Topic: New Church of Free Will
catchme_ifucan's photo
Mon 04/30/07 02:57 AM
we came to the pond to talk
about humpin like rabbits!!!

laugh drinker laugh laugh

adj4u's photo
Mon 04/30/07 03:00 AM
hello l a

been awhile

catchme_ifucan's photo
Mon 04/30/07 03:00 AM
im on dail up & i lost you guys..

wow my page was just playin strobe light

LAMom's photo
Mon 04/30/07 03:00 AM
laugh OMG!!!! Well Maybe I will sit back are just read and learn,,, I
am reading old posts right now,,, bb

Robin,, now i have a name to the face,,,flowerforyou

adj4u's photo
Mon 04/30/07 03:00 AM
i says i needed edamacated

catchme_ifucan's photo
Mon 04/30/07 03:01 AM
she wonders up & down

LAMom's photo
Mon 04/30/07 03:01 AM
Robin, it has been awhile,,, brought up your old post on quotes,,, cool
post,,, bb,,, reading posts flowerforyou

adj4u's photo
Mon 04/30/07 03:01 AM
i thought you knew denise


adj4u's photo
Mon 04/30/07 03:03 AM
how you do that

i didnt know ya could pull up individual posts

catchme_ifucan's photo
Mon 04/30/07 03:04 AM
so we'll give you a tour.

over here is the pond & waterfall gazzebo pew that CCP thru out the
window now we have beautiful hand carved double doors

devil the parking lot is the old first church of JSH that the good
shepard started explode explode

catchme_ifucan's photo
Mon 04/30/07 03:05 AM
you cant just going into forums

adj4u's photo
Mon 04/30/07 03:06 AM
nice waterfall

maybe i go get under it and be washed clean

drinker drinker drinker

catchme_ifucan's photo
Mon 04/30/07 03:06 AM
devil maybe its the flames

she didnt reconize your hair laugh

adj4u's photo
Mon 04/30/07 03:08 AM
oh ok

it would be nice if ya could pull up threads and posts with a search on
the profile page

catchme_ifucan's photo
Mon 04/30/07 03:08 AM
Gryphn is always gettin busted sleepin in the pond & the fish take his
poles :tongue:

catchme_ifucan's photo
Mon 04/30/07 03:09 AM
yea its a pain this way i forget alot of my posts

adj4u's photo
Mon 04/30/07 03:11 AM
i hope it is the fishing pole the fish are taking

laugh laugh laugh laugh


i have submitted a request for them to add the searc for thread and

catchme_ifucan's photo
Mon 04/30/07 03:12 AM
:wink: I wanted to introduce you to our haven, So when even you need to
excape its very peaceful here.

only once in awhile they plan raids on the villages devil

adj4u's photo
Mon 04/30/07 03:13 AM
i lose a lot of my posts

i hope i don't upset anyone that responded to
something i have posted and did not answer

i probaply lost the thread and forgot what it was titled

catchme_ifucan's photo
Mon 04/30/07 03:14 AM
he teases CCP so she takes
the fishies home in her helmet :wink: