Topic: small towns
sleepin_time's photo
Mon 04/21/08 09:04 PM
1. You can name everyone you graduated with.
2. You know what *FFA* is.
3. You ever went to parties @ a pasture, bard or middle of a dirt road.
4. Your idea of a *FuN* weekend was ridin around parkin lots cause that is where *EvErYbOdY* was.
5. Your idea of an *ExCiTiNg* weekend was watchin a fight in the parkin lot.
6. You swore @ someone & your parents knew within the hour.
7. You ever went cow-tipping or *sNiPe hUnTiN*.
8. School gets canceled for city, county or state events.
9. You were in the *HoMeCoMiNg* parade.
10. You have ever gone home for homecoming.
11. Everyone thought it was really cool to date someone from the neighboring town.
12. You had *SeNiOr sKiP DaY*.
13. The whole school went to the same party after graduation.
14. You don’t give directions by street names, but instead like this: Turn right by Nelson’s house, go 2 blocks east past Anderson’s & it’s 4 houses left of the track field.
15. The *CoUnTrY cLuB* golf course had only 9 holes (or there wasn’t even one)
16. You can’t help but date a friends ex-boyfriend/girlfriend.
17. You refer anyone with a house newer then 1980 as the *RiCh PeOpLe*
18. The people in the city dress funny, then your town picks up on the trend a few years later.
19. You bragged to your friends because you got *PiPeS* on your truck for your birthday.
20. Anyone you want can be found @ either the *DaIrY qUeEn* or the *FeEd sToRe*
21. You see @ least 1 friend a week drivin a tractor through town.
22. The football coach suggested that you haul hay for the summer to get stronger.
23. Directions are given usein *ThE* stoplight as a reference.
24. The city council meets @ the coffee shop.
25. Your *LeTtEr JaCkEt* was worn after your 19th birthday.
26. You decide to walk somewhere for exercise & 5 people pull over & ask if you need a ride.
27. Your teachers call you by your *OlDeR* siblings names.
28. Your teachers remember when they taught your *PaReNtS*.
29. The closest *TaCo BeLl* or *BuRgEr KiNg* is @ least 30 miles away.
30. So if the closest *sHoPpInG MaLl*.
31. It’s normal to see an old man riding through town on a riding lawn-mower.
32. You have a good laugh readin this cause you know they’re all true.

johncarl's photo
Mon 04/21/08 09:08 PM
i love the small town.i have a camp in a small town.i lived in la 10 years and it is no fun their

kayak69's photo
Mon 04/21/08 09:09 PM
Yup, sooooo true. Reading that brought back a few memories (flash-backs)drinker drinker

difference2me's photo
Mon 04/21/08 09:15 PM
we had a sophmore skip day
Junior skip day
Senior skip day
All always involved all classes and always had a keg! And always were on a dirt road atleast 30 minutes from town.

beccalee1980's photo
Mon 04/21/08 09:15 PM
sounds just like my town..i can relate to most of thoselaugh