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Topic: Based on hatred
OrangeCat's photo
Wed 04/16/08 11:44 AM
unless they kill someone,rape kids or woman,abuse woman,abuse kids,they dont need to die

OrangeCat's photo
Wed 04/16/08 11:44 AM
unless they kill someone,rape kids or woman,abuse woman,abuse kids,they dont need to die

OrangeCat's photo
Wed 04/16/08 11:44 AM
unless they kill someone,rape kids or woman,abuse woman,abuse kids,they dont need to die

Lily0923's photo
Wed 04/16/08 11:45 AM
I'm wondering if we all understand when a felony is commited vs. a misdemenor.

Onve you are convicted with a felony, it is actually really hard to get any sort of normal life back in most cases.

You really can't get hired for most jobs, atleast til after 7 years

You are on parolle, and if you get a parking ticket and don't pay it on time, they can take you right back to jail.

If it's a sex crime you have to register where you are living, which makes most landlords not want to rent to you.

ect ect ect...I could go on and on.... So do they get their "rights" back...Not really. I'm not saying it's good or bad..it just is.

hellkitten54's photo
Wed 04/16/08 11:46 AM

Well they still are american, and they do have rights taken away. Can't vote, can't buy firearms, usually have hard time finding a job, probably will end up back in jail at some point. They are punished by society, so what else would you like done to them?

So a 30 year old man has the right to walk around the mall surrounded by kids even though he had raped a girl under the age of 18 previously? That's ok right?

Usually he wouldn't be walking in the mall, cause he would be in jail. If your trying to argue with me, it won't work.laugh

But if that was a scenerio, he would be on parole, or probation and have VERY strict rules to live by. One would be having to register as a sex offender, not being able to get near children, blah..blah...

Marley's photo
Wed 04/16/08 11:49 AM
Our present system of justice does deny certain rights,e.g., the right to vote. Sometimes a person will lose their life depending on the crime of which they were convicted.

The question seems to be what constitutes cruel and unusual punishment. The way to beat a criminal,so to speak, is by not becoming like them.

OrangeCat's photo
Wed 04/16/08 11:50 AM
yes but the prob is the ones who comitt the small crimes are the ones dieing and the ones who kill people and do that stuff are the ones who are walking the streets

Lily0923's photo
Wed 04/16/08 11:53 AM

yes but the prob is the ones who comitt the small crimes are the ones dieing and the ones who kill people and do that stuff are the ones who are walking the streets

Well I guess they should step up their game then.

Robm248's photo
Wed 04/16/08 11:55 AM
Personal opinion: We take as much effort as we can to make sure someone is truly guilty of a crime before we convict them, so the convicts should not have the same rights. I do think that this is true in varying severity... if someone stole something they obviously would have different rights than if someone killed or raped someone. Again, personal opinion, if someone violently rapes someone or rapes a child they should be placed in a work camp, high security prison. I tend to believe that someone who commits murder should be exterminated. Also, prison may not be a lark, but there are far too many things given to prisoners. They get nice exercise equipment, books, and tv? How about there is the floor, here's a handful of old textbooks from school to share, and you gave up your right to tv! Sorry to say it, but if you commit a serious crime you shouldn't really have rights; and if you commit any crime you should have a really rough time of it. Jail is supposed to be a deterence, thus it needs to be worse than life outside.

OrangeCat's photo
Wed 04/16/08 11:57 AM
I dont think they take that much effort in making sure the person is truly guilty,there have been way to many people who have died for things they didnt do,and all there family get is a sorry or maybe some money that dont bring back the life

freakyflow's photo
Wed 04/16/08 11:58 AM
punshment should fut the crime...rape??? cut his wee wee of rape of a minor same just cell him up with bubba

murder..life in jail with hard labor and the money is sent to the victims family.

Drinking and driving causing death ..dig the grave in front of the victims family and life in jail

Drinking and driving only (has to drive a hot pink car with FORMER DRUNK DRIVER everwhere on the car

Get caught stealing off someone that person gets to go to your house and pick out something nice lol

Robm248's photo
Wed 04/16/08 12:08 PM

I dont think they take that much effort in making sure the person is truly guilty,there have been way to many people who have died for things they didnt do,and all there family get is a sorry or maybe some money that dont bring back the life

Well, that is in part based on the way lawyers are assigned to people who can't pay tons of money. Personally I think the only change needed is that you get disbared if you don't put in an effort on such a case (with random audits, of course). The idea of having to prove guilt is sound. Maybe the families of those who had their relative conficted wrongly should go sue the lawyer who represented that person for ineptitude? There is, and always will be, sad cases where evidence does not come to light, which is a part of life we can only wish was solvable.

OrangeCat's photo
Wed 04/16/08 12:15 PM
yes u are right

some people cant afford good lawyers,so because of that they dont get the same as the ones who can afford high priced lawyers
its sad that most the time money can get u out of crimes,shows u just how corrupt this world truly is

yes they should sue,but that still dont bring back the loved ones who have died because of it.

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