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Topic: Diary from Colorado
feralcatlady's photo
Tue 04/29/08 01:46 PM
Edited by feralcatlady on Tue 04/29/08 01:47 PM
I love it JB......My new place to come and relax and just read some funny arce and interesting stuff......Not boring in the least.

no photo
Thu 05/01/08 04:41 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 05/01/08 04:42 PM
Dear Diary,

Since Karen and Van and her entire family took Van to Pueblo to have his heart checked out, our Wednesday night tarot card meeting was only the three of us and we met at D's house.

We basically chatted it up and then did a personal reading for D* and although we laid out ten cards, the reading came from V* and she did a psychic reading, not once looking at the cards on the table. She is simply awesome. She never ceases to amaze me with her vision. She's better than Silvia Brown or John Edwards.

It is now Thursday and good news is that Van did not have a heart attack after all. His heart turns out to be in very good condition.

That still leaves a puzzle as to his temporary memory loss problem. I had wondered why the strange card reading that day had the dark magician and the dark priestess rather than the three of swords, which is the card for heart attack.

So now we are left to try to interpret what the dark magician and dark priestess has to do with his memory loss incident. His chiropractor in Pueblo said that she believes it was stress induced and that his neck was really out of whack. He did say that day, that he had had a sharp pain in the back of his neck.

Anyway, all is back to normal and a cold wind from the North blows across the road. We expect some precipitation soon.


Thu 05/01/08 06:19 PM
Interestin, very interesting.

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 05/01/08 10:20 PM
flowerforyou This is why your my favorite cosmic guru JeannieBeanflowerforyou

no photo
Fri 05/02/08 07:57 AM

flowerforyou This is why your my favorite cosmic guru JeannieBeanflowerforyou

As far as guru is concerned, don't follow me, I have no idea where I am going.laugh

But when I discover the fountain of youth you will be the first to know, and then we can start a cult.

no photo
Fri 05/02/08 03:57 PM
Today's Prayer:

To the most high God, and those who watch after me in this life, protect me always from others who would attempt to bind my sovereignty and free will with their misguided prayers and incantations. Send to me only the purest of truth, freedom and wisdom.

Dear Diary,

There is a cold wind blowing today and it seems like a prelude to the calm before a storm of activity. Something coming perhaps?
My imagination? I will do a reading


The reading was 5 cards. Everything points to change and transformation. The last two cards, (Death and Justice) mean change is necessary and will be permanent. Choices must be made and balance must be found.

We shall see if it applies. I know that change is necessary, but I wonder if I have the energy to do it, and I don't really know exactly what kind of change it refers to, but I have a good idea.

I need to get out of my head and into the world.

But right now I just want to take a nap. ZZZZZZZZZyawn


no photo
Tue 05/06/08 05:38 PM
Dear Diary,

Although I joke about being a witch I don't really know the meaning of that label. It was given to me by others who seem to think that if you read tarot cards you are engaged in divination and witchcraft according to some people's religions.

But the other thing I am getting from Christians is that some of them believe that witches can't have a relationship with God.

That is ridiculous.

God is God. The prime source of all power and life in the universe. The only source of power and life in the universe lives within me. I am alive.

This power lives and moves in me. Don't think that because you are a Christian that you have ownership on God or the power of God.

I use the creative techniques which are essentially the same as prayer. It is based on the Law of Attraction which states that a thought in formless substance creates the thing thought about and the law of attraction draws it into your experience.

My Bible for this technique is "The Science of Getting Rich." By Wallace D. Wattles and "The Law of Attraction" by Esther and Jerry Hicks. Also other books by the Hicks.

This creative technique is like magic and can be used by virtually anyone who learns the formula.

It does not make me a witch.

Reading tarot cards does not make me a witch.

People have preconceived ideas that might go along with their faith, but I am here to tell you who read this that if you believe these things, you are being mislead.

That is the end of my rant for the day.


no photo
Fri 05/09/08 12:59 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 05/09/08 01:00 PM
Dear Diary,

Sunny and warm today after a little bit of thunderstorms this week.

Wednesday the tarot group met at the Church house with one missing member and a guest attending for a reading.

V* was there and after I had our guest pull five cards I asked him what he felt about the cards and he, being a tarot card owner himself said a few things.

V* did not want to commit to doing a psychic reading because she never knows what information if any will come to her in a reading. Soon she was up and the information began to come to her. She did an amazing in depth reading on such a personal nature there is no way it was coming from the cards.

She said that no matter what cards a person draws, she gets the proper reading and the cards do seem to validate or go with the reading she gets.

It rather makes me feel a little inept to see her in action. I think sometimes when I do readings that I am just guessing and really have no clue what they mean.

It would be nice to have the kind of sight that she has but she says that sometimes it can get to be a problem. She gets information about people she doesn't really want to know.

Anyway, the meeting was really awesome and relaxing.


Stringslinger's photo
Fri 05/09/08 03:38 PM
Hi JB,

Another Coloradan here. I've read the diary entries thus far, and I'm enjoying them.

Don't pay any attention to the people who want to label you or tell you what you can or can't do because of your chosen path. It's your path, not theirs, and only you can determine what works and what doesn't.

'Nuff said.


no photo
Fri 05/09/08 04:49 PM

Hi JB,

Another Coloradan here. I've read the diary entries thus far, and I'm enjoying them.

Don't pay any attention to the people who want to label you or tell you what you can or can't do because of your chosen path. It's your path, not theirs, and only you can determine what works and what doesn't.

'Nuff said.


I have had an awakening very recently on that subject matter and the change that has occurred in me is a new attitude that puts me in a calm and detached mental state.

I no longer sweat the small stuff. And its all small stuff.


no photo
Fri 05/09/08 04:56 PM
Dear Diary,

Friday already. This was a warm and sunny day. My sister planted her garden, she is in a good mood. I have spent the day at the computer doing absolutely nothing but playing around.drinker drinker

I am trying to figure out why I spend so much time oh this one site. I think it is because I don't really get to see or meet people in real life. laugh laugh

I looked at myself today, well not really, but I looked at my current activities today and I felt a sense that I was waiting.

What on earth am I waiting for?

It seems like I am not moving forward at all, but that I am waiting for something. I need to look into the future to see what is coming so that I can be prepared for it.

I feel that I am not prepared for it, whatever it is. I feel a sense of urgency.

So I will ask that question. What is coming? I will ask it and look for some signs and maybe do a card reading with that question.

If anything pops up, I will let you know.

Thanks for stopping by.


don2610's photo
Fri 06/06/08 02:36 PM
I used to live in Breckenridge and met a guy from Springfield, his name is Pat Lacy he work there for a about 13 years for the ski resort. He was fired and moved back to Springfeild I also left Breckenridge and moved back to Thornton Co. I like it down here better. I've liveed in thornton most of my life and now trying to sell my home here in thornton.

no photo
Tue 06/17/08 03:27 PM
Dear Diary,

Suddenly I heard a bunch of noise like someone was throwing rocks at the house.

I was hailing. Nothing huge, just large pea sized. Well, maybe bean sized hail. We need the moisture. I think the humidity we are experiencing might be a fallout from all the flooding and rain going on in the rest of the U.S.

I can't imagine this place ever flooding. Most of the time it is dry as a bone here in Colorado.

Enough about the weather.

I've been so busy lately. My aunt broke three toes and my mom and dad got a new puppy and I am running my butt off between the two places tending to them.

I have no life anymore. sad

I missed the art show in Walsh because I was just too busy. I have not painted anything for ages. The energy is the ten of wands. So much responsibility, no creativity.

I have a feeling things are going to get interesting soon. I can barely handle boring. I don't know if I can handle interesting. I'll keep you informed.

Perhaps I will do a reading for myself.bigsmile


no photo
Sun 06/29/08 12:20 PM
Dear Diary,

Is there anybody out there?

After coming to the realization that my duties of taking care of my Aunt with three broken toes, my father with Alzheimer's, and my mother, is turning into a full time job, I decided to get more organized.

I am organizing my kitchen to do all the cooking and I will just deliver their meals to them instead of trying to prepare meals at their houses.

It is a beautiful day here in Colorado, birds chirping, a nice breeze blowing.... by this afternoon it will be 90 degrees probably. I keep telling myself: "Heat is good, Heat is good, Heat is good" as suggested by my power yoga instructor. I can sweat off toxins and water weight and I cam be more flexible.

Drink lots of water, tea, juice.

Next Post: The wonders of a new Puppy.


no photo
Sun 06/29/08 12:31 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 06/29/08 12:32 PM
Dear Diary,


My mother had said over and over, "I will never have another house dog." also: "I'm too old for a puppy, it would outlive me."

Then the neighborhood children brought this little puppy over and my mom said: "I WANT ONE."

I said "No, you don't want a puppy, you don't need a puppy."

My father loves dogs, but when he heard of it he said, "You don't need a dog!"

So Mom was about to decide she would not get one. My sister Karen told her: "If you want a puppy you get one, to hell with Jeannie and to hell with what Dad says."

So she did and they brought her one. She named him "Boe."

My dad fell in love with it immediately. They fight over it, they fuss over it, the complain about it, they love it.

I get to feed it and clean up the poop and the messes he makes. He tears up his puppy training pad and scatters the pieces all over the house. He poops everywhere.

Oh well. ohwell

The bright side: My dad is more active. He used to just sleep all day long in his chair, eat, go to the bathroom and then go to bed. That was all he did.

Now, he watches the puppy and plays with the puppy. Yesterday when no body was looking he went down the porch stairs and unhooked the hoses we use to water the lawn and rolled them all up and put them in a neat pile, then he picked up all the puppy toys on the lawn and put them up. Nobody saw him do this.

He has a hard time walking, let alone going up and down stairs. The puppy has given him some life back.

Boe sleeps under their bed. My dad tried to put him on the bed at night, but Mom won't let him sleep on the bed.

It's worth the extra mess I guess. They are not so lonely now.


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