Topic: Talk to Me
briancarr's photo
Thu 05/01/08 01:29 AM
A lot of times people will say that their relationship failed because, of a Lack Of Communication, But they never, or hardly say what they needed to Communicate.

What do you think are the things you would need to communicate to your partner, to continue a succesful relationship.huh

ffdickie's photo
Thu 05/01/08 01:30 AM
belief in what you do communicate to each other. all falls under the trust part of it

briancarr's photo
Thu 05/01/08 01:33 AM

belief in what you do communicate to each other. all falls under the trust part of it

What types of things do you nedd to communicate to each other, to keep a strong foundationhuh

FroznChild's photo
Thu 05/01/08 01:33 AM
90 percent of human language is body language...
and yet, only 10 percent of humans,
can actually read body language...
So, communicate more about what certain looks, or reactions... stances, etc, really say...
Because the body tells all,
even when the mouth, doesn't want to hurt your feelings.

DestinysDream's photo
Thu 05/01/08 01:35 AM
I would just settle for talking. She clammed up and would not talk at all. brokenheart

briancarr's photo
Thu 05/01/08 01:35 AM

90 percent of human language is body language...
and yet, only 10 percent of humans,
can actually read body language...
So, communicate more about what certain looks, or reactions... stances, etc, really say...
Because the body tells all,
even when the mouth, doesn't want to hurt your feelings.
Thanks for giving you opinionglasses

briancarr's photo
Thu 05/01/08 01:39 AM

I would just settle for talking. She clammed up and would not talk at all. brokenheart
So you would have like her to communicate to you why? That would have at least givin you a chance to save you relationship. Or at least go into the next one with a different approachhuh

briancarr's photo
Thu 05/01/08 01:42 AM
I guess its better if i just write a boob questionnoway

FroznChild's photo
Thu 05/01/08 01:49 AM
If you're going to do it write, you should write a BoobS question...
so at least there's a set.
However, to many people read into body language, without really knowing what it means,
and then assuming the wrong thing...
I think it's really good to discuss your body language, with your other partner,
so that they know how to respond to you, and you to them, before things get to bad.
Body language is suddle,
where words have a real lasting effect, and say nothing in comparison.

DestinysDream's photo
Thu 05/01/08 01:50 AM

I would just settle for talking. She clammed up and would not talk at all. brokenheart
So you would have like her to communicate to you why? That would have at least givin you a chance to save you relationship. Or at least go into the next one with a different approachhuh

Yes, given a chance to work it out and learn from my mistakes. Both.

tearsofblood666's photo
Thu 05/01/08 01:53 AM
I wish my ex's atleast told me what they really felt inside.
What was lacking in the relationships.
Or maybe if it was just me and my schedules etc.
Not really sure even that would of helped but o well.

lilangel2's photo
Thu 05/01/08 04:09 AM
true words

no photo
Thu 05/01/08 04:23 AM

A lot of times people will say that their relationship failed because, of a Lack Of Communication, But they never, or hardly say what they needed to Communicate.

What do you think are the things you would need to communicate to your partner, to continue a succesful relationship.huh

Where have you been? Missing you here....missing your communication :wink:
Yes, you have to be able to talk to each other, whether good or bad topics...and if there is that 'trust' can talk about anything.

briancarr's photo
Fri 05/02/08 05:05 PM

A lot of times people will say that their relationship failed because, of a Lack Of Communication, But they never, or hardly say what they needed to Communicate.

What do you think are the things you would need to communicate to your partner, to continue a succesful relationship.huh

Where have you been? Missing you here....missing your communication :wink:
Yes, you have to be able to talk to each other, whether good or bad topics...and if there is that 'trust' can talk about anything.
Im here. Im just tring to be the kinder,briancarr. LOLbigsmile