Topic: who is not out on this saturday night??
lily38's photo
Sun 01/21/07 01:57 AM
Oh, leroy, I agree with LA. Your friend is still in her relationship, be
it good or bad, so why should you put your life on hold waiting for what
may or may not be. I understand where you're coming from.....I have had
similar circumstances. I try to avoid intimate relationships with close
friends, as it is too much to lose if things go wrong. Yet, what could
be better than hooking up w/ your best friend?? It's a catch 22. Hey,
though, go out....have fun....enjoy life. None of us is getting any
younger. Sorry about your back. I cracked a rib a little over a week ago
if it's any

slowtogetit's photo
Sun 01/21/07 01:57 AM
that's a lot of work but i guess that's what moms are for

leroy01's photo
Sun 01/21/07 01:57 AM
I seen Larry the Cable guy with Ron White. I have also met Larry & he is
a great guy in person! We hit it off pretty good!
You can find me in the audience on Ron Whites Live video Tator Salad
on DVD

LAMom's photo
Sun 01/21/07 01:59 AM
Your right SLow......... I do love being a Mom....

lily38's photo
Sun 01/21/07 01:59 AM
By-the-way, LA, how is Terry's roadtrip going? I saw you wrote he was 80
miles from here last night....and we are in blizzard conditions now! I
hope he is doing well. Please tell him my thoughts are with him and his

leroy01's photo
Sun 01/21/07 02:00 AM
Leroy looks for the splitter for the Moriphine drip bag so he can share
with lily! lol! I hope your ribs feel better lily I really understand

lily38's photo
Sun 01/21/07 02:00 AM
Tater salad! My daughter has that dvd. Ron White is freakin' him!!

lily38's photo
Sun 01/21/07 02:01 AM

LAMom's photo
Sun 01/21/07 02:01 AM
Thank you Lily I will, Talked to him earlier he was in the storm,
Waiting on his call now,,,, Sorry to hear about your Rib... hope you
fell better soon........

Marie55's photo
Sun 01/21/07 02:03 AM
I can't help it but I just love the cable guy, he is so funny and so
real. At the end of the show he said he would be out front to shake
hands with whoever wanted to meet him so then he starts scratching his
crotch and his butt and picking his nose and coughed into his hand, and
kept it up while telling them he would shake hands with them out front.
He went on about edible underwear, and how he has to buy his girlfriend
5 pair because he eats 2 or 3 pair on the way to her house. He was a

Have had a lot of trauma in our lives recently and he was a good way to
forget. (My daughter's husband was murdered a few days ago in Mexico -
for those of you who don't know, and has been quite stressed around

slowtogetit's photo
Sun 01/21/07 02:06 AM
sorry to hear that marie, wishes you and yours all the best.

leroy01's photo
Sun 01/21/07 02:07 AM
Thanks for the advice ladies that is much appreciated.
I just dont like to hurt others. I will have a talk with her before I
do dinner with her friend. Friends do mean more to me than almost

LAMom's photo
Sun 01/21/07 02:08 AM
Good Luck Leroy,,, Friends are the best,,,, a true friend will always
stand by your side,,, Unconditional...... Have Fun!!!

Marie,, you and your family are in my Prayers.....

lily38's photo
Sun 01/21/07 02:09 AM
Marie, my 10 year old collects EVERYTHING redneck. She loves it. My 12
year old isn't quite as into it...(sigh).
I am so, so sorry to hear of your son-in-law! How horrific!! Do they
have children? Is your daughter living near you?

Marie55's photo
Sun 01/21/07 02:10 AM
Thank you Slow.

Leroy, I would talk to her, if you are interested at all, find out for
sure how she feels. She may be waiting for you to show some interest
before she makes any changes in her life. Who knows.

leroy01's photo
Sun 01/21/07 02:15 AM
They are in my prayers as well Marie! I lost my Neph 2 yrs ago from
murder I raised him and understand pain. One of his muderes was the
paulbear on the other side of the casket & I new him for years. Today I
bumped into one of the people that set him up, that I have also known
for years. I have few problems with trust these days

Marie55's photo
Sun 01/21/07 02:15 AM
Yes Lily, she is actually staying with me, has a 2-1/2 y/o boy with him,
and a 7 y/o girl he was a stepdad to but the only dad she has ever
known. I posted last night about it under the general discussion titled
need some advice or some advice please, something like that. Anyway,
was deported and trying to get back to the U.S., was robbed and shot by
the "coyote" he paid to sneak him back across.

Things will work out in time, she was going to divorce him over his
alcoholism, etc.

Anyway, Denise, tell Terry "Oprah" says hi and to be safe. We miss him
on the site.

slowtogetit's photo
Sun 01/21/07 02:16 AM
leroy just remember it's only a date.where does your happiness come in
versus having a friend?

LAMom's photo
Sun 01/21/07 02:17 AM
Marie, I Will....

Marie55's photo
Sun 01/21/07 02:18 AM
My God Leroy, how horrible, they got away with it??? That is awful.
Thank you for your prayers.

I worked in the prison system for 17 years as an admin. secretary and
typed and read all kinds of stuff, still amazes me how many people get
away with things like murder. That is really terrible.