Topic: the best... | |
been faithful THIRD !!! |
It was many people involved I was just the spokes person for many kind hearted people and believe me that woman wasnt the only one crying that night lol but thank you Lily I have stated in another thread. I don't believe in handouts. But this woman was also doing for herself. You and your friends did a spectacular thing. Many many blessings..... |
About 6 years ago my wife and I hosted a Christmas party for the people that worked for her. About 20 people attended. One of the conversations from a woman was that a woman had just moved in next door to her. She had just came from a woman's shelter with her 2 baby girls. They had no furniture no food not even a Christmas tree. When I returned to work the next Monday I could not get that woman off of my mind. I mentioned it to the guys I worked with. One guy reached in his pocket and pulled out a 20 and said "get this to her". It started snowballing from there. Soon I had 500 dollars collected. Then I get a call from CSX railroad (who I work closely with daily) and the caller tells me he heard what we were doing and was on his way to see me (I had already hit up the train conductor for cash so that's how he heard). The man shows up and hands me 200 more dollars. Then one of the guys that work with me calls me and tells me that our boss had authorized me and him to go to Wal-Mart with the company credit card and buy this woman what ever we needed to. We bought toys,cloths,a crib,2 beds diapers etc. Now mind you my wife had no clue I was doing any of this. I call her and ask her if I drop off some gifts if she minded wrapping what we had purchased for this woman. She agreed and thought that was really cool but when we pulled up with 2 pick up truck loads of stuff she was shocked. That night we drive to this woman's house. Very poor neighborhood but I guess from what this woman had been through it didn't matter. There were about 6 of us including the woman that originally had mentioned this at the Christmas dinner. We walk up and knock on the door and this young black woman with a tiny baby in her arms and another little 2 year old girl holding on to her leg answers it. She opens it and see's all of us standing there. I said "mamm, you don't know me but a lot of people know you". We began bringing in the gifts and all she could do was sit there and cry. When we finished assembling her Christmas tree I handed the little girl a black Barbie doll and she was all smiles and never put that doll lol down the whole time we were there. After we finished all this woman could say was Thank you Jesus and bless you angels. Then I handed her 700 dollars in cash and she was blown away. It was by far one of the greatest things I have ever done for someone to show them that not only I care but many cared. One more note, all of those guys involved in this, we all still work together for the same company. WOW...the gift you gave that woman that night will forever live inside of her heart.. the best part about it.. you didnt expect anything in return.... My hats off to you darlin!!! |
After my little sister had a car accident in 2003 and left her completely paralyzed from the neck down she came to live with me and my husband at time. I quit my job to care for her 24 hrs a day. Yes it was a lot of work and I didn't mind because I loved her. I used to take her to schools for her to give her testimony to kids about drugs and where it led her to a life in a wheelchair from a car accident. During this short time4yrs I was allowed to spend with her were some of the greatest moments in my memory as an adult.
After my little sister had a car accident in 2003 and left her completely paralyzed from the neck down she came to live with me and my husband at time. I quit my job to care for her 24 hrs a day. Yes it was a lot of work and I didn't mind because I loved her. I used to take her to schools for her to give her testimony to kids about drugs and where it led her to a life in a wheelchair from a car accident. During this short time4yrs I was allowed to spend with her were some of the greatest moments in my memory as an adult. That was really cool of you. Is she still alive? |
After my little sister had a car accident in 2003 and left her completely paralyzed from the neck down she came to live with me and my husband at time. I quit my job to care for her 24 hrs a day. Yes it was a lot of work and I didn't mind because I loved her. I used to take her to schools for her to give her testimony to kids about drugs and where it led her to a life in a wheelchair from a car accident. During this short time4yrs I was allowed to spend with her were some of the greatest moments in my memory as an adult. That was really cool of you. Is she still alive? Unfortunately no she went to be with the Lord on Feb. 9,2007 I miss her deeply!!!!! |
I'm very sorry but what you did was something you can always look back on with pride. Again I'm sorry I know the pain you will always have in your heart