Topic: once upon a time..
izzie's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:51 AM
frown frown frown frown frown frown

Hotchikita's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:52 AM
hi izzi :)

izzie's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:52 AM
wow.. its been forever!!!

how are you?

Hotchikita's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:53 AM
i am fine i just missed you guys and need to come backflowerforyou

Hotchikita's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:53 AM
how are the little ones?

izzie's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:57 AM
growing like crazy!!!
the baby just turned 1 last week..

shoesmonkey's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:57 AM
On another planet.......I had a nice, normal life.

Hotchikita's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:59 AM

my daughter is starting school in september.

now it is 4 gone to school 1 more to

izzie's photo
Mon 03/31/08 08:03 AM
normal is overrated!!!

izzie's photo
Mon 03/31/08 08:03 AM
ya.. i have 2 in preschool, one in school, and one left to go..

Hotchikita's photo
Mon 03/31/08 08:05 AM
my 3 year old is almost done potty traning too.

yep they are growing to fast.

krazykitty323's photo
Mon 03/31/08 08:06 AM
what does all tis have to do with"once upon a time"

izzie's photo
Mon 03/31/08 08:07 AM
that they are.. how bout you? how have you been?

krazykitty323's photo
Mon 03/31/08 08:08 AM
good so far it's still early ask me around 3pm

izzie's photo
Mon 03/31/08 08:09 AM

what does all tis have to do with"once upon a time"
well... this wasnt a planed thread, and once upon a time we talked every day but haven talked in a long time.

izzie's photo
Mon 03/31/08 08:10 AM
no doubt.. its a good thing that i dont work today. house looks like ive been on an 8 day stretch.. (cuz i have)

Hotchikita's photo
Mon 03/31/08 08:12 AM
well i am fine. i am trying to fined a way to go back to school.

i cant take wealfare any more.

uk1971's photo
Mon 03/31/08 08:12 AM
Edited by uk1971 on Mon 03/31/08 08:13 AM
Doo be doo de de doo dah. OH! Hi (((flowerforyouIZZIEflowerforyou)))

Hey (((flowerforyouHotchikitaflowerforyou))) Long time no see. bigsmile

Hotchikita's photo
Mon 03/31/08 08:13 AM

i missed you all

izzie's photo
Mon 03/31/08 08:13 AM

Doo be doo de de doo dah. OH! Hi (((flowerforyouIZZIEflowerforyou)))

Hey (((flowerforyouHotchikitaflowerforyou))) Long time no see. bigsmile