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Topic: A friend of mine.......
Goofball73's photo
Tue 04/08/08 02:06 PM
At work the other night a friend of mine told me that McDonald's is now supporting gay rights. This was a detrimental blow to him cause dude loves McDonald's, and now he won't go there anymore cause he does not believe or support anything related to the gay community.

Myself? Well, I don't care for homosexuality at all, but I do believe in free will, and a person has a right to choose who they want to be with. Still, if I want a Quarter Pounder or a Big Mac, then damn it I will get one. I just don't get boycott's at all. What's the point? Anyways, discuss.

Winx's photo
Tue 04/08/08 02:08 PM
I don't see anything wrong with supporting gay rights.

no photo
Tue 04/08/08 02:09 PM
Was this verifiable? Sometimes people make crap up. Or, if they do support gay rights, I doubt they'd be blatant. Do they also support heterosexual rights? Then what is the issue really? Like you say, it's a free country. Let the chips fall where they may. But, they also better support hetero rights, dag nab it!! laugh

Bornnaked's photo
Tue 04/08/08 02:10 PM
It doesn't bother me as long as they do not come on to me.

Goofball73's photo
Tue 04/08/08 02:10 PM

I don't see anything wrong with supporting gay rights.

Neither do I. Like I said, I think it is silly that he won't eat at McDonald's cause they are. But hey, I will give him this much, he is strong with his conviction. I need a Big Mac now.laugh laugh

ccindyct's photo
Tue 04/08/08 02:10 PM
Who cares....a Big Mac Attack is a Big Mac or straight!

Goofball73's photo
Tue 04/08/08 02:11 PM

Was this verifiable? Sometimes people make crap up. Or, if they do support gay rights, I doubt they'd be blatant. Do they also support heterosexual rights? Then what is the issue really? Like you say, it's a free country. Let the chips fall where they may. But, they also better support hetero rights, dag nab it!! laugh

Not sure, but I would not think he would lie about something like this, and also considering the guy watches all the news channels more than anyone else I know of.laugh laugh

tinabelle's photo
Tue 04/08/08 02:13 PM

aside from being a show of support (whatever the cause),
boycotts usually serve to get people/business where it hurts enough to take notice...the profit margin.

i have been boycotting target for 2 yrs, and albertson's for the
last year&1/2.
it's just me, as far as i know...but i feel right knowing that these businesses aren't getting anything from me.

i haven't been to mcdonald's in 8 years, so that will not change.

skipgirl's photo
Tue 04/08/08 02:13 PM
I actually heard the same thing. I am not going to boycott them but at the same time I am Christain and do not believe in that act. But I have friends that are gay and I love them for them not what they do. I have no place to judge them...

sweetandstrong's photo
Tue 04/08/08 02:14 PM

aside from being a show of support (whatever the cause),
boycotts usually serve to get people/business where it hurts enough to take notice...the profit margin.

i have been boycotting target for 2 yrs, and albertson's for the
last year&1/2.
it's just me, as far as i know...but i feel right knowing that these businesses aren't getting anything from me.

i haven't been to mcdonald's in 8 years, so that will not change.

What's up with Target? So I'm in the dark.

Brenda_Darling's photo
Tue 04/08/08 02:15 PM
i work at mcdonalds and i havent heard anything about that.... maybe its just a few where ever u are.

Bornnaked's photo
Tue 04/08/08 02:15 PM
I am just happy if the place is clean.

beckamay's photo
Tue 04/08/08 02:16 PM
I love gay guys...used to roommate with one! They're awesome! And they have great taste!

tinabelle's photo
Tue 04/08/08 02:17 PM

What's up with Target? So I'm in the dark.

the targets out here(oregon) decided they wouldn't let the salvation army bell-ring and collect outside of their stores
because they were a Christian organization.

Bornnaked's photo
Tue 04/08/08 02:19 PM

What's up with Target? So I'm in the dark.

the targets out here(oregon) decided they wouldn't let the salvation army bell-ring and collect outside of their stores
because they were a Christian organization.

Same here in NC

no photo
Tue 04/08/08 02:19 PM

I actually heard the same thing. I am not going to boycott them but at the same time I am Christain and do not believe in that act. But I have friends that are gay and I love them for them not what they do. I have no place to judge them...

My sediments exactly.:smile: flowerforyou

Bornnaked's photo
Tue 04/08/08 02:21 PM
I thought gay meant you were happy.

ccindyct's photo
Tue 04/08/08 02:22 PM
Do you think the large corporations really notice if one or two people haven't entered the store or restaurant .....

Brenda_Darling's photo
Tue 04/08/08 02:23 PM

Do you think the large corporations really notice if one or two people haven't entered the store or restaurant .....

nope, they really dont.they make madd amounts of money anyways.. on a slow day a mcdonalds can gross over 3,000 dollars between rushes.

no photo
Tue 04/08/08 02:23 PM

At work the other night a friend of mine told me that McDonald's is now supporting gay rights. This was a detrimental blow to him cause dude loves McDonald's, and now he won't go there anymore cause he does not believe or support anything related to the gay community.

Myself? Well, I don't care for homosexuality at all, but I do believe in free will, and a person has a right to choose who they want to be with. Still, if I want a Quarter Pounder or a Big Mac, then damn it I will get one. I just don't get boycott's at all. What's the point? Anyways, discuss.
Your friend needs to get a life!!!noway laugh

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