Topic: My Queen
2Btrue2One's photo
Sun 04/20/08 01:08 AM
My lady
My Queen
I see you in the stars
as you ride the moonbeams

Oh how beautiful you are
your spirit shines out
you are an angel
of that there is no doubt

Lay your head on my shoulder
take comfort in my arms
it's alright my darling
I will keep you safe from harm

Come to me
Please take heed
I am your Knight
I will never leave

As I look up
I see the angels fly
they are singing a song
for you and I

Such a kind gentle soul
and a beautiful heart
you are my Queen
and my personal star

Oh my beautiful Queen
Oh how you have touched me
My heart is yours
Oh how I love thee

Let me put you on a pedestal
let me show you my love
let's float through the stars
in the heavens above

Come to me my darling
let me kiss your lips
let me trace your features
with my fingertips

Please don't turn me away
please hold me close
let me show you my Queen
that you mean the most

By Daniel

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 04/20/08 01:09 AM
flowerforyou flowerforyou

Queene123's photo
Sun 04/20/08 01:12 AM
awww thats sweet

2Btrue2One's photo
Sun 04/20/08 01:19 AM
(((((Queen))))) (((((Mirror)))))
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Thank you both..

DTHRomeo's photo
Sun 04/20/08 01:37 AM
Nice one bro drinker

2Btrue2One's photo
Sun 04/20/08 01:39 AM
Good to see you my long time friend...drinker

codelockbox's photo
Sun 04/20/08 02:25 AM
drinker drinker

REBELGIRL1977's photo
Sun 04/20/08 03:44 AM
i think that sums up whatmost of us want to feel we want to be someones whole world and we want someone to be ours at least thats what most of us dream about love is a loaded word

Noden's photo
Sun 04/20/08 06:13 AM
Oh Daniel, blushing blushing
many miles, apart and a torn heart
I've have always dreamt of a man
one that will stay, and take my hand
but the time is not right cause I had to flight
from a relationship, so very new
my heart is in repair, from this snare
waiting to get strong, weighs heavily on me
but each day, I am one step closer you see,
I think it's gonna be a long time
for this heart of mine,
to travel down, the couple path
into the arms of a love that will last
I feel so grateful, to have this written for me
but Daniel, I am still healing
and not yet in harmony
just to know you feel this way
god how you lifted my spirits today
now if only I had met you two decades ago
we'd would have surely let this love flow
but at the present, I can't start this
don't get me wrong it would be one hellava bliss,
my mind at the moment, needs a space
one to recollect, and again show it's face
right now I only have half a heart
the other part is back there, where I had to part
so torn, and still feeling blue
can you now see, how I can't start something new
they say time is of the esssence
oh, but it's more like dying
right now away, I still do a lot of crying
I have a dear friend, that reaches out to me
everytime he see me drowning, he doesn't let me
he alway's know just what to do,
I think he's so strong, to help this woman through
I'll be your forever friend ...Daniel
but it's all I can do
right now I have to mend

Thanks for such a lovely poem
please understand, my love of
friendship will always shine threw.

Many, many hugs just for you,
I know there is someone waiting
for a man like you..your a treasure
waiting to be found, Daniel:heart: flowerforyou bigsmile

Differentkindofwench's photo
Sun 04/20/08 09:04 AM
Nicely, nicely written, 2B. Not too much, not too little, as Goldie Locks would say, "Just right"!

no photo
Sun 04/20/08 09:45 AM
Very lovely Daniel.....:heart:

2Btrue2One's photo
Mon 04/21/08 05:08 AM
(((((wench))))) (((((MsWizard)))))

Comming from the two of you, that is an honor to have you post in here, thank you both..:heart: :heart:

lurchs_sister's photo
Mon 04/21/08 11:02 AM
Beautifully written and tears at my heart...flowerforyou