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Topic: If scars could talk what stories would they tell?
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Thu 04/10/08 02:13 AM
I have one on my upper lip from hockey. Some fool decided to throw the blade of his stick under my mask. All because his girlfriend was wearing my jersey laugh go figure.

Derekkye's photo
Thu 04/10/08 02:16 AM
not all can be seen with the eye

Derekkye's photo
Thu 04/10/08 02:16 AM
This is the only O-scar that matters.

EveningKiss's photo
Thu 04/10/08 02:17 AM
I have a bunch of scars on my left arm. One of my former friends didn't believe me when i told them i couldn't feel pain on that arm. They pinned my wrist to a table and hammered at it with a spike bracelet. Lots of bleeding but no pain but some killer scars now =) Also some blade marks from something or other. . . .

no photo
Thu 04/10/08 02:18 AM
I have one on my right pointer finger from when i accidently cut it off. They put it back on, but it left a nice scar. Stupid knives ...why do they have to be sharp :angry:

EveningKiss's photo
Thu 04/10/08 02:19 AM

I have one on my right pointer finger from when i accidently cut it off. They put it back on, but it left a nice scar. Stupid knives ...why do they have to be sharp :angry:

They are more fun that way!!!

VirginVirgo's photo
Thu 04/10/08 02:20 AM
my scar from my leeg is a mark receivd from my brother who burnta fork on the stove and marked me for life.. also my scare above my eyes on my right eye brow was from being hit by my father for the first time he had his ring on .. it taugh me not to disespect my mother tho

EveningKiss's photo
Thu 04/10/08 02:20 AM
One of my good friends use to have a love issue with pointy objects. not going into details but he has a lot of nice scars and keloids.

EtherealEmbers's photo
Thu 04/10/08 02:23 AM
I have a big, circular scar on my foot near my pinky toe. When I was a kid and my family went to get ice cream at the mall, I stepped out into one of those sectioned-off plant gardens with my bare feet and cut my foot open on a broken bottle that was in the ground. It tingles badly whenever someone touches it, and I try not to kick people in the head accidentally when they do laugh :tongue:

no photo
Thu 04/10/08 02:23 AM
I have a brand on my right shoulder from some camping buddies who thought it might be fun to brand each other while we slept.

Wonderbread's photo
Thu 04/10/08 02:27 AM
i have a small line in my forehead from stabbing myself in the forehead with a flat head screwdriver.

no photo
Thu 04/10/08 02:29 AM

i have a small line in my forehead from stabbing myself in the forehead with a flat head screwdriver.

Ladies and gentlemen i present Frankenstein.

I got shot in the neck with a paintball gun about a week ago from all of ten feet away. I'm pretty sure i'm going to have an abrasive scar for a few years.

EveningKiss's photo
Thu 04/10/08 02:29 AM

I have a brand on my right shoulder from some camping buddies who thought it might be fun to brand each other while we slept.

You show me your scars i'll show you mine.

no photo
Thu 04/10/08 02:30 AM
it looks like this


EveningKiss's photo
Thu 04/10/08 02:31 AM
ROFL Not quite what i was getting at but I'll take it laugh

no photo
Thu 04/10/08 02:31 AM
I had one on my butt for a while. It was from rollerblading backwards through a Mcdonalds' drive-thru. I guess i shouldn't have been mooning them.

Stupid speed bumps.

no photo
Thu 04/10/08 02:33 AM

ROFL Not quite what i was getting at but I'll take it laugh

I know. Just being a smartass.

FroznChild's photo
Thu 04/10/08 02:40 AM
I have a scar that runs from my left upper lip, below my eye, and back across my ear, where me and my girlfriend (long time ago this was) and her kid, were jumped by two mexican guys.
Lol... I had already finished disposing of them both, before I realised that the one punch they had thrown together, One cut me clear across my face with a buckknife, and the other stabbed me in the head with an 8 inch screwdriver...
Me, my girl, and her kid, were the only ones that walked away from the fight.
Praise god.

thumper95's photo
Thu 04/10/08 02:41 AM
i was shot in my left arm with a 22, and i was stabbed by a switchblade in my left knee, those were fun, i was soooooooooo not amused

no photo
Thu 04/10/08 02:42 AM
Okay you win. That's an impressive story. The only time i received a wound from a fight was when my friend and i (around the age of 8) had a "My little buddy" fight. He cracked me in the face with his and the little bastards nose cut my cheek open. Afterwards i ripped his my little buddies head off and buried it in the neighbors yard. devil

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