Topic: New Church of Free Will | |
all that means Ghost is you have to invite 3 friends to join, they don't
even have to accept |
((( Ms Poet ))))Hugs to you
![]() ![]() Hello Ghost,,, |
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My dear are you still gloating over Jerries Death?
he is but a ***** amoung flirts |
hi ya La
I could care less about Jerry Falwell LOL So not a priority in my life
I never thought for a moment you cared about him at all. And neither do
the rest of this forum care of a bigot and he probably was guy too. So he was jealous of Tinky winky. Maybe there was a love fair with them. Who the F**k knows. |
okie dokie
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Hey Songb
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Hey CCP ((((((((((((((((CCP))))))))))))))))))))
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hello my friends i missed you xoxoxoxoxox
how are you all?????(((((((((((((all))))))))))))) ![]() ![]() |
Awesome concept!! The best thread I have seen in this forum so far!!
Keep it up. Wouldn't mind being a "member" even though I worship nothing & I am not much of a follower. Cudos on starting an all beliefs thread where everyone can be themselves & not get beheaded for it. |
![]() Hiya Ghost!! just be careful the fish bite! ((((((((((((chikita,song,sis))))))))))))))))))) |
ive been hearing about churches of all religions
a multi religion church.. ![]() it seems like people who would attend this church are close to finding reality...let me help u out...Jesus was real(still is believe it or not) and muslims would be christians today if the series of wars/arguments/man-pursued endeavors were set aside. You see muslims rank jesus below mohammad and have a ranking of prophets... also a revised but incredibly similar holy book (testa/quran) this key piece in history shows how MAN is ignorant combative..narrow minded/hearted and easily embarrased or hurt in emotion. In reality there should be no ranking of prophets for prophets are people who are inspired/sent by God to carry on any task or objective...on the other hand we have the Jews who all in all have turned their backs on christ (christianity) and their history on this planet has been a damned 1 for centuries as example to their mistake..The muslims bare so much hate and rivalry vs. other religions so much compassion and extremity in cases for their own religion..this is symbolic to their ultimate failure. The muslim religion is almost able to be seen as an aftermath attempt to over top the bible in rightousness (pray 5 times a day/sacrifice an animal for the love of God/over 10 ranking prophets 1 better or more important than the other/Group fasting on set dates rather than free will fasting/Women who wear clothing to cover their face so men are not tempted/ <- (God made a beautiful girl stand next to your wife so that you would be tempted and be given a chance to overcome the sin or temptation)Muslim countries stone rapists yet all people throwing those stones have commited acts of evil/sin themselves. I AM PERSIAN SO I KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT BTW i know muslims i know christians i know jews i am christian if some 1 placed a gun on my forehead and said if u believe in Jesus Christ i will kill you i will happily say SHOOT!@ I fear nothing but God...Those columbine students who shot down the school and that asian kid would have not wanted to be in my proximity during those events becuase i would have taken them down(with my bare hands not kill them)..You see u can die for a good deed once safe with with with the truth...If one of those columbine kids or that asian kid shot me i would try to get up and continue to stop him or them instead of watching like the billions and trillions of DAMNED SHEEP THAT MAKE THE WORLD I LIVE IN TODAY..i am only human i wanted to express all of this to u for might not be pin point accurate but if u manage to get my drift u are safe with God... PS: Cancel the multi religion church and find the Jesus that loved the nation of Isreal allthough most of the people turned their back on him I dont get hurt by people who try to disrespect im not a fragile christian nor am i as humble as i should be im a 22yr old loose cannon with more emotional intelligence than i should have. I curse i say bad words on accident i cut people off sometimes i am filled with SIN..sometimes i am so lustful for women but all that is reality and i am not afraid to admit it...IM NOT A PREACHER BUT IM NOT AFRAID 2 PREACH IF PEOPLE DONT WANNA HEAR OR LISTEN TO IT THEY CAN FINISH THEIR 100 or less years on this life WONDERING AND OVERCRITICAL ALOT OF U ALL ARE (i once was told by a christian when i was not yet a christian myself that if i was not christian...according to the bibble i would notbe able to go to if u truly believe that then u arent CHRISTIAN u really think Jesus or his father or the holy spirit would truly deny passage to a good hearted/humble man with no information or idea of who Jesus is simply becuase they live in a region where Jesus is rarely or never spoken of? You go by the book and it is where most overcritical sheep(the lost) get stuck at... hence multi religion churches...becuase in their hearts they feel its unfair that God would judge in such a way..You christians who scare people with this idea that Jesus is strict and of many rules and dangers(puritan hardliner BS) are the same type of people who throw a support our troops sticker on the back of their george bush in blind faith,(ULTIMATE EXAMPLE OF THE MOST COMMON ANIMAL FOUND IN AMERICA THE SHEEP FOLLOW THE LEADER) on politicians(a joke a sad joke on the people)We will end up voting for the politician who is able to create the most stylish and sharp/witty answers to pump the crowd) in the end you are left with a congress (nation under God) which sends out the ok for War with relative ease. famous people are now politicians and governors...wrestlers and movie icons...When the twin towers got hit the whole USA went into mid east hatred mode/patriot mode all kinds of cheesy stickers and flags were placed up on a country with no single culture...God bless america stickers reeaally pissed me off..GOD BLESS THE DAMN WORLD NOT JUST THIS $$$NATION of no roots and small history we show pride in ignorant phases we follow our government our government follows hell..those republican christians who support George bush are not christian 4 they r only puppets of treason and WAR@! MUST I SAY WHAT JESUS DID WHEN LEAVING ISREAL? THE COUNTRY THAT HATED HIM HE LOVED SO MUCH. HE SAID IF YOUR BROTHER DOES YOU WRONG..DO HIM RIGHT ANYWAY. WAR IS NOT ACCEPTABLE TO GOD..believe that 1 way or another...which is why i cant be muslim...mohammad had to slay and wage war to gather believers...CRUSADERS EMBARASSED CHRISTIANITY with MAN MADE RAMBO BULL****. YOU WILL NOT DEFEND GOD WITH A WEAPON YOU DO NOT SEND PEOPLE TO DEATH U GIVE THEM LIFE SENTENCES...g bush plays God in texas most of america voted on this man yet we all go to church on sunday? Pray for the troops? PRAY 4 THE TROOPS to FIND TRUTH BEHIND ALL OF THIS INSTEAD OF PRAYING IN THEIR BUNKERS ON TV SHOWS TO SHOW HOW GOOD THEY ARE. ps..all of this was writing wont be a waste of time if just 1 person can learn from it..i know its flawed and opinionated but if u dont agree with me what do u agree with? ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wow!!! Sean,, You do indeed have alot of insight for a young man growing
up in todays society I may not believe in all you have posted,,, Yet I applaud you for speaking your truth to what is in you and around you as you see it,,, Amen !!! Incredible Post,,, And Welcome to our haven of peace here ![]() |
{{{Ghost}}}} Welcome to you as well
{{{{lisa,Ms Poet,G & TG, Chikita,Karma, Song, Dane }}}}}} ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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(((((((((mom)))))))))))))))) how are you??? & Sheryl?
![]() ![]() Hi Sean!! ![]() |
Sheryl is good needs so time for herself right now,,, I have 4 more days of Hell ahead of me,,, And then back in for MRI and CAT,,, How are you Sweetie,,, ![]() |