Topic: New Church of Free Will
songbirrd's photo
Sun 04/08/07 01:20 AM
Thank you Lady, Happy Easter to you too(((((((Lady)))))))flowerforyou


DANE1973's photo
Sun 04/08/07 07:37 AM
Happy Easter every one, I'm sorry I missed everyone again.Well I have to
go do my Pagan stuff now, with it being a major Sabbat and all. Have fun
every one. Hope to see you tonight.laugh flowerforyou (((SB,
Catch,Mom, Poet,Z, Lady, Chickita, )))Karma Gryphn, and the rest of my
JSH family.

karmafury's photo
Sun 04/08/07 07:38 AM
Happy Easter to you also Dane.

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Sun 04/08/07 07:39 AM
Dane, you are doing your Ostara Sabbat today? We do ours on the Equinox.
Or perhaps you study a different Pantheon?

DANE1973's photo
Sun 04/08/07 08:27 PM
This is probably my only day off for a while.So I really have no choice.
My girlfriend is a straight line Christian, who doesn't like the fact
that I'm a pagan, she's out of town for the weekend.and Circumstances
were just right for me to do Ostara today dear Lady, but thank you for
your concern.I never knew you were Asatru.Hailsa,

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Sun 04/08/07 08:32 PM
Well I do understand now Dane! I thought perhaps I was doing things
incorrectly...if one can ever do such a thing in Neo-Paganism!

I hope your ritual went well!

DANE1973's photo
Sun 04/08/07 09:09 PM
Oh yes you can do things wrongly.And the dates are important, but I
don't think the gods will be too upset with me for doing it today, at
least I did something.But thank you for the understanding my dear Lady.

songbirrd's photo
Sun 04/08/07 10:45 PM
LOL yeah flowerforyou

songbirrd's photo
Sun 04/08/07 10:46 PM
Haha wrong page....Blame it on my hair color...wait you can'tgrumble

karmafury's photo
Mon 04/09/07 06:10 AM
Still forgiven Song. (((Song)))

songbirrd's photo
Mon 04/09/07 06:42 PM
(((Karma))) laugh I'm a dork...I can't help it....

LAMom's photo
Mon 04/09/07 06:51 PM
Big Dork ((((songb)))))))flowerforyou

songbirrd's photo
Mon 04/09/07 06:52 PM
(((((LAMom))))) I kno I kno.laugh

karmafury's photo
Mon 04/09/07 09:07 PM

At least I didn't miss by that much this time.

Hi LAMom. (((LAMom)))

LAMom's photo
Mon 04/09/07 09:08 PM
((((((Karma))))))) Hugs and a big Hello to you

karmafury's photo
Mon 04/09/07 09:09 PM
Howa are you LAMom?

karmafury's photo
Mon 04/09/07 09:10 PM
I need coffee. Howa??????? Can't type. laugh laugh laugh laugh

LAMom's photo
Mon 04/09/07 09:14 PM
I am good,,, I am emailing you some coffee,,, flowerforyou

Hope all is well with you,,,

karmafury's photo
Mon 04/09/07 09:17 PM
Yeah, all good.Up for the night though. Passed out on sofa for a few
hours. Won't sleep tonight.

LAMom's photo
Mon 04/09/07 09:18 PM
Well I know that feeling all to well,,, Got my first good night sleep
last night,,, I am going to email you the whole damn pot of coffee,,, it
will be thier soon happy