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Topic: Friends First?
lizardking19's photo
Sun 04/27/08 01:15 PM
heres a quote from jerry seinfeld pertaining to this
"In order for a man and a woman to be friends without anything else, they have to find eachother at least vaguely repulsive"laugh

A64WOODY's photo
Sun 04/27/08 01:18 PM

heres a quote from jerry seinfeld pertaining to this
"In order for a man and a woman to be friends without anything else, they have to find eachother at least vaguely repulsive"laugh
If repulsive why would you want to even try to be friends?

iUse2B's photo
Sun 04/27/08 01:59 PM

heres a quote from jerry seinfeld pertaining to this
"In order for a man and a woman to be friends without anything else, they have to find eachother at least vaguely repulsive"laugh

laugh laugh laugh

Nah, thats not true. But must admit, it is much easier to be just friends when there is no sexual attraction, or the situation makes sex basically 99.99% out of the question. I have a 'big sister" friend who I have known over 23 years. She told me many years ago "you are the only man I have really known that has never made a pass at me".

The other, well she 100% lesbian. She is very beautiful and I am attracted to her, but care about the friendship a LOT more than trying to make a stupid move, where I would not get anywhere anyhow, and ruin a great friendship.

So part is attraction and the other important factor that everyone should practice, that's called SELF CONTROL! bigsmile flowerforyou flowerforyou

downhomechik's photo
Sun 04/27/08 03:07 PM
Friends first means friends first....like no means no and I'm on fire means I'm on fire!

TheShadow's photo
Sun 04/27/08 03:44 PM
Firends first means respect and not alot of people have that or know how to give it. I been talking to someone this last couple months and we have gotten closer then we thought we have. I known her for over a year and not one time have i ever crossed that line with her. Hell she would be the first to say it if i did lol but thats not the point here. I see alot of people get close to someone way to fast and before they know it. There going, what happen? Why didn't things work out they way i thought it would and i been down this road before and i realize it's not somthing i need to go through again.

Commuination is a big part of any friendship/relationship. With out that you have nothing. It takes time to get to know anyone and how much your willing share with anyone. This last couple months have been really neat for me, knowing i'm getting to know this person as a friend. As some of you know. I thought i did find someone a few months back, but not taking that time as i knew i should. I didn't get the chance to see a little bit of who she was and where she was going in life. The lust kicked in and that alone is a falt of most people. Just some of us are willing to admit it and others try to work there way around it.

So in all of this, friends first is somthing that is and has been they way i spend my time whth somone that i may be inerested in. Just somtimes i veer off the road, but i'm geting back on it again.

no photo
Sun 04/27/08 03:46 PM
I AM interested in a relationship/dating....but I want to take it slow, and find my best friend....not jump into lets have sex and get married next week

feistybaby's photo
Sun 04/27/08 03:52 PM
Friends in the beginning you can be friends if it ends...

Truly the best relationships start out as friends. You have time to get to know the person the good the great and the not so hot. And to decide if this person has all the qualities you are looking for in a mate. While the basics tend to be the same for friendship as a love relationship I believe most people want or expect more from a mate so finding out if the groundwork is there is very important....and in my opinion I want my love to be my best friend...why shouldn't it start there???

A64WOODY's photo
Sun 04/27/08 05:45 PM

Friends in the beginning you can be friends if it ends...

Truly the best relationships start out as friends. You have time to get to know the person the good the great and the not so hot. And to decide if this person has all the qualities you are looking for in a mate. While the basics tend to be the same for friendship as a love relationship I believe most people want or expect more from a mate so finding out if the groundwork is there is very important....and in my opinion I want my love to be my best friend...why shouldn't it start there???
Well said!flowerforyou
I also feel that my mate should also be my best friend.:smile:

michiganman3's photo
Sun 04/27/08 07:50 PM

AllSmilesInTulsa's photo
Mon 04/28/08 04:27 AM



hikerchick's photo
Mon 04/28/08 04:43 AM

uaually when I meet an atractive woman I ask her for sex. After she slaps the hell out of me I extend my hand and ask her to be friends. bottom line....I haven't gotten laid in months but....I have a shltload of female friends

Is your face sore?

hikerchick's photo
Mon 04/28/08 04:44 AM

heres a quote from jerry seinfeld pertaining to this
"In order for a man and a woman to be friends without anything else, they have to find eachother at least vaguely repulsive"laugh
If repulsive why would you want to even try to be friends?

are you physically attracted to your male friends? I don't think attraction is necessary in a friendship.

hikerchick's photo
Mon 04/28/08 04:47 AM
Cant' you just be friends with no open-ended expectations/hopes for more down the road? Just friends, like same-sex friends. I don't understand why that is so difficult between a man and a woman. I have many male friends and they talk to me about women that they like, etc. There is no "let's see what developes". It already developed.

SharpShooter10's photo
Mon 04/28/08 04:52 AM

I'll be friends, but I want benefits! Like borrowing your car!
No, no, no, Never loan you car, trust me on this onedrinker

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