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Topic: If You Were Stranded
iamlookingforyou2's photo
Mon 03/31/08 06:04 AM
on a desert island and could only take one person and 3 things with you, who and what would they be and why?

Starhawk's photo
Mon 03/31/08 06:06 AM
You and me and A bottle ...that makes three...bigsmile

Lily0923's photo
Mon 03/31/08 06:07 AM
I'd say my daughter, but that wouldn't be fair to her now would it? so I'll say a big guy....... to lift the heavy stuff.

Diet Pepsi, lighters, an axe.

Puffins1958's photo
Mon 03/31/08 06:11 AM
1..He knows, I want him by my side...always


3..My dogs

I could name so many more things...

beautyfrompain's photo
Mon 03/31/08 06:16 AM
The one person I would take would already be there JESUS! Why Him, because He can supply all my needs.

The things I would bring are my Bible, a journal, and a picture of my family. I would take these things because they are dear to my heart.

Have a blessed day!~

Lily0923's photo
Mon 03/31/08 06:18 AM

The one person I would take would already be there JESUS! Why Him, because He can supply all my needs.

The things I would bring are my Bible, a journal, and a picture of my family. I would take these things because they are dear to my heart.

Have a blessed day!~

Good luck with that...

Starhawk's photo
Mon 03/31/08 06:18 AM
1.A Big Hut with all the Codiments...
2.A Big Boat with all the Codiments..
3.A Big Boat load of women with Alot of Codo....:tongue: huh bigsmile

no photo
Mon 03/31/08 06:23 AM
My poetic Goddess(if I ever find her that is):cry:
1)fishing line w/hook
2?A butane lighter
3)Hunting knife

Hotchikita's photo
Mon 03/31/08 06:25 AM
1) my kids
2)my hubby
3)pocket knife

why well i cant live with out my hubby and kids and my pocket knife well there is everything in there i just might need.

no photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:34 AM

1)Plenty of food
2)Plenty of wine
3)Working marine radio - so I can call more of #1 and #2, but have plenty of time for Fade. <grin>