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Topic: Ok...I'm getting tired of rudeness......being ok.......
cutelildevilsmom's photo
Fri 04/04/08 12:46 PM
sometimes i have to log out because my son is doing a "science experiment" or i smell smoke..laugh

Arabella5's photo
Fri 04/04/08 12:51 PM
I'm a Scorpio and my feelings get hurt easily too...but then I remember not to forgive easily flowerforyou

Winx's photo
Fri 04/04/08 12:53 PM

.......I've seen this behavior on POF also...have you ever been conversing on IM, w/someone and they just disappear...leaving you to believe you said something that caused them to disrespect you like that...why do people think this is ok....I've seen the same folks in threads refer to themselves as nice or good people...whats nice or good about a person whom hasn't got the manners to say...oooppps gotta jet, or goodbye...WTF

:heart: ~wicked~:heart:

It also drives me crazy when u talk to someone on the phone and ur saying goodbye to urself cause they just hung up...conversation done...but i always say bye and want to wish them a great day..and click...laugh laugh laugh

my brothers ex always does that..want to jump thru the phone and joke the goodbye out of her....bigsmile
I never tell people I love good-bye. I can't bring myself to do it

I always say, "See ya later" or "Talk to you later".

Silntstrnger's photo
Fri 04/04/08 02:25 PM

i just hate it when im talking to someone and we're having a nice conversation and then they just say something horribly dirty! that always happens to me grumble waste of time!
amen sista

no photo
Fri 04/04/08 02:36 PM
What ticked me off was I was JUST SAYING HI & IM'ing to chat someone up. They were very dry, wouldn't share... I was shut OFF from him... THEN TWO DAYS LATER HE EMAILS ME, Like, "Hey Baby..." CRAP!!! Needless to say, I didn't respond. Whatever! Stuck up snot! noway

coco56's photo
Fri 04/04/08 03:32 PM

What ticked me off was I was JUST SAYING HI & IM'ing to chat someone up. They were very dry, wouldn't share... I was shut OFF from him... THEN TWO DAYS LATER HE EMAILS ME, Like, "Hey Baby..." CRAP!!! Needless to say, I didn't respond. Whatever! Stuck up snot! noway

laugh laugh laugh

michiganman3's photo
Sun 04/06/08 03:49 PM
Several years ago when I knew my Mom was quite ill, I developed the habit of saying Good Night, or See you on Saturday, but not good bye. Now my Dad is in not good shape........
Good Night everyone.

UnclePorky's photo
Sat 04/19/08 09:45 AM
it happened to me here. Does anyone know what happened to virginvirgo?

Single_Rob's photo
Sat 04/19/08 09:46 AM
where did you go wicked?

wickedlluccy's photo
Sat 04/19/08 10:02 AM

where did you go wicked?

......whatcha talkin bout rob hun I'm still here....I was maybe too here last night....lollaugh ...lollaugh ...


Single_Rob's photo
Sat 04/19/08 10:05 AM

where did you go wicked?

......whatcha talkin bout rob hun I'm still here....I was maybe too here last night....lollaugh ...lollaugh ...

laugh laugh laugh

LadyOfMagic's photo
Sat 04/19/08 11:58 AM
People always do that to me..that's why I don't use the IM's on these sites anymore..they "disappear" usually after I say I don't work or that I don't cyber or phone sex peoplelaugh

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