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Topic: New Church of Free Will
catchme_ifucan's photo
Wed 02/21/07 08:45 PM
bigsmile oh thats kewl!

no photo
Wed 02/21/07 08:46 PM
go for it Dane!! its most awesome!!bigsmile

catchme_ifucan's photo
Wed 02/21/07 08:51 PM
devil I was looking at some kewl pics last night

DANE1973's photo
Wed 02/21/07 08:52 PM
We'll even get some vines carved in there.Now where to place the Cross?

Gryphyn's photo
Wed 02/21/07 09:32 PM
HHHhhmmm I think that should centered on the Middle of the Pair of
doors. The center of it where the doors meet,, Ole Gaelic Style

catchme_ifucan's photo
Wed 02/21/07 09:55 PM
:smile: that will be beautiful

****sits down lays head over back, gets lost in the stars,****

grant me the serenity to except the things I can not change & the wisdom
to ..... aahhh!! huh


LAMom's photo
Wed 02/21/07 10:01 PM
"""""' sits next to ((L))) and gently gives hugs and rests head on her
shoulder """""""" gazes at the stars,,, WoW Incredible!
flowerforyou flowerforyou

Hotchikita's photo
Wed 02/21/07 10:02 PM
This place lookes nice and peceful. Makes me want to relax after a hard

Gryphyn's photo
Wed 02/21/07 10:07 PM
Star Light Star Bright First Star I see Tonight.............blushing

LAMom's photo
Wed 02/21/07 10:12 PM
Chitika feel free to sit with us,,, very peaceful flowerforyou


catchme_ifucan's photo
Wed 02/21/07 10:13 PM

I wish I may I wish I might....

Mom, their saying they might have to take jen's right kidney now
before they thought left. both have tumors

LAMom's photo
Wed 02/21/07 10:18 PM
(((L))) (((J)))
I am so sorry to hear that Sweeite,,, if thier is anything I can do
please call me,,,, How are you and the family,,, God I wish i could give
her one of mine..... How are her spirits...
Luv you Sweetie :heart: My prayers are with her and you and when I
meditate it will be alittle more special tonight...
Hugs to you I am here,,,,

Gryphyn's photo
Wed 02/21/07 10:20 PM
Wish upon a Star Tonight..........

Its your star, so its your wish


blushing bigsmile

Gryphyn's photo
Wed 02/21/07 10:23 PM
Here is My lucky Wishbone, Hold it carefully it is very old.


LAMom's photo
Wed 02/21/07 10:24 PM
I wish upon a star tonight (((J))) feels my prayers and will recover,,,,
and for (((L))) to feel my support and lay her head upon my shoulder...
and for (((G))) to have a safe trip... and for (((Chikita))) to have a
peaceful night... :heart: :heart:
(((Dane))) to find the one who makes him complete,,,,
(((Poet))) to smile for the rest of her life, for its a beautiful
smile....... Goshhhhhhhhhh im glad that was a big star... :heart:

Hotchikita's photo
Wed 02/21/07 10:25 PM
Thank you LAMom. **sit down and look in the stars.Take a big breath to
relax.**bigsmileBy the hay how are you?

(((catch)))how are you?

LAMom's photo
Wed 02/21/07 10:27 PM
I am good Thank you,,, Hope your doing well flowerforyou

Gryphyn's photo
Wed 02/21/07 10:28 PM
:cry: on the keyboard.

That was a beautiful wish :cry:

LAMom's photo
Wed 02/21/07 10:30 PM
I just wish I could do more,,,,:cry: As I read ((L)) words,,,
It hurts my heart to see someone ill,,, life just isnt fair

Hotchikita's photo
Wed 02/21/07 10:32 PM
There must have a storm ore somthing coming here becuse the kids were
more than agitated to day.The baby is starting terrible two's so that
dont help.Besides that I had a beatiful day. bigsmile

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