Topic: were all nuts villiage | |
HEY FREINDS CHECK THIS OUT...SINCE I MOVED INTO THIS VILLIAGE I HAVE EXPERENCE.. SOME CRAZY THINGS SO I WROTE A NEWS LETTER FOR MY APARTMENT COMPLEX... TELL ME WHAT YA THINK..LMAO we"re all nuts village Bob barks at Myria... myria barks back... PARKER barks at anything!!!!!!!!!! slamming doors must be a priorty.. according the the maintence man slamming doors braking peoples pictures is the only way to let others know he home dont you know whoTHINKS he is?? alcoholics anonoymous meeting will take place 10:00 am following that alcoholics unanimouse the discussion will be why AA doesnt work.. bring your own booze.. bottles, food stamps and pennies . members only!!! the only requirement for membership is a honest desire to stay drunk and help other alcoholics to acheive drunkeness!!! now a word from drunken corner " a drink a day makes my split personality to stay" a bike was stolen from we are all nuts village....drunken ...eye witness's say the guy had 3 heads and 4 hands ......... ... unbelieve able.. now for a weather drunken weather man... well ummmmmmmm its going to be cloudy like my mind is everyday i dont get a drink.. back to you ummmm whats you name"?? hearing aids are availble for old f olks who think they should have there tv so loud . people cant sleep... sorces say they been available since 1950... wow. now a word from Dr Pot studies have shown pot helps memory loss and um um um... what the hell lite up another!!! p... the ho has made her rounds this month... sorces say the seen her in num 5 4 and 8...std test will be available in the clubhouse by dr . drunk.... now a word of commitary if you love your mate more than alcohol your cheating on the bottle!!! specials events this month: drunken ho down new years eve party from 1999..for those who forgot!! special sales on used pill bottles viagria for those who forgot what a hard on is. used hearing aids.. WHAT!!! "everyday is fine for 5 oclock vodka" if you would like to subcribe to we"re all nuts villiage news paper save your bottles .. count you pennies... we dont not accept food stamps !!!!unless you are willing to trade toliet paper and coffee!! opinions of this paper are that of the normal folks that really like to live in peace!!!!! |