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Topic: Should I....
belledimanche's photo
Sat 04/12/08 12:41 PM
Ok to the local bar for drinks and hot tubing it is. Hell I may even go naked since it will just be me.*LOL*:wink:

no photo
Sat 04/12/08 12:42 PM
Lady you are and i don't question that! What i was thinking is that since if is meeting you for the first time you might have your friends around.

Peccy's photo
Sat 04/12/08 12:42 PM
has he ever heard of Greyhound?

sleeplessingermany's photo
Sat 04/12/08 12:44 PM

Something about his car...blah...blah..some BS

...i think in this case i would prefer the hot tub!

bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

belledimanche's photo
Sat 04/12/08 12:45 PM

has he ever heard of Greyhound?

Ha! I love the pic of your teeth!bigsmile

itsmetina's photo
Sat 04/12/08 12:46 PM
for real if i can do greyhoud for over 10 hrs any1 can

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 04/12/08 12:48 PM

Drive 3 hours to meet a guy or go have a few drinks at the local bar and come home and get in the hot tub?(The house is empty for the night)? I head the third time is a charm, but I'm not having the best of luck in my encounters with men lately.
:tongue: you can get in the tub with medevil

belledimanche's photo
Sat 04/12/08 12:48 PM

for real if i can do greyhoud for over 10 hrs any1 can

Over 10 hours? Was it worth it?

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 04/12/08 12:49 PM

Ok to the local bar for drinks and hot tubing it is. Hell I may even go naked since it will just be me.*LOL*:wink:
:tongue: take some pictures:wink:

damnitscloudy's photo
Sat 04/12/08 12:50 PM
I'll drive 3 hours to her house and play in the hot tub ^.^ devil

even tho mirror already said it, its just not as cool as when i say it :tongue:

no photo
Sat 04/12/08 01:01 PM
Train for two days the only good thing was i could drink.

michiganman3's photo
Sat 04/12/08 01:25 PM
Round trip road time is 6 hours.


belledimanche's photo
Sat 04/12/08 01:50 PM

Round trip road time is 6 hours.


Yea..I've decided you're all giving me the same general answer. My heart knows what to do, but I guess my raging hormones were trying to make me go wild.:wink:

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