Topic: Fly Drops
notmytimeline20x6's photo
Wed 04/23/08 06:44 AM

There is a fly hovering 8 inches above the water, under the water is a fish who is thinking to himself if that fly drops 6 inches I'll jump up and get me some dinner.

On the bank is a bear who sees the fish who sees the fly and thinks to himself if that fly drops 6 inches, that fish will jump and I will reach out and get me some dinner.

On the other bank there is a hunter who sees the bear, who sees the fish , who sees the fly. He thinks to himself if that fly drops 6 inches that fish will jump, the bear will reach out and I will stand to shoot and get me some dinner.

Behind the hunter there is a mouse who sees the hunter, who sees the bear, who sees the fish, who sees the fly. He thinks to himself. He thinks to himself if that fly drops 6 inches that fish will jump, the bear will reach out, the hunter will stand to shoot and I will run up and grap the cheese from his sandwhich and have me some dinner.

In the bushes behind the mouse there is a cat who sees the mouse, who sees the hunter, who sees the bear, who sees the fish, who sees the fly. He thinks to himself if that fly drops 6 inches that fish will jump, the bear will reach out, the hunter will stand to shoot, the mouse will run up and I will pounce and get me some dinner.

Well... after a few minutes sure enough that fly drops, the fish jumps, the bear reachs out, the hunter stands to shoot, the mouse runs up, the cats pounces.....Splash!!!

The Moral of the story is, Everytime a fly drops 6 inches a ***** gets wet.
:tongue: drinker :tongue: